// Calculates a new point that at a specified distance
// and angle relative to a starting 'origin' point.
// The new location is returned as an object with two
// attributes: 'x' and 'y' which can be accessed by name
// using dot-notation on the return value (see below)
// cx: the x coordinate of the origin point
// cy: the y coordinate of the origin point
// angle: direction of the step we'll be taking away
// from the origin point. 0° means 'to the right'
// and the angles run clockwise from there
// dist: number of pixels our calculated point will be
// away from the origin (in the direction specified
// by the `angle` argument)
function pointAt(cx, cy, angle, dist){
var theta = angle/360 * TWO_PI
return {x:cx+cos(theta) * dist,
y:cy+sin(theta) * dist}
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 200);
var redAngle = 0
var orangeAngle = 135
var yellowAngle = -90
// draw a white circle in the center; this marks
// the spot (200, 100) we'll be calculating
// other points on the basis of
circle(200, 100, 5)
// find a new point thats at 0° (i.e., to the right)
// of the original (starting from x=200 y=100)
// and is 120 pixels away it
var redPt = pointAt(200, 100, redAngle, 120)
// find a point that's clockwise by 135° (i.e., down and left)
// from the original (again, starting at x=200 y=100)
// but is closer this time (only 60 pixels away)
var orangePt = pointAt(200, 100, orangeAngle, 60)
// by passing a negative number for the angle we can
// find a point that's 90° counter-clockwise
var yellowPt = pointAt(200, 100, yellowAngle, 60)
// draw a red circle at the first calculated point
circle(redPt.x, redPt.y, 10)
// draw an orange circle at the second point
circle(orangePt.x, orangePt.y, 10)
// draw a yellow circle at the counterclockwise point
circle(yellowPt.x, yellowPt.y, 10)
// draw a line from the origin to each dot
stroke(255, 50)
line(200,100, redPt.x, redPt.y)
line(200,100, orangePt.x, orangePt.y)
line(200,100, yellowPt.x, yellowPt.y)