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Create, share, and remix p5.js sketches with the p5.js Editor.
p5.js is a free, open-source JavaScript library for learning to code and make art. Using the p5.js Editor, you can create, share, and remix p5.js sketches without needing to download or configure anything.
We believe software the tools to learn it, should be as open and inclusive as possible. You can support this work by making a donation to the Processing Foundation, the organization that supports p5.js. Your donation supports sofware development for p5.js, education resources like code examples and tutorials, fellowships, and community events.
Learn more about p5.js and our community.
Explore the possibilities of p5.js with short examples.
Read our Community State and Code of Conduct.
Support this work with a donation to the Processing Foundation.
Contribute to the open-source p5.js Editor on Github.
Report broken or incorrect behavior with the p5.js Editor.
Expand the possibilities of p5.js with community-created libraries.
Expand the possibilties of p5.js with community-created libraries.