//WebRTC Example with Sound Interaction
// WebRTC Simple Peer Example — Posenet Skeleton
// Created for The Body Everywhere and Here
// This example allows for two users to interact on the same p5 canvas
// using posenet via ml5. By default it runs over localhost.
// Use with ngrok pointing to localhost:80 to run over the public internet.
// See for additional instructions
// p5 code goes here
// include this to use p5 autofill in vscode
// see
/// <reference path="../shared/p5.d/p5.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../shared/p5.d/" />
// Peer variables
let startPeer;
// Posenet variables
let video;
let poseNet;
// Variables to hold poses
let myPose = {};
let partnerPose = {};
// Variables to hold noses
let myNose;
let partnerNose;
// Variables to hold parts
let myPart;
let partnerPart;
// Confidence threshold for posenet keypoints
const scoreThreshold = 0.5;
// Use for developing without partner
// This will mirror one user's pose
// and will ingnore the pose over peer connection
const mirror = false;
// Globals for growing animation
const origSize = 10;
let size = origSize;
// Color palette
const colors = {
x: 'rgba(200, 63, 84, 0.5)',
y: 'rgba(49, 128, 144, 0.5)',
z: 'rgba(82, 100, 118, 0.5)',
//Iteration 1: play sound based on
// let oscLeft;
// let playingLeft = false;
// let leftPos;
// let oscRight;
// let playingRight = false;
// let rightPos;
//Iteration 2: play sound based on documentation ref:
let osc, playing, freq, amp;
// Setup() is a p5 function
// See this example if this is new to you
function setup() {
// Create p5 canvas
createCanvas(640, 480);
// Create webcam capture for posenet
video = createCapture(VIDEO);
video.size(width, height);
// Options for posenet
// See
// Use these options for slower computers, esp architecture
const options = {
architecture: 'MobileNetV1',
imageScaleFactor: 0.3,
outputStride: 16,
flipHorizontal: true,
minConfidence: 0.5,
scoreThreshold: 0.5,
nmsRadius: 20,
detectionType: 'single',
inputResolution: 513,
multiplier: 0.75,
quantBytes: 2,
// Computers with more robust gpu can handle architecture 'ResNet50'
// It is more accurate at the cost of speed
// const options = {
// architecture: 'ResNet50',
// outputStride: 32,
// detectionType: 'single',
// flipHorizontal: true,
// quantBytes: 2,
// };
// Create poseNet to run on webcam and call 'modelReady' when ready
poseNet = ml5.poseNet(video, options, modelReady);
// Everytime we get a pose from posenet, call "getPose"
// and pass in the results
poseNet.on('pose', (results) => getPose(results));
// Hide the webcam element, and just show the canvas
//Iteration 1: play sound based on
// oscLeft = new p5.Oscillator();
// oscRight = new p5.Oscillator();
//Iteration 2: play sound based on documentation ref:
osc = new p5.Oscillator('sine');
// Start socket client automatically on load
// By default it connects to http://localhost:80
// WebRTCPeerClient.initSocketClient();
// To connect to server remotely pass the ngrok address
// See
// WebRTCPeerClient.initSocketClient('');
// Start the peer client
// Draw() is a p5 function
// See this example if this is new to you
function draw() {
// Only proceed if the peer is started
// And if there is a pose from posenet
if (
!WebRTCPeerClient.isPeerStarted() ||
typeof myPose.pose === 'undefined'
) {
// If not mirroring
// Get the partner pose from the peer connection
if (!mirror) {
// Get the incoming data from the peer connection
const newData = WebRTCPeerClient.getData();
// Check if there's anything in the data
if (newData === null) {
// If there is data
} else {
// Get the pose data from
// is the data sent by user
// newData.userId is the peer ID of the user
partnerPose =;
// If mirror is true, mirror my pose.
// Use this for testing/developing
} else {
// If we don't yet have a partner pose
if (partnerPose === null) {
// Return and try again for partner pose
console.log('waiting for partner');
// Get my nose from my pose
myNose = getNose(myPose, false);
// Get my partner's nose from their pose
partnerNose = getNose(partnerPose, true);
//Iteration 3: Get other body points
myPart = getPart(myPose, 'nose');
partnerPart = getPart(partnerPose, 'rightWrist');
// Draw white background
// Draw my keypoints and skeleton
drawKeypoints(myPose, colors.x, 0); // draw keypoints
drawSkeleton(myPose, colors.x, 0); // draw skeleton
// Draw partner keypoints and skeleton
drawKeypoints(partnerPose, colors.y, 0);
drawSkeleton(partnerPose, colors.y, 0);
//Iteration 2: play sound based on documentation ref:
// background(220)
freq = constrain(map(myNose.x, 0, width, 100, 500), 100, 500);
amp = constrain(map(myNose.y, height, 0, 0, 1), 0, 1);
text('tap noses to play', 20, 20);
text('freq: ' + freq, 20, 40);
text('amp: ' + amp, 20, 60);
if (playing) {
// smooth the transitions by 0.1 seconds
osc.freq(freq, 0.1);
osc.amp(amp, 0.1);
// If our noses are touching
if (touching(myPart, partnerPart)) {
// Increase the keypoint size
// masterVolume(1);
size *= 1.01;
//Iteration 1: play sound based on
// oscRight.freq(myNose.y+300);
// oscLeft.freq(partnerNose.y+300);
// oscLeft.start();
// oscRight.start();
// oscRight.amp(1, 0.5);
// oscLeft.amp(1, 0.5);
//Iteration 2: play sound based on documentation ref:
} else {
// Otherwise, draw keypoints at original size
//Iteration 1: play sound based on
// oscRight.amp(0, 0.5);
// oscLeft.amp(0, 0.5);
//Iteration 2: play sound based on documentation ref:
size = origSize;
// Use for debugging
// drawFramerate();
// drawMyVideo();
function playOscillator() {
// starting an oscillator on a user gesture will enable audio
// in browsers that have a strict autoplay policy.
// See also: userStartAudio();
playing = true;
function stopOscillator() {
// ramp amplitude to 0 over 0.5 seconds
osc.amp(0, 0.5);
playing = false;
// When posenet model is ready, let us know!
function modelReady() {
console.log('Model Loaded');
// Function to get and send pose from posenet
function getPose(poses) {
// We're using single detection so we'll only have one pose
// which will be at [0] in the array
myPose = poses[0];
// Send my pose over peer if the peer is started
if (WebRTCPeerClient.isPeerStarted()) {
// A function to draw ellipses over the detected keypoints
// Include an offset if testing by yourself
// And you want to offset one of the skeletons
function drawKeypoints(pose, clr, offset) {
// Loop through all keypoints
for (let j = 0; j < pose.pose.keypoints.length; j++) {
// A keypoint is an object describing a body part (like rightArm or leftShoulder)
const keypoint = pose.pose.keypoints[j];
// Only draw an ellipse is the pose probability is bigger than 0.2
if (keypoint.score > scoreThreshold) {
keypoint.position.x + offset, // Offset useful if testing on your own
// A function to draw the skeletons
function drawSkeleton(pose, clr, offset) {
// Loop through all the skeletons detected
const skeleton = pose.skeleton;
// For every skeleton, loop through all body connections
for (let j = 0; j < skeleton.length; j++) {
// Get the ends "joints" for each bone
const partA = skeleton[j][0];
const partB = skeleton[j][1];
// If the score is high enough
if (
partA.score > scoreThreshold &&
partB.score > scoreThreshold
) {
// Draw a line to represent the bone
partA.position.x + offset,
partB.position.x + offset,
// Function to get nose out of the pose
function getNose(pose, mirror) {
// If mirror is true, mirror the nose by subtracting it from the width
if (mirror) pose.pose.nose.x = width - pose.pose.nose.x;
// Return the nose
return pose.pose.nose;
function getPart(pose, partName) {
// If mirror is true, mirror the nose by subtracting it from the width
// if (mirror) pose.pose.nose.x = width - pose.pose.nose.x;
return pose.pose[partName];
// Return the nose
//return pose.pose.nose;
//return pose.pose['nose'];
// Function to see if two points are "touching"
function touching(nose1, nose2) {
// Get the distance between the two noses
const d = dist(nose1.x, nose1.y, nose2.x, nose2.y);
// If the distance is less than 50 pixels we are touching!
if (d < 50) {
return true;
// Otherwise we are not touching!
return false;
function mirrorPoseAndSkeleton() {
// Use lodash to deep clone my pose and nose
// See
partnerPose.pose = _.cloneDeep(myPose.pose);
partnerPose.skeleton = _.cloneDeep(myPose.skeleton);
// Mirror all of the bones and joints in the pose
// A function to mirror the pose for testing with one person
function mirrorPose(pose) {
// Loop through all keypoints
for (let j = 0; j < pose.keypoints.length; j++) {
// A keypoint is an object describing a body part (like rightArm or leftShoulder)
const keypoint = pose.keypoints[j];
// Reverse keypoint by subtracting the x from the width
keypoint.position.x = width - keypoint.position.x;
// A function to mirror the pose for testing with one person
function mirrorSkeleton(skeleton) {
// We need to keep track of which parts are mirrored because
// posenet duplicates parts within the pose object
let mirroredParts = [];
// Check that there are parts to connect
if (skeleton.length < 1) return;
// Loop through all body connections
for (let i = 0; i < skeleton.length; i++) {
// Get the joints
const jointA = skeleton[i][0];
const jointB = skeleton[i][1];
// Check if the part is mirrored already
const jointAMirrored = mirroredParts.includes(jointA.part);
// If the part is not mirrored, mirror jointA
if (!jointAMirrored) {
jointA.position.x = width - jointA.position.x;
// Check if the part is mirrored already
const jointBMirrored = mirroredParts.includes(jointB.part);
// If the part is not mirrored, mirror jointB
if (!jointBMirrored) {
jointB.position.x = width - jointB.position.x;
// Add mirrored joints to array
function drawFramerate() {
text(getFrameRate(), 10, 10);
function drawMyVideo() {
// Draw my video for debug
translate(0.25 * width, 0);
scale(-0.25, 0.25);
image(video, 0, 0, width, height);
// Press any key to stop the sketch
function keyPressed() {