//Add library reference to index with this line:
//<script src=""></script>
//Declare the serial object
const serial = new p5.WebSerial();
var xAccel, yAccel, zAccel,
xGyro, yGyro, zGyro;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
//lab version:
if (!navigator.serial) {
//navigator is P5 Navigator?
alert("WebSerial is not supported in this browser. Try Chrome or MS Edge.");
//library version:
// if (!p5.WebSerial.checkSupport()) {
// alert("WebSerial is not supported.");
// }
navigator.serial.addEventListener("connect", portConnect);
navigator.serial.addEventListener("disconnect", portDisconnect);
serial.on("noport", function() { print("No ports yet");});
serial.on("portavailable", function () {
print("Port available");;
serial.on("open", function () {
print("Port open");
serial.write('x'); //initiate data if handshaking
serial.on("requesterror", function () { print("Request error"); });
serial.on("readerror", function () { print("Read error"); });
serial.on("data", serialEvent); //<== This is the main event, see below
serial.on("close", function () { serial.close(); });
function draw() {
//dark background, white text:
// display the incoming serial data text on screen:
var xPos = 10, yPos = 10, yStep = 11; //these are just handy temporary variables for positioning the text on scree. This way if I want to move where the text is, or the spacing, I can adjust these instead of all 6 lines below
text("xAccel: " + xAccel, xPos, yPos+=yStep);
text("yAccel: " + yAccel, xPos, yPos+=yStep);
text("zAccel: " + zAccel, xPos, yPos+=yStep);
text("xGyro: " + xGyro, xPos, yPos+=yStep);
text("yGyro: " + yGyro, xPos, yPos+=yStep);
text("zGyro: " + zGyro, xPos, yPos+=yStep);
//XYZ traditionally mapped to RGB. We'll reuse xPos and yPos to position the axis symbol
xPos = width/2 - 50, yPos = height/2;
strokeWeight(10); //with a side stroke weight we can draw lines instead of think about rects.
var scale = 40; //The accelerometer reports values as multiples of earth's gravity (1g). So the range is ~-10-10 and it would be nive to scale it up enough to see clearly on the screen
//Draw Accelerometer so each axis grows acoording to the reported value.
stroke(255, 0, 0);
line(xPos, yPos, xPos+scale*yAccel, yPos); //I'm drawing the accelerometer's Y value on the X axis and vise versa because I think of the USB port as the "top" of the board
line(xPos, yPos, xPos, yPos+scale*xAccel);
line(xPos, yPos, xPos+scale*zAccel/2, yPos+scale*zAccel/2); //draw z on a diagonal
//Draw Gyro to the right of the accelerometer
xPos = width/2 + 50
scale = .5; //These values are much larger (degrees/second maybe?) so we'll shrink to fit
stroke(255, 0, 0);
line(xPos, yPos, xPos+scale*yGyro, yPos);
line(xPos, yPos, xPos, yPos+scale*xGyro);
line(xPos, yPos, xPos+scale*zGyro/2, yPos+scale*zGyro/2);
function keyPressed() {
//hot ket forces open a serial dialog
if (key == "s") {
//console.log("Sending " + key);
// function mouseDragged() {
// var outByte = byte(map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 255));
// serial.write(outByte);
// }
// try to connect if a new serial port
// gets added (i.e. plugged in via USB):
function portConnect() {
console.log("port connected");
// if a port is disconnected:
function portDisconnect() {
console.log("port disconnected");
function serialEvent() {
//console.log("Got data!");
// lastDataTime = millis();
let inString = serial.readStringUntil("\r\n");
if (inString != null) {
let temp = split((inString), ",");
if (temp.length==6) { //looks like a good packet, so let's assign the contents to our global variables
xAccel = Number(temp[0]);
yAccel = Number(temp[1]);
zAccel = Number(temp[2]);
xGyro = Number(temp[3]);
yGyro = Number(temp[4]);
zGyro = Number(temp[5]);
} serial.write('x');