let stars = []; // Array to store the stars plotted on the canvas
let skyImg; // Variable to hold the sky image
let song; // Variable to hold the piano sound
let startButton; // Button to start the stargazing interaction
let canvasStarted = false; // Flag to check if the canvas interaction has started
function reload() {
// Preload the piano sound
song = loadSound('piano.mp3');
// Preload the sky image
skyImg = loadImage('sky.jpg'); // Make sure to have a file named 'sky.jpg' in the project folder
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
// Create and style the start button
startButton = createButton('Click start to begin stargazing');
startButton.position(200, 200); // Position the button in the center of the canvas
startButton.size(250, 80); // Set the button size'background-color', '#5C97B3'); // Set button background color'color', '#ffffff'); // Set button text color to white'border', 'none'); // Remove the border'border-radius', '10px'); // Round the corners of the button'font-size', '18px'); // Set font size'cursor', 'pointer'); // Change cursor to pointer on hover'box-shadow', '0 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'); // Add a subtle shadow for depth'transition', 'background-color 0.3s, transform 0.1s'); // Add smooth transitions for background and transform
// Assign the startCanvas function to the button's mousePressed event
// Set the initial volume of the song to 0
// Loop the song in the background but paused initially
// Function to start the canvas interaction
function startCanvas() {
userStartAudio(); // Ensures the audio can play in the user's browser
startButton.remove(); // Remove the start button once the canvas interaction starts
canvasStarted = true; // Set the flag to true to start the drawing interaction; // Start playing the song
function draw() {
if (!canvasStarted) return; // If the canvas hasn't started, exit the draw loop
// Draw the sky image as the background
image(skyImg, 0, 0, width, height); // Display the sky image covering the entire canvas
// Loop through the stars array to draw and update each star
for (let i = stars.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let star = stars[i];
fill(star.color); // Set the fill color to the star's color
ellipse(star.x, star.y, 2, 2); // Draw the star as a small circle
star.brightness -= 2; // Gradually decrease the brightness of the star
if (star.brightness <= 0) {
stars.splice(i, 1); // Remove the star from the array once its brightness reaches 0
// Adjust the volume of the song based on the number of stars on the canvas
let targetVol = constrain(map(stars.length, 0, 100, 0, 1), 0, 1); // Map the number of stars to a volume level
song.setVolume(targetVol, 0.1); // Gradually change the volume over 0.1 seconds
if (stars.length === 0 && song.isPlaying()) {
song.pause(); // Pause the song if no stars are left on the canvas
} else if (stars.length > 0 && !song.isPlaying()) {; // Play the song if there are stars on the canvas
// Function to handle mouse movement and plot new stars
function mouseMoved() {
if (!canvasStarted) return; // If the canvas hasn't started, exit the function
// Create a new star object with randomized position, brightness, and color
let newStar = {
x: mouseX + random(-5, 5), // Slightly randomize the x position of the star
y: mouseY + random(-5, 5), // Slightly randomize the y position of the star
brightness: 255, // Set the initial brightness to maximum
color: color(random(255), random(255), random(255), 255) // Set the star color to a random color
stars.push(newStar); // Add the new star to the stars array