let video;
let gridSize = 8; // Controls the spacing of the dots
let brightnessOffset = 0; // Adjust brightness (-255 to 255)
let contrastFactor = 1; // Adjust contrast (0 to any positive number, 1 means no change)
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
video = createCapture(VIDEO);
video.size(width / gridSize, height / gridSize); // Resize video to match grid size
// Slider for brightness adjustment
brightnessSlider = createSlider(-255, 255, 0); // Range: -255 (darken) to +255 (brighten)
// Slider for contrast adjustment
contrastSlider = createSlider(0, 3, 1, 0.1); // Range: 0 (flat contrast) to 3 (high contrast)
function draw() {
// Update brightness and contrast values from sliders
brightnessOffset = brightnessSlider.value();
contrastFactor = contrastSlider.value();
for (let y = 0; y < video.height; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < video.width; x++) {
let index = (x + y * video.width) * 4;
// Get pixel color values
let r = video.pixels[index];
let g = video.pixels[index + 1];
let b = video.pixels[index + 2];
// Convert pixel to grayscale
let grayscale = 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b;
// Apply brightness adjustment
grayscale = grayscale + brightnessOffset;
grayscale = constrain(grayscale, 0, 255); // Ensure the value stays within 0-255
// Apply contrast adjustment
grayscale = map(grayscale, 0, 255, 128 - 128 * contrastFactor, 128 + 128 * contrastFactor);
// Map grayscale to dot size (smaller for lighter, larger for darker)
// play with this constraint to further adjust point sizing
// grayscale = constrain(grayscale, 0, 255); // Ensure the value stays within 0-255
// Binary threshold for 2-color halftone (if grayscale < 128, it becomes black; otherwise white)
let isDark = grayscale < 128;
let fillA = color(0,0,0) //black
let fillB = color(255,255,255) //white
// let fillA = color(255,0,0) //red
// let fillB = color(0,255,0) //green
let fillColor = isDark ? fillA : fillB;
// Black for dark, white for light
let dotSize = map(grayscale, 0, 255, gridSize, 0.125); // Larger dots for darker areas
// Set fill to either black or white
// Draw a circle at the position of the pixel
ellipse(x * gridSize, y * gridSize, dotSize, dotSize);
function keyPressed() {
if (key === 's') {
saveGif('halftone', 3);