// Declare a "SerialPort" object
var serial;
var latestData = "waiting for data"; // you'll use this to write incoming data to the canvas
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
serial = new p5.SerialPort();"/dev/cu.usbmodem621");
serial.on('data', gotData);
function draw() {
let latestCol = map(latestData,50,400,100,255);
background(latestCol, latestCol, 127);
let mappedData = map(latestData, 50,400,100,300);
var v = mappedData;
var origV = v;
// Left Eye
ellipse(width*.4, height*.4, v*.25 + 10, v*.25 + 10);
// Right Eye
ellipse(width*.6, height*.4, (2500/v) + 10, (2500/v) + 10);
// Nose
v+=random(-5, 5);
bezier(width*.5, height*.5, v*.6, height*.6, v*.6, height*.8, width*.45, height*.67);
// Mouth
bezier(width*.3, v*.6 + height/2, width*.4, height*.8, width*.6, height*.8, width*.7, v*.55 + height/2);
// There is data available to work with from the serial port
function gotData() {
var currentString = serial.readLine(); // read the incoming string
trim(currentString); // remove any trailing whitespace
if (!currentString) return; // if the string is empty, do no more
console.log(currentString); // println the string
latestData = currentString; // save it for the draw method