Une évolution de
Based on ntsutae •@ntsutae
choix des couleurs
var C = 0;
var D = 0;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var col1, col2, col3 ;
var voeuxTxt = "Bonne et heureuse année 2020 !" ;
var sig ;
function preload() {
// preload() runs once
sig = loadImage('folderA/sign-ALD-blanc.png'); // Load the image
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
colorMode( HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100 );
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
textFont('Trebuchet MS', 44); // font and size
// resize signature to 1/4 of width
sig.resize(width/4, 0);
col1 = color( 343, 55, 75, 100) ;
col2 = color( 103, 55, 75, 100)
col3 = color( 223, 55, 75, 100)
col1 = color( random(360), 75, 75, 100) ;
// Color sets : See
let h1 = hue( col1 );
let s1 = saturation( col1 );
col2 = color( (h1+120) % 360, s1, 75, 100) ;
col3 = color( (h1+240) % 360, s1, 75, 100) ;
// voir toString
// print("couleur1 : ", col1.toString('#rrggbb') ) ;
print("couleur1 : ", col1.toString('hsba') ) ;
print("couleur2 : ", col2.toString('hsba') ) ;
print("couleur3 : ", col3.toString('hsba') ) ;
function draw() {
let posTxt = map( x, 0, width, 0.1*width, 0.9*width) ;
fill(col2) ;
noStroke() ;
text( voeuxTxt, posTxt, 40);
Dx = x = width / 2;
Dy = y = height/2 ;
// Draw a rectangle with rounded corners, each having a radius of 20.
stroke(col3) ;
fill(col1) ;
rect(30, 100, 155, 100, 20);
fill(col2) ;
rect(30, 230, 155, 100, 20);
fill(col3) ;
rect(30, 360, 155, 100, 20);
for (i = C++; i < C + 150; i++) {
x += cos(noise(i * .01) * PI * 9) * 5
Dx *= .965
Dy *= .965
strokeWeight(2) ;
stroke(col3) ;
line(x + Dx, y + Dy, x - Dx, y + Dy)
if (i % 32 == 0) {
for (j of [-Dx, Dx]) {
strokeWeight(8) ;
stroke(col2) ;
line(X = x + j * 1.5, y - Dy, X, y + Dy)
line(X, y - Dy, X - j / 2, y - Dy * 1.2)
// Displays the signature image
image(sig, 20, height - sig.height - 10 );