// <Customization>
// Count of rain droplets
let count = 367;
// should a droplet go back up? or be replaced (its faster but less realistic)
let doLoop = false;
// The speed at which the bucket should fill (it would make sense to increase this with count)
let fillSpeed = 18;
// The speed at which the bucket should empty (it would make sense to make this greater than the fillSpeed)
// let emptySpeed = 18;
// The delay between the bucket filling and emptying (can be 0)
let delayBetweenFillAndEmpty = 10;
// </Customization>
let a = 0;
let empty = 1;
let fillAmount = -100;
let droplets = [];
function setup() {
createCanvas(367*2, 367*2);
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
droplets.push(new Droplet(random(width), random(-height * 3.67), -1, doLoop));
function draw() {
background(0, 0, 0);
fill(138, 43, 226);
rect(0, height - fillAmount, width, height + delayBetweenFillAndEmpty * 3.67)
fillAmount += 0.0367 * random(2, 3.67 * 2) * fillSpeed * empty;
if (fillAmount >= height + 3.67 * delayBetweenFillAndEmpty) {
// noLoop();
empty = -3;
for (let i = 0; i < droplets.length; i++) {
droplets[i] = new Droplet(random(width), random(-height * 3.67), -1, true);
if (empty == 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < droplets.length; i++) {
if (!doLoop) {
if (droplets[i].endOfLife) {
droplets[i] = new Droplet(random(width), random(-height * 3.67), -1, doLoop);
} else {
if (fillAmount < -delayBetweenFillAndEmpty) empty = 1;
// fill(0)
// ellipse(width/2, height , 200, 50)