* CSlider - CanvasSlider for p5.js with scale() support
* Move the scrollbars left and right to change the positions of the images.
let slider;
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 360);
old_slider = createSlider(1, 5, 2);
slider = createCSlider(10, 19, 12, 2); // just add 'C'
slider2 = new CSlider(10, 19, 2);
function draw() {
text("slider position: " + slider.getPos().toFixed(2), width / 2, height / 3);
slider.position(220, 40);
//slider.setScale(2); //For support scale(2) in CSlider
text(slider.value() + ' new', slider.x + 10 + slider.width, 55);
slider2.position(10, 50);
text(slider2.value() + ' new', slider2.x + 10 + slider2.width, 65);
old_slider.position(10, 10);
// ========== cslider.js ===========
function createCSlider(a, b, c, d) {
r = new CSlider(a, b, c, d);
return r;
class CSlider {
constructor(min, max, value = (min + max) / 2, step = 1) {
this.width = 130;
this.height = 20;
let widthtoheight = this.width - this.height;
this.ratio = this.width / widthtoheight;
this.x = 10;
this.y = -1000;
this.spos = this.x + this.width / 2 - this.height / 2;
this.newspos = this.spos;
this.sposMin = this.x;
this.sposMax = this.x + this.width - this.height;
this.vmin = min;
this.vmax = max;
this.svalue = constrain(value, this.vmin, this.vmax);
this.vstep = step;
this.loose = 1;
this.over = false;
this.locked = false;
this.scale = 1;
update() {
if (this.overEvent()) {
this.over = true;
} else {
this.over = false;
if (mouseIsPressed && this.over) {
this.locked = true;
if (!mouseIsPressed) {
this.locked = false;
if (this.locked) {
this.newspos = constrain(mouseX / this.scale - this.height / 2, this.sposMin, this.sposMax);
this.svalue = this.vmin + (this.vmax - this.vmin) * ((this.newspos - this.sposMin) / (this.sposMax - this.sposMin));
if (this.vstep > 0) {
this.svalue = constrain(this.vmin + round((this.svalue - this.vmin) / this.vstep) * this.vstep, this.vmin, this.vmax);
this.newspos = this.x + (this.width - this.height) * ((this.svalue - this.vmin) / (this.vmax - this.vmin));
if (abs(this.newspos - this.spos) > 1) {
this.spos = this.spos + (this.newspos - this.spos) / this.loose;
overEvent() {
if (mouseX / this.scale > this.x && mouseX / this.scale < this.x + this.width &&
mouseY / this.scale > this.y && mouseY / this.scale < this.y + this.height) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
display() {
rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
if (this.over || this.locked) {
fill(0, 0, 0);
} else {
fill(102, 102, 102);
rect(this.spos, this.y, this.height, this.height);
getPos() {
// Convert spos to be values between
// 0 and the total width of the scrollbar
return this.spos * this.ratio;
value() {
return this.svalue;
setScale(sc) {
this.scale = sc;
position(xp, yp) {
this.x = xp;
this.y = yp;
if (this.vstep > 0) {
this.svalue = constrain(this.vmin + round((this.svalue - this.vmin) / this.vstep) * this.vstep, this.vmin, this.vmax);
this.spos = this.x + (this.width - this.height) * ((this.svalue - this.vmin) / (this.vmax - this.vmin));
this.newspos = this.spos;
this.sposMin = this.x;
this.sposMax = this.x + this.width - this.height;