let spritesheet;
let sprites = [];
let direction = 0; // 0 up
let step = 0;
let x;
let y;
let speed = 5;
let flip = false;
function preload(){
spritesheet = loadImage("runningcat.png");
function setup() {
// get the width and hieght of each sprite
let w = spritesheet.width/2;
let h = spritesheet.height/4;
// there are four rows, create a for loop to iterate through them
for (let y=0; y < 4; y++) {
// create another emoty array for that row
sprites[y] = [];
// there are 12 images in a row, iterate through them
for (let x=0; x< 2; x++) {
// get the image subsection there and then stor in the array
sprites[y][x] = spritesheet.get(x*w, y*h, w, h);
x = width/2 +1;
y = height/2;
function draw() {
if (isKeyPressed == true) {
if (keyCode == LEFT_ARROW) {
flip = !flip;
if (frameCount%5==0) {
step = (step+1) % 2;
if (step==0){
direction +=1;
}if (direction%4==0){
direction = 0;
x -= 20;
x = x% width;
if (keyCode == RIGHT_ARROW) {
flip = false;
if (frameCount%5==0) {
step = (step+1) % 2;
if (step==0){
direction +=1;
}if (direction%4==0){
direction = 0;
x += 20;
x = x% width;
// image(sprites[direction][step], x, y, 190 ,120);
// direction = 2;
// x+=speed;
if (flip) {
scale(-1, 1)
// image(img, -mouseX, 200, 140, 100);
image(sprites[direction][step], -x, y, 190 ,120);
} else {
image(sprites[direction][step], x, y, 190 ,120);