let players = [];
let scores = [];
let barWidths = []; // Array to store the current width of each bar
let growingSpeed = 2; // Speed at which the bars expand
function preload() {
table = loadTable('top100players.csv', 'csv', 'sheet1');
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 2100);
for (let i = 0; i < table.rows.length; i++) {
players[i] = table.rows[i].arr[5];
scores[i] = table.rows[i].arr[12];
barWidths[i] = 0; // Initialize the bar widths to zero
function draw() {
background(0, 0, 20);
let maxScore = max(scores);
text("2016 GUARDIAN WORLD'S TOP 100 FOOTBALLERS VOTING", width / 2, 20);
let barHeight = 15; // Height of each bar
let spacing = 5; // Spacing between bars
let startY = 50; // Starting y position for the bars
let labelX = 150; // X position for labels
for (let i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
// Gradually increase the bar width
barWidths[i] += growingSpeed;
// Ensure the bar width doesn't exceed the mapped width
barWidths[i] = min(barWidths[i], map(scores[i], 0, maxScore, 0, width - labelX - 370));
// Calculate the y position of the bar
let y = startY + i * (barHeight + spacing);
let labelY = y + barHeight / 2;
// Draw the bar
fill(100, 100, 255);
rect(labelX, y, barWidths[i], barHeight);
// Display the player's name to the left of the bar
textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
text(players[i], labelX - 10, labelY);
// Display the player's score to the right of the bar
textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
text(scores[i], labelX + barWidths[i] + 10, labelY);