* Made with p5play!
// Learn more about p5play here ->
function setup() {
// creating a new canvas with no dimension parameters fills the screen
new Canvas();
function draw() {
clear(); // try removing this line and see what happens!
text('Click to create a new sprite', canvas.w / 2, canvas.h / 2);
// check if the left mouse button was pressed
if (mouse.presses()) {
// creates a new sprite at the mouse's position
let sprite = new Sprite(mouse.x, mouse.y, 30, 30);
// try editing the sprite's size!
// by default sprites are displayed as simple shapes
// that have a random fill color
// sprites have many properties you can edit
// here the x and y velocities of the sprite are edited
//sprite.vel.x = random(-5, 5);
if (sprite.y <=height/2){
sprite.vel.y = random(5);}
if (sprite.y>=height/2){
// try editing the sprite's speed!
// Sprites collide by default in p5play v3.
// Try playing this example and see if you can keep one of the
// squares from leaving the p5.js canvas!
// by default, all sprites are drawn by p5play
// after the end of the draw function