//defines state for text
let texton = true;
//defines state for button
let state = false;
//meow sound
let buttonSound;
//defines ellipse coordinates
let x = 300;
let y = 200;
let d = 50;
//setup random colors for background
let r;
let g;
let b;
let col = {
r: 255,
g: 255,
b: 255,
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 400);
//meow button
buttonSound = loadSound('Cat_Meow.mp3');
//create reset button
var button = createButton("reset");
//image list
emergingcat = loadImage('cat_emerging.png');
blueeyedcat = loadImage('blue-eyes.png');
catfood = loadImage('cat-food.png');
scaredycat = loadImage('scaredy-cat.png');
cutecat = loadImage('cute-cat.png');
dopeycat = loadImage('dopey-cat.png');
surprisedcat = loadImage('suprised-cat.png');
CPOne = loadImage('CPOne.png')
CPTwo = loadImage('CPTwo.png')
CPThree = loadImage('CPThree.png')
CPFour = loadImage('CPFour.png')
CPFive = loadImage('CPFive.png')
CPSix = loadImage('CPSix.png')
CPSeven = loadImage('CPSeven.png')
CPEight = loadImage('CPEight.png')
CPNine = loadImage('CPNine.png')
CPTen = loadImage('CPTen.png')
CPEleven = loadImage('CPEleven.png')
CPTwelve = loadImage('CPTwelve.png')
CPThirteen = loadImage('CPThirteen.png')
CPFourteen = loadImage('CPFourteen.png')
CPFifteen = loadImage('CPFifteen.png')
CPSixteen = loadImage('CPSixteen.png')
CPSeventeen = loadImage('CPSeventeen.png')
CPEighteen = loadImage('CPEighteen.png')
CPNineteen = loadImage('CPNineteen.png')
CPTwenty = loadImage('CPTwenty.png')
CPTwentyone = loadImage('CPTwentyone.png')
CPTwentytwo = loadImage('CPTwentytwo.png')
CPTwentythree = loadImage('CPTwentythree.png')
CPTwentyfour = loadImage('CPTwentyfour.png')
//setup reset button
//makes reset button work
function resetSketch() {
texton = true;
function draw() {
fill(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(x, y, d, d);
let buttontext = 'Do NOT click the button.';
if (texton) {
text(buttontext, 300, 300);
//button text
function mousePressed() {
if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y) < d / 2) {
state = !state;
texton = false
//mouse clicked on the button
//randomize scenarios:
r = int(random(1, 15));
// console.log(r);
//play cat meow;
//setup random colors for backgrounds
col.r = random(0, 255)
col.g = random(0, 255)
col.b = random(0, 255)
if (r == 1) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(emergingcat, 0, 0, 0);
if (r == 2) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(blueeyedcat, 100, 0, 0);
if (r == 3) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(catfood, 0, 0, 0);
if (r == 4) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(scaredycat, 0, 0, 0);
if (r == 5) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(cutecat, 250, 0, 0);
if (r == 6) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(dopeycat, 35, 0, 0);
if (r == 7) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(surprisedcat, 130, 0, 0);
if (r == 8) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
fill(col.r * 2, col.g * 2, col.b * 2);
text("Do you like cats?", 300, 100);
if (r == 9) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
fill(col.r * 2, col.g * 2, col.b * 2);
text("Do you like cats?", 300, 350);
if (r == 10) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(CPOne, 5, height / 2, CPOne.width / 2, CPOne.height / 2);
image(CPTwo, 350, height / 2, CPTwo.width / 2, CPTwo.height / 2);
image(CPThree, 420, height / 10, CPThree.width / 3, CPThree.height / 3);
image(CPFour, 50, height / 15, CPFour.width / 3, CPFour.height / 3);
image(CPFive, 250, height / 5, CPFive.width / 3, CPFive.height / 3);
if (r == 11) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(CPSix, -45, height * 0.5, CPSix.width / 2.5, CPSix.height / 2.5);
image(CPSeven, 300, height / 2, CPSeven.width / 2, CPSeven.height / 2);
image(CPEight, 300, height / 10, CPEight.width / 2, CPEight.height / 2);
image(CPNine, -20, height / 15, CPNine.width / 3, CPNine.height / 3);
image(CPTen, 200, height / 10, CPTen.width / 3, CPTen.height / 3);
if (r == 12) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(CPEleven, 15, height * 0.6, CPEleven.width / 3, CPEleven.height / 3);
image(CPTwelve, 250, height / 2, CPTwelve.width / 2, CPTwelve.height / 2);
image(CPThirteen, 420, height / 6, CPThirteen.width / 3, CPThirteen.height / 3);
image(CPFourteen, 0, height / 35, CPFourteen.width / 3, CPFourteen.height / 3);
image(CPFifteen, 10, height / 4, CPFifteen.width / 3, CPFifteen.height / 3);
if (r == 13) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(CPSixteen, 150, height * 0.6, CPSixteen.width / 3, CPSixteen.height / 3);
image(CPSeventeen, 350, height / 2, CPSeventeen.width / 2, CPSeventeen.height / 2);
image(CPEighteen, 400, height / 10, CPEighteen.width / 3, CPEighteen.height / 3);
image(CPNineteen, 100, height / 35, CPNineteen.width / 2, CPNineteen.height / 2);
image(CPTwenty, -60, height / 2.5, CPTwenty.width / 2, CPTwenty.height / 2);
if (r == 14) {
background(col.r, col.g, col.b);
image(CPTwentyone, 0, height / 2, CPTwentyone.width / 2, CPTwentyone.height / 2);
image(CPTwentytwo, 300, height / 2, CPTwentytwo.width / 2, CPTwentytwo.height / 2);
image(CPTwentythree, 350, height / 100, CPTwentythree.width / 2, CPTwentythree.height / 2);
image(CPTwentyfour, 50, height / 35, CPTwentyfour.width / 2, CPTwentyfour.height / 2);