// casey conchinha - @kcconch ( )
// louise lessel - @louiselessel ( )
// more p5.js + shader examples:
// this is a modification of a shader by adam ferriss
precision mediump float;
// these are known as preprocessor directive
// essentially we are just declaring some variables that wont change
// you can think of them just like const variables
// we need the sketch resolution to perform some calculations
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
uniform float mouse;
// this is a function that turns an rgb value that goes from 0 - 255 into 0.0 - 1.0
vec3 rgb(float r, float g, float b){
return vec3(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0);
vec4 poly(float x, float y, float size, float sides, float rotation, vec3 col){
// get our coordinates
vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
// move the coordinates to where we want to draw the shape
vec2 pos = vec2(x,y) - coord;
// calculate the angle of a pixel relative to our position
float angle = atan( pos.x, pos.y) + PI + rotation;
// calculate the size of our shape
float radius = TWO_PI / sides;
// this is the function that controls our shapes appearance
// i pulled it from the book of shaders shapes page
// essentially what we are doing here is computing a circle with length(pos) and manipulating it's shape with the cos() function
// this technique is really powerful and can be used to create all sorts of different shapes
// for instance, try changing cos() to sin()
float d = cos(floor(0.5 + angle / radius) * radius - angle) * length(pos);
// restrict our shape to black and white and set it's size
// we use the smoothstep function to get a nice soft edge
d = 1.0 - smoothstep(size*0.5, size*0.5+1.0, d);
// return the color with the shape as the alpha channel
return vec4(col, d);
void main() {
vec2 center = resolution * 0.5; // draw the shape at the center of the screen
float size = resolution.y * 0.5; // make the shape a quarter of the screen height
float sides = mouse; // slowly increase the sides, when it reaches 10 sides, go back down to 3
float rotation = time; // rotation is in radians, but for time it doesnt really matter
// lets make our shape in the center of the screen. We have to subtract half of it's width and height just like in p5
float x = center.x ;
float y = center.y ;
// a color for the shape
vec3 grn = rgb(200.0, 240.0, 200.0);
// call our shape function with poly(x, y, sz, sides, rotation, color);
vec4 poly = poly(center.x , center.y, size, sides, rotation, grn);
// mix the polygon with the opposite of the green color according to the shapes alpha
poly.rgb = mix(1.0 - grn, poly.rgb, poly.a);
// render to screen
gl_FragColor = vec4(poly.rgb, 1.0);