let ghosts = [];
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
// Create 10 ghosts.
// Try changing this to 100!
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ghosts.push(new Ghost());
function draw() {
for (const ghost of ghosts) {
// This class keeps track of all the variables and functions
// we need for one ghost. By creating multiple *instances*
// of this class, we can fill our screen with ghosts!
class Ghost {
constructor() {
this.tail = [];
this.tailLength = 30;
// Give this ghost a random size and starting position.
this.ghostSize = random(10, 100);
this.ghostX = random(width);
this.ghostY = random(height);
// These variables are used to make the ghosts
// follow different paths.
// Try changing these numbers!
this.cosOffset = random(100);
this.wiggliness = random(2, 10);
this.floatiness = random(2, 10);
// Give this ghost a random color.
this.r = random(255);
this.g = random(255);
this.b = random(255);
moveAndDraw() {
// Move the ghost left and right.
this.ghostX += cos((this.cosOffset + frameCount) / 10) * this.wiggliness;
// Move the ghost up.
this.ghostY -= this.floatiness;
// If this ghost goes off the top, start it back at the bottom.
if (this.ghostY < -this.ghostSize) {
this.ghostY = height + this.ghostSize;
// Add a point to the beginning of the array.
this.tail.unshift({x: this.ghostX, y: this.ghostY});
// If the array is too big, remove the last point.
if (this.tail.length > this.tailLength) {
// Loop over the tail and draw the points.
for (let index = 0; index < this.tail.length; index++) {
const tailPoint = this.tail[index];
// Tail gets smaller and more transparent.
const pointSize = this.ghostSize * (this.tail.length - index) / this.tail.length;
const pointAlpha = 255 * (this.tail.length - index) / this.tail.length;
fill(this.r, this.g, this.b, pointAlpha);
ellipse(tailPoint.x, tailPoint.y, pointSize);
// Draw this ghost's face. O_O
ellipse(this.ghostX - this.ghostSize * .2,
this.ghostY - this.ghostSize * .1,
this.ghostSize * .2);
ellipse(this.ghostX + this.ghostSize * .2,
this.ghostY - this.ghostSize * .1,
this.ghostSize * .2);
this.ghostY + this.ghostSize * .2,
this.ghostSize * .2);