let blueBall, yellowBall;
let speed = 3;
let gameOver = false;
let loser = "";
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
//instantiated two new object in class Ball
blueBall = new Ball(200, 200, color(0, 0, 255), "Blue Ball");
yellowBall = new Ball(300, 300, color(255, 255, 0), "Yellow Ball");
function draw() {
//Calling all functions I need
if (!gameOver) {
blueBall.move(87, 83, 65, 68, speed);
yellowBall.move(73, 75, 74, 76, speed);
} else {
text(`${loser} lost the game!`, 50, height / 2);
//defining the class, two objects are in this "Ball" class: blue ball and yellow ball
class Ball {
constructor(x, y, color, name) {
//defining variables that stores the parameters of the objects in the class, assigning them initial values
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.color = color;
this.diameter = 30;
this.dotDiameter = 10;
this.dotInterval = 2000;
this.lastDotTime = millis();
this.dots = []; = name;
//functions that I would use on the objects in the class
//all the things I can do to my balls
draw() {
ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.diameter, this.diameter);
//fuction that makes my ball move, with constrains within the canvas
move(keyUp, keyDown, keyLeft, keyRight, speed) {
if (keyIsDown(keyUp)) {
this.y -= speed;
if (keyIsDown(keyDown)) {
this.y += speed;
if (keyIsDown(keyLeft)) {
this.x -= speed;
if (keyIsDown(keyRight)) {
this.x += speed;
this.x = constrain(this.x, this.diameter / 2, width - this.diameter / 2);
this.y = constrain(this.y, this.diameter / 2, height - this.diameter / 2);
//function that leaves a dot every 2 seconds
leaveDot() {
if (millis() - this.lastDotTime >= this.dotInterval) {
//if its time to leave a dot
//push a new dot in the array of dots
//using the variables in the ball class, because the dots are left by the balls
//default is to grow, unless I tell it to stop growing
x: this.x,
y: this.y,
size: this.dotDiameter,
color: color(this.color),
time: millis(),
growing: true,
//update the last dot time after pushing a new dot
this.lastDotTime = millis();
//draw the dots in my array of dots
drawDots() {
for (let dot of this.dots) {
if (dot.growing) {
let timeElapsed = millis() - dot.time;
dot.size += 0.05; // Increase size over time
let blackness = min(255, timeElapsed / 10); // Gradually turn black
dot.color = lerpColor(
color(0, 0, 0),
blackness / 255
if (dot.size >= this.diameter) {
dot.size = this.diameter;
dot.color = color(255, 0, 0); // Turn red and stop growing
dot.growing = false;
ellipse(dot.x, dot.y, dot.size, dot.size);
checkDotCollision(otherDots) {
// Iterating backwards through the dots array to avoid skipping elements after removing a dot
for (let i = otherDots.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let d = otherDots[i];
// Calculate the distance between the current ball and the dot
let distance = dist(this.x, this.y, d.x, d.y);
// Extract RGB components of the dot's color to determine if it is red
//Directly comparing colors using === or even == won't work because color() returns an object, and comparing these objects doesn't necessarily compare their color values directly. Instead, I need to compare the RGBA values of these colors.
let dRed = red(d.color);
let dGreen = green(d.color);
let dBlue = blue(d.color);
// Check if the dot's color is not red (if not red, proceed with possible removal)
if (!(dRed === 255 && dGreen === 0 && dBlue === 0)) {
// Check if the ball and the dot are overlapping or touching
if (distance < this.diameter / 2 + d.size / 2) {
// Remove the dot from the array if it's not red and colliding with the ball
otherDots.splice(i, 1);