function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400); // Set the canvas size
function draw() {
// Calculate how much the face follows the mouse
let faceOffsetX = map(mouseX, 0, width, -10, 10); // Horizontal offset
let faceOffsetY = map(mouseY, 0, height, -10, 10); // Vertical offset
// Face
fill(255, 224, 189);
ellipse(200 + faceOffsetX, 185 + faceOffsetY, 150, 200); // Face moves
// Calculate the direction of the pupils based on mouse position
let leftEyeX = 168 + faceOffsetX;
let rightEyeX = 232 + faceOffsetX;
let eyeY = 200 + faceOffsetY;
let maxPupilOffset = 10; // limit for how far the pupil can move
let leftPupilOffsetX = constrain(mouseX - leftEyeX, -maxPupilOffset, maxPupilOffset);
let rightPupilOffsetX = constrain(mouseX - rightEyeX, -maxPupilOffset, maxPupilOffset);
let pupilOffsetY = constrain(mouseY - eyeY, -maxPupilOffset, maxPupilOffset);
// Eyes
fill(250, 250, 240); // White part of the eyes
ellipse(leftEyeX, eyeY, 45, 25); // Left
ellipse(rightEyeX, eyeY, 45, 25); // Right
// Pupils
fill(0); // Black part of the eyes
ellipse(leftEyeX + leftPupilOffsetX, eyeY + pupilOffsetY, 15, 20); // Left pupil
ellipse(rightEyeX + rightPupilOffsetX, eyeY + pupilOffsetY, 15, 20); // Right pupil
// Eye highlights
fill(245, 245, 235);
ellipse(leftEyeX + leftPupilOffsetX - 5, eyeY + pupilOffsetY, 7, 7);
ellipse(rightEyeX + rightPupilOffsetX - 5, eyeY + pupilOffsetY, 7, 7);
// Eyebrows move based on mouseY
fill(233, 150, 122);
let eyebrowOffsetY = map(mouseY, 0, height, -5, 10); // Eyebrows raise or lower
ellipse(165 + faceOffsetX, 178 + faceOffsetY + eyebrowOffsetY, 35, 8); // Left eyebrow
ellipse(230 + faceOffsetX, 178 + faceOffsetY + eyebrowOffsetY, 35, 8); // Right eyebrow
// Hair
arc(200, 170, 180, 220, PI, TWO_PI, OPEN);
arc(150, 140, 100, 180, PI / 2, PI + QUARTER_PI, OPEN);
arc(250, 140, 100, 180, TWO_PI - QUARTER_PI, PI / 2, OPEN);
arc(60, 200, 75, 130, PI / 2, PI + QUARTER_PI, OPEN);
arc(315, 65, 75, 130, TWO_PI - QUARTER_PI, PI / 2, OPEN);
triangle(170, 115, 200, 150, 200, 80);
triangle(280, 65, 320, 100, 320, 65);
rect(105, 210, 35, 80);
rect(260, 210, 35, 80);
// Body stays in place, not following the mouse
fill(194, 220, 189);
rect(160, 285, 80, 130);
arc(160, 385, 100, 200, PI / 2, (3 * PI) / 2);
arc(240, 385, 100, 200, (3 * PI) / 2, PI / 2);