let y;
let speedY
let directionY;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
background(135, 206, 235);
// use a nested loop since we are drawing
// visual elements along both axis (x and y)
let numOfColumns = 1;
let numOfRows = 1;
// move the grid of visual elements slightly
// up (-20) and to the left (-4)
translate(-4, -20);
for (let i = 0; i < numOfColumns; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < numOfRows; j++) {
// use i to distribute rects horizontally
// with a spacing of 33 pixels
let x = i * 26.5;
// use j to distribute rects vertically
// use sin-function to add wavy allignment
// TRY to change value of speed to 0.01
//let speed = 0.1;
//let wavyOffset = sin(i + frameCount * speed) * 2;
//let y = j * 60 + wavyOffset;
// gradually increase width of rects
// from left to right using i
let w = 5;
// gradually increase height of rects
// from left to right using i
let h = 35 + i;
// draw rectangle with rounded corners
translate(x, y);
// TRY to uncomment the row below to make rects rotate
// rotate(frameCount*0.01*j)
rect(random(25), random(50), random(width), random(height), 70);
if (mouseX > width/2) {
speed = -1;
} else if (y < 0) {
directionY = 1;
y = y + speedY * directionY;