// Image arrays for animation frames
let breathingFrames = [],
fringeFrames = [],
leftHairFrames = [],
rightHairFrames = [];
// Animation control variables for breathing
let currentFrame = 0,
nextFrame = 1,
blendAmount = 0,
fadeSpeed = 0.02;
// Animation control variables for fringes
let currentFringe = 0,
nextFringe = 1,
fringeBlend = 0,
fringeSpeed = 0.05;
// Animation control variables for hair (left and right)
let currentLeft = 0,
nextLeft = 1,
leftBlend = 0,
currentRight = 0,
nextRight = 1,
rightBlend = 0;
// Hair animation speed and position variables
let hairSpeed = 0.02,
xPos = 250,
yPos = 180,
scaleFactor = 3;
// Door animation variables
let door,
doorX = 0,
doorMoving = false,
doorOpening = false,
doorSpeed = 10;
// Door click tracking variables
let doorStripWidth = 20,
clickCount = 0,
lastClickTime = 0;
// Chair image variable
let chair;
// Lamp state variables
let lampOn = false,
lampActivated = false, // Track if the lamp is activated by mouse hover
lampXPos = 650; // X position of the lamp (adjustable)
let arm2Angle,
arm2Speed = 0.01; // Lamp arm angle and speed variables
let glowAlpha = 0; // Lamp glow transparency control
let nameImage;
let knockSound;
let mac;
let cam;
let showCamera = false;
let capturedFrame;
let bgMusic;
let things;
let plant;
let cat;
let spotify;
function preload() {
// Load breathing frames
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) breathingFrames.push(loadImage(`b${i + 1}.png`));
// Load fringe frames
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) fringeFrames.push(loadImage(`hf${i + 1}.png`));
// Load left hair frames
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) leftHairFrames.push(loadImage(`hl${i + 1}.png`));
// Load right hair frames
for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) rightHairFrames.push(loadImage(`hr${i + 1}.png`));
// Load other images and fonts
staticHair = loadImage('hb.png');
chair = loadImage('chair.png');
door = loadImage('door.png');
lavishlyYoursFont = loadFont('LavishlyYours-Regular.ttf');
nameImage = loadImage('name.png');
knockSound = loadSound("knock.mp3");
mac = loadImage('mac.png');
things = loadImage('things.png');
bgMusic = loadSound("background.mp3");
plant = loadImage('plant.png');
cat= loadImage('cat.png');
function setup() {
// Create a canvas with dimensions 1000x600 pixels
createCanvas(1000, 600);
// Set the initial angle of the second arm (arm2) to -PI / 6 (about -30 degrees)
arm2Angle = -PI / 6;
cam = createCapture(VIDEO);
cam.size(200, 150);
cam.hide(); // Hide the default video feed
function draw() {
// Set the background color to a light gray (220)
// Breathing Animation
// Display the current breathing frame
image(breathingFrames[currentFrame], 0, 0, width, height);
// Apply a tint effect to transition between frames with varying transparency
tint(255, 255 * blendAmount);
// Display the next breathing frame
image(breathingFrames[nextFrame], 0, 0, width, height);
// Update the blend amount for smooth animation
blendAmount += fadeSpeed;
// Once the blendAmount reaches 1, reset and switch to the next frame
if (blendAmount >= 1) {
blendAmount = 0;
currentFrame = nextFrame;
nextFrame = (nextFrame + 1) % breathingFrames.length;
// Remove any tint effect applied previously
// Draw a grid (likely for background or reference purposes)
drawGrid(600, 150, 5, 10, 30);
translate(-600, -70); // Move left without affecting others
image(nameImage, width / 2, 50, nameImage.width / 4, nameImage.height / 4);
image(plant, 400, 200, 600, 400);
image ( cat, 360,120,100,100);
image ( spotify, 360,220,100,100);
let macX = width / 2 - 350; // Adjust X position
let macY = height / 2 - -68; // Adjust Y position
let macWidth = 200; // Adjust size as needed
let macHeight = 150;
image(mac, macX, macY, macWidth, macHeight);
let now = new Date();
let utcHours = now.getUTCHours(); // Get UTC time
let uaeHours = (utcHours + 4) % 24; // Convert to UAE time
let minutes = now.getMinutes();
let seconds = now.getSeconds();
// Format to HH:MM:SS
let timeString = nf(uaeHours, 2) + ":" + nf(minutes, 2) + ":" + nf(seconds, 2);
// Display time inside monitor
fill(255, 255, 255); // Red text for LED effect
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text(timeString, macX + macWidth / 2, macY + macHeight / 2-15);
// Manual parameters for the wall racks (white bars)
let rackWidth = 400; // Width of each bar
let rackHeight = 10; // Height of each bar
let rackYPos1 = 200; // Y position of the first bar (above monitor)
let rackYPos2 = 300; // Y position of the second bar (below monitor)
// Draw the first white bar (rack) moved to the left
fill(255); // Set color to white
rect(160, rackYPos1, rackWidth, rackHeight); // Manually set X position to 100
// Draw the second white bar (rack) moved to the left
rect(160, rackYPos2, rackWidth, rackHeight); // Manually set X position to 100
if (showCamera) {
// Camera view
background("#87CEEB"); // Light blue background
ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, 300, 500);
image(cam, width / 2 - 90, height / 2 - 120, 180, 240); // Show live feed
// Exit button
rect(width - 40, 10, 30, 30, 5);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text("X", width - 25, 25);
} else {
// Mirror view
translate(105, 350); // Move the origin for the mirror
// Draw the mirror shape (outline)
ellipse(100, -90, 65, 85); // Mirror outline
if (capturedFrame) {
// Create an oval mask for the captured frame
let maskImage = createImage(55, 75);
for (let i = 0; i < maskImage.width; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < maskImage.height; j++) {
let d = dist(i, j, maskImage.width / 2, maskImage.height / 2);
if (d < maskImage.width / 2) {
maskImage.set(i, j, color(255));
} else {
maskImage.set(i, j, color(0));
// Calculate position so the captured frame is centered in the mirror
let capturedW = 55, capturedH = 75;
let mirrorCenterX = 100; // mirror center x (relative to translate)
let mirrorCenterY = -90; // mirror center y (relative to translate)
let drawX = mirrorCenterX - capturedW / 2;
let drawY = mirrorCenterY - capturedH / 2;
image(capturedFrame, drawX, drawY, capturedW, capturedH);
} else {
// If no captured frame exists, draw a placeholder ellipse
ellipse(100, -90, 55, 75);
// Set dimensions for the hair frames
let hairWidth = 400 * scaleFactor, hairHeight = 200 * scaleFactor;
let xOffset = (hairWidth - 400) / 2, yOffset = (hairHeight - 200) / 2;
// Draw the fringe animation frame
image(fringeFrames[currentFringe], xPos - xOffset, yPos - yOffset, hairWidth, hairHeight);
fringeBlend += fringeSpeed;
if (fringeBlend >= 1) {
fringeBlend = 0;
currentFringe = nextFringe;
nextFringe = (nextFringe + 1) % fringeFrames.length;
// Draw the left side of the hair animation
image(leftHairFrames[currentLeft], xPos - xOffset, yPos - yOffset, hairWidth, hairHeight);
leftBlend += hairSpeed;
if (leftBlend >= 1) {
leftBlend = 0;
currentLeft = nextLeft;
nextLeft = (nextLeft + 1) % leftHairFrames.length;
// Draw the right side of the hair animation
image(rightHairFrames[currentRight], xPos - xOffset, yPos - yOffset, hairWidth, hairHeight);
rightBlend += hairSpeed;
if (rightBlend >= 1) {
rightBlend = 0;
currentRight = nextRight;
nextRight = (nextRight + 1) % rightHairFrames.length;
// Draw the static hair frame on top of the animated hair
image(staticHair, xPos - xOffset, yPos - yOffset, hairWidth, hairHeight);
// Draw the chair image positioned slightly offset from the hair
image(chair, xPos - xOffset + 55, yPos - yOffset + 20, hairWidth, hairHeight);
// Door Animation
// If the door image exists, draw it at the current doorX position
if (door) image(door, doorX, 0, width, height);
// Handle the door movement
if (doorMoving) {
// Adjust the door's X position based on whether it is opening or closing
doorX += doorOpening ? -doorSpeed : doorSpeed;
// Stop the door movement once it reaches the fully opened or closed position
if (doorOpening && doorX <= -width + doorStripWidth) doorMoving = false;
if (!doorOpening && doorX >= 0) doorMoving = false;
function mousePressed() {
let currentTime = millis();
// Double-click logic for door movement
if (currentTime - lastClickTime < 300) {
} else {
clickCount = 1;
lastClickTime = currentTime;
if (!doorMoving && clickCount >= 2) {
doorOpening = !doorOpening;
doorMoving = true;
clickCount = 0;
// Mirror detection using the actual drawn mirror position:
let mirrorCenterX = 205;
let mirrorCenterY = 260;
let halfWidth = 32.5;
let halfHeight = 42.5;
// Check if mouse click is within the mirror's bounding box
if (!showCamera &&
mouseX > mirrorCenterX - halfWidth && mouseX < mirrorCenterX + halfWidth &&
mouseY > mirrorCenterY - halfHeight && mouseY < mirrorCenterY + halfHeight) {
showCamera = true; // Show camera when clicking on mirror
// Check if exit button is clicked in camera mode (at top right)
else if (showCamera &&
mouseX > width - 40 && mouseX < width - 10 &&
mouseY > 10 && mouseY < 40) {
capturedFrame = cam.get(); // Save captured frame
showCamera = false; // Hide camera and return to main screen
// Check if the cat image is clicked
if (mouseX > 360 && mouseX < 460 && mouseY > 120 && mouseY < 220) {
// Open the desired link'', '_blank');
// Check if the Spotify image is clicked
if (mouseX > 360 && mouseX < 460 && mouseY > 220 && mouseY < 320) {
// Redirect to the Spotify URL'', '_blank');
if (!bgMusic.isPlaying()) {
function drawGrid(x, y, cols, rows, cellSize) {
stroke(255, 255, 255, 200);
for (let i = 0; i <= cols; i++) line(x + i * cellSize, y, x + i * cellSize, y + rows * cellSize);
for (let j = 0; j <= rows; j++) line(x, y + j * cellSize, x + cols * cellSize, y + j * cellSize);
function drawLamp() {
let baseX = 730, baseY = 500; // Change the X and Y coordinates for placement
let arm1Length = 100, arm2Length = 60;
rect(baseX - 20, baseY, 40, 20);
line(baseX, baseY, baseX, baseY - arm1Length);
let arm2X = baseX;
let arm2Y = baseY - arm1Length;
let lampX = arm2X + cos(arm2Angle) * arm2Length;
let lampY = arm2Y - sin(arm2Angle) * arm2Length;
line(arm2X, arm2Y, lampX, lampY);
ellipse(lampX, lampY, 30, 30);
// Lamp light turns on when mouse is over it
let d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, lampX, lampY);
if (d < 30) {
glowAlpha = min(glowAlpha + 5, 150); // Smoothly increase glow intensity
} else {
glowAlpha = max(glowAlpha - 5, 0); // Smoothly decrease glow intensity when mouse moves away
// Draw the glow with a constant transparency and adjustable intensity
fill(255, 255, 200, 100); // Constant transparency for the glow (100)
ellipse(lampX, lampY + 80, 300, 180); // Glow size
// Glow intensity changes with `glowAlpha`
fill(255, 255, 200, glowAlpha); // Variable intensity based on `glowAlpha`
ellipse(lampX, lampY + 80, 300, 180); // Glow with intensity
// Slower arm movement, only if lamp is activated
if (lampActivated) {
arm2Angle += arm2Speed * 0.5; // Slower arm movement (reduce speed)
if (arm2Angle > -PI / 6 + 0.2 || arm2Angle < -PI / 6 - 0.2) arm2Speed *= -1;
function mouseMoved() {
// Check if mouse is over the lamp and activate it when hovered
let baseX = lampXPos, baseY = 500;
let arm1Length = 100, arm2Length = 120;
let arm2X = baseX;
let arm2Y = baseY - arm1Length;
let lampX = arm2X + cos(arm2Angle) * arm2Length;
let lampY = arm2Y - sin(arm2Angle) * arm2Length;
let d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, lampX, lampY);
if (d < 30 && !lampActivated) {
// Activate the lamp when mouse hovers over it for the first time
lampActivated = true;
function showCameraScreen() {
rect(0, 0, width, height);
// Draw circular mask for camera feed
let camMask = createGraphics(150, 150);
camMask.ellipse(75, 75, 150, 150);
camMask.image(cam, 0, 0, 150, 150);
image(camMask, width / 2, height / 2, 150, 150);
// Draw exit button
rect(width - 30, 10, 20, 20);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text("X", width - 20, 20);