function setup() {
createCanvas(800, 600);
function draw() {
// Draw a dark bluish background to mimic nighttime
// We’ll do a simple vertical gradient from dark blue to near-black.
setGradient(0, 0, width, height, color(10, 20, 40), color(0, 0, 0), "Y");
// Draw window frame (dark wood or black color)
fill(15, 15, 20, 255);
// A large rectangle for the frame background
rect(120, 60, 560, 400);
// Draw the “glass” area with a slight bluish tint
// Also apply a subtle gradient to simulate outdoor light
setGradient(130, 70, 540, 380, color(25, 50, 70, 200), color(10, 20, 35, 200), "Y");
// Draw a simple city silhouette in the background
drawCitySilhouette(130, 70, 540, 380);
// Draw “raindrops” on the window as scattered small lines or circles
drawRain(130, 70, 540, 380, 40);
// Draw a windowsill or surface at the bottom
fill(40, 25, 25);
rect(115, 420, 570, 40);
// Draw a few potted plants in front of the window
// We’ll keep them somewhat stylized
drawPlant(250, 420, 40);
drawPlant(320, 420, 35);
drawPlant(390, 420, 45);
drawPlant(470, 420, 35);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// gradient function
function setGradient(x, y, w, h, c1, c2, axis) {
// We'll use lines to create a gradient by blending color c1 to c2.
// 'axis' can be "Y" for a vertical gradient or "X" for a horizontal one.
noStroke(); // We’ll enable stroke inside the loop
// Decide how many steps we take:
// - if it's vertical ("Y"), we draw one line per row from top to bottom
// - if it's horizontal ("X"), we draw one line per column from left to right
let steps = (axis === "Y") ? h : w;
for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
// 't' goes from 0.0 to 1.0 as 'i' goes from 0 to steps-1
let t = i / steps;
// Interpolate (blend) between c1 and c2 based on 't'
let c = lerpColor(c1, c2, t);
// Use stroke with this color
// Draw a single “scan line”
if (axis === "Y") {
// For a vertical gradient, draw horizontal lines
line(x, y + i, x + w, y + i);
} else {
// For a horizontal gradient, draw vertical lines
line(x + i, y, x + i, y + h);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Draw a rough city silhouette on the “window glass”
function drawCitySilhouette(x, y, w, h) {
fill(15, 25, 40, 180);
// We’ll just make random rectangles for buildings
let baseY = h * 1.1;
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
let buildingX = random(130, w - 40);
let buildingW = random(30, 50);
let buildingH = random(20, baseY-70);
rect(buildingX, baseY - buildingH, buildingW, buildingH);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Draw random raindrops on the glass
function drawRain(x, y, w, h, dropCount) {
translate(x, y);
stroke(200, 220, 255, 120);
for (let i = 0; i < dropCount; i++) {
let rx = random(0, w);
let ry = random(0, h);
line(rx, ry, rx, ry + random(5, 15));
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Draw a stylized potted plant
function drawPlant(px, py, potSize) {
// Pot
rect(px - potSize/2, py - potSize, potSize, potSize);
rect(px - potSize/2 - 2, py - potSize, potSize+4, potSize*0.2);
// Some leaves, drawn as arcs
fill(40, 80, 40);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
let angle = random(-PI/2, PI/2);
let leafLen = random(30, 50);
let leafWidth = random(20, 30);
translate(px, py - potSize);
arc(0, 0, leafLen, leafWidth, PI, 0);