//Screen variables
let width = 800;
let height = 800;
//Shape variables
let elipseSize = 0;
//Position variables
let currentY;
let currentX;
let oldX = 0;
let oldY = 0;
let coord = [0 ,0];
//Spiral variables
let primeID = 0;
let count = 1;
let isFirst = true;
let stepCounter = 1;
let stepCount = 0;
let maxSteps = 1;
let turnCount = 0;
let elipseCount = 1;
let direction = 1;
//Zoom control
let zoomCount = 1;
let limitSafe = 150000;
let colorFinal = [];
let zoom = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(width, height);
//Set the size of the elipse to a factor of whatever is the smallest values(
//the canvas size.
//The -2 is an offset do they don't touch
if (width < height){ elipseSize = width/10 - 2; }
else { elipseSize = height/10 - 2; }
//Set the grid size to a factor of the size of the canvas
gridSizeX = width/10;
gridSizeY = height/10;
//Initialize the position of the spiral in the middle of the canvas.
currentX = 0;
currentY = 0;
function draw() {
//This is to stop the loop when you need some time to think.
//This serve as a way to keep track of the amount of loops done and to
//feed the zooom function.
count = count + 1;
//Basic setup for the animation
translate(width/2, height/2);
background(104, 123, 243);
//Using the very messy zoom function
//Since we need to render every dot every frame, alll the variables related
//to calculating the spiral, wich number is prime and the position in the screen
//needs to be reset every single frame.
currentX = 0;
currentY = 0;
oldX = 0;
oldY = 0;
direction = 1;
maxSteps = 1;
stepCounter = 0;
maxSteps = 1;
turnCount = 0;
isFirst = true;
coord = [0,0];
primeID = 0;
//A loop the increases in size faster and fsater so as the spiral reachs a large size,
//it starts to render more and more elipses at a time.
for (let i = 0; i <= elipseCount; i++){
//A variable that is attached to each elipse, so we can check if they are prime or not
primeID = primeID+ 1;
//Set up to the line function, currently we do not use it
stroke(221, 234, 248);
//line(oldX, oldY, currentX, curren
//Set up to the elipse drawing, a very similar color to the background so it marks
//any position that is not prime
fill(114, 133, 244);
ellipse(currentX, currentY, elipseSize);
// Call colour function, each end number of the prime
// numbers yield a different color.
colorFinal = colorPrime(primeID);
fill(colorFinal[0], colorFinal[1], colorFinal[2]);
ellipse(currentX, currentY, elipseSize);
//Set up the coordinates
let coord = spiral();
oldX = currentX;
oldY = currentY;
//This coordinates are here if you want to set up lines
currentX = coord[0];
currentY = coord[1];
//A bunch of random number that somehow yield a decent grow in the spiral
//size, and in the zoom function. There is definetly a better way to do it,
//but oh well... this is what I got.
elipseCount = elipseCount + count/8;
zoomCount = zoomCount + count * 2;
//A limit so the computer does not explode
if (elipseCount > limitSafe){
function spiral(){
//A simple way to check the direction by increasing a variable
case 1:
coord = [coord[0] + gridSizeX , coord[1]];
case 2:
coord = [coord[0], coord[1] + gridSizeY] ;
case 3:
coord = [coord[0] - gridSizeX , coord[1]];
case 4:
coord = [coord[0], coord[1] - gridSizeY] ;
coord = [coord[0], coord[1]];
//Count to two, change direction
//Change direction twice, increase the lenght of the "walk"
stepCount = stepCount + 1;
if (stepCount >= maxSteps){
direction = direction + 1;
turnCount = turnCount + 1;
stepCount = 0;
if (turnCount >= 2){
maxSteps = maxSteps + 1;
turnCount = 0;
if (direction > 4){ direction = 1; }
return coord;
//No clue what is happening here. The log function plus the count/2 yield
//a very nice zoom. I tested a lot of other ways but this was the better result
function calculateZoom() {
zoom = 20 / (Math.log(Math.pow(zoomCount, 2)) + (count/2)) ;
return zoom;
//Check the number against each other number aside from 1 or 2, until it
//reaches the square root of the number, rounder up.
function isPrime(num){
if(num === 1){
return false;
if (num === 2){
return true;
for (i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(num) + 1 ; i++){
if(num % i === 0){
return false;
return true;
//Check the last digit of the prime number and chooses a color based on it.
function colorPrime(num) {
let text = num.toString();
let textArray = Array.from(text);
var color = []
switch (textArray[textArray.length - 1]) {
case "1":
color = [238, 240, 242];
case "2":
color = [255, 255, 255];
case "3":
color = [222, 222, 219];
case "5":
color = [238, 231, 209];
case "7":
color = [255, 239, 207];
case "9":
color = [215, 227, 201];
return color;
function mousePressed() {
function mouseReleased() {