// Things to try:
// - draw the 'current' second in a different color/size
// - draw the first and last dots in each row differently
// - pick each dot's size by map'ing its cell/row/col number
// - use the pointAt function to draw the rows radially
// - draw each 'row' as a number of concentric circles
// - use lerpColor as a replacement for the grey fill color
// - use lerpColor for a gradient in each row of dots
// - use lerpColor for a gradient that runs from cell 1–60
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600)
function draw(){
var now = clock()
// choose the spacing parameters for the grid
var colSpacing = 30
var rowSpacing = 45
var cellRadius = 10
// determine the layout of the grid
var totalCells = 60
var numColumns = 10
var numRows = ceil(totalCells/numColumns)
_.times(numRows, r => {
_.times(numColumns, c => {
var cellNumber = r*numColumns + c
var x = c * colSpacing
var y = r * rowSpacing
var grey = map(r, 0, numRows, 0, 255)
if (cellNumber < now.sec){
circle(x, y, cellRadius)
}else if (cellNumber < totalCells){
circle(x, y, 4)