"Chase Me"
Midterm Project
Name: Samyam Lamichhane
Date: October 9, 2022 Sun.
General Rule: Positive Directions = Down and Right
Negative Directions = Up and Left
// Optimum Gaming Experience
> Change Time to 30 and 5
> Num of char = 3
> Big Boss Level = 3 [game.js file]
// Game Variables
let canvas_h = 800;
let canvas_w = 1000;
let score = 0; // Score of the player
let gamePhase = "start"; // Denotes the stage of the game - initially 'start'
let isGameOver = false; // Initially, it's false
let level = 1; // Level of the game
let timer_len_1 = 30; // Time allocated for level 1 - goes on decreasing
let timer_len = timer_len_1; // Variable to keep track of countdown timer
let level_time_reduction = 5; // Value by which time decreases after each level
let num_levels = (timer_len_1/ level_time_reduction); // Num of levels depends on total time set above
// Image variables
let background_img;
let start_screen_img;
let gameOver_screen_img;
let game_completion_screen_img;
let my_char_image;
let img_supp_char_1;
let img_supp_char_2;
let img_supp_char_3;
let big_boss_char_4;
// Sound variables
let background_sound;
let collision_sound;
let gameOver_sound;
let newlevel_sound;
let victory_sound;
// Font variables
let assassin_font;
let corleone_font;
// Main Character variable
let my_char; // Object variable
let my_char_size = 50
// Direction for each character
let x_dir = 1; // 1 means RIGHT & -1 means LEFT
let y_dir = 1; // 1 means DOWN & -1 means UP
// Horizontal velocity set to 0. Positive means RIGHT, Negative velocity means LEFT
// Vertical velocity set to 0. Positive means DOWN, Negative velocity means UP
let vx = 0;
let vy = 0;
// Supplement character related list and variables
let num_supp_char = 3; // Number of characters in level 1 - goes on increasing
let num_big_boss = 1; // Number of big-boss character
let supp_char_list = []; // List to store all supplementary characters
let supp_char_size = 40; // Image size of normal characters
let big_boss_size = 100; // Image size of big-boss character
let big_boss_vel_limit = 12; // Max velocity for big-boss character
let supp_char_mag = 0.1; // Max gravitational pull for normal characters
let supp_vel_limit = 6; // Max velocity for normal characters
let supp_vel_increment = 4; // Value by which velocity increases after each level
// Preload function - loads all the assets beforehand
function preload()
// Font
assassin_font = loadFont("fonts/assassin.ttf");
corleone_font = loadFont("fonts/corleone.ttf");
// Images
background_img = loadImage("images/background_img.png");
start_screen_img = loadImage("images/start_screen_mafia.jpg");
gameOver_screen_img = loadImage("images/gameOver_img.jpg");
game_completion_screen_img = loadImage("images/congrats_img.jpg");
my_char_img = loadImage("images/my_char.png");
img_supp_char_1 = loadImage("images/1_thanos.png");
img_supp_char_2 = loadImage("images/2_villain.png");
img_supp_char_3 = loadImage("images/3_villain.png");
big_boss_char_4 = loadImage("images/4_big_boss.png");
// Sound
background_sound = loadSound("sounds/the_good_bad_and_the_ugly.mp3");
collision_sound = loadSound("sounds/shotgun_firing.mp3");
victory_sound = loadSound("sounds/victory_sound.mp3");
gameOver_sound = loadSound("sounds/game_over.mp3"); // Not used
newlevel_sound = loadSound("sounds/new_level.mp3"); // Not used
function setup()
// Background Sound Function
createCanvas(canvas_w, canvas_h);
// Creating user character
my_char = new MyCharacter(canvas_w/2 - my_char_size, canvas_h/2 - my_char_size, my_char_size, my_char_img);
// Supplementary characters - Adding them to corresponding list
// Background Soundtrack function added separately
// It is called again in the 'reset' function - thus a separate function is convenient
function add_soundtrack()
// Function to add normal Supplementary characters to the list
function add_supp_char()
// Iterate based on the global variable
for (let i = 0; i < num_supp_char; i++)
// Variables that determine which image to load as supplementary character
let img_selection;
let rand_choice = int(random(0, 3));
if (rand_choice == 0) // Select Thanos as image
img_selection = img_supp_char_1;
else if (rand_choice == 1) // Select Hela as image
img_selection = img_supp_char_2;
else if (rand_choice == 2) // Select Monolith as image
img_selection = img_supp_char_3;
// // Random positions for supplement characters inside the canvas
// let random_x = random(0, (canvas_w - supp_char_size));
// let random_y = random(0, (canvas_h - supp_char_size));
// Random positions for supplement characters - but random_x is adjusted so that it doesnot
// overlap with the x-position of the primary character
let random_x = random(0, (canvas_w/2 - my_char_size*2.5));
let random_y = random(0, (canvas_h - supp_char_size));
// Storing each character temporarily in a variable; then pushing it to the list
// img_selection variable is randomized above
let temp_supp_char = new SuppCharacter(random_x, random_y, supp_char_size, img_selection);
append(supp_char_list, temp_supp_char);
// Function to add big-boss Supplementary characters to the list
// Used after Level 3
function add_big_boss()
// // Random positions for supplement characters inside the canvas
// let random_x = random(0, (canvas_w - supp_char_size));
// let random_y = random(0, (canvas_h - supp_char_size));
// Random positions for supplement characters - but random_x is adjusted so that it doesnot
// overlap with the x-position of the primary character
let random_x = random(0, (canvas_w/2 - my_char_size*2.5));
let random_y = random(0, (canvas_h - supp_char_size));
// Iterate based on global variable
for (let i = 0; i < num_big_boss; i++)
// Temp variable
let temp_big_boss = new SuppCharacter(random_x, random_y, big_boss_size, big_boss_char_4);
// Set this.velocity.limit() value for this character before adding to the list
// This way, big-boss character has more velocity
append(supp_char_list, temp_big_boss);
function draw()
// If game is not over, call different screen functions based on gamephase
// Otherwise, call 'gameOver_screen()' function
if (isGameOver == false)
if (gamePhase === "start")
else if (gamePhase === "playing")
else if (gamePhase === "complete")
gamePhase = "gameover";
background_sound.stop(); // Stop the background track once game is over