* @fileoverview p5.brush - A comprehensive toolset for brush management in p5.js.
* @version 1.0.4c
* @license MIT
* @author Alejandro Campos Uribe
* @description
* p5.brush is a p5.js library dedicated to the creation and management of custom brushes.
* It extends the drawing capabilities of p5.js by allowing users to simulate a wide range
* of brush strokes, vector fields, hatching patterns, and fill textures. These features
* are essential for emulating the nuanced effects found in traditional sketching and painting.
* Whether for digital art applications or procedural generation of graphics, p5.brush provides
* a robust framework for artists and developers to create rich, dynamic, and textured visuals.
* @example
* // Basic usage:
* brush.pick('marker'); // Select brush type
* brush.stroke(255, 0, 0); // Set brush color
* brush.strokeWeight(10); // Set brush size
* brush.line(25, 25, 75, 75); // Draw a line
* // Add a new brush type:
* brush.add('customBrush', { /* parameters for the brush *\/ });
* brush.pick('customBrush');
* // Use the custom brush for a vector-field line:
* brush.field('field_name') // Pick a flowfield
* brush.flowLine(50, 50, 100, PI / 4); // Draw a line within the vector-field
* // Fill textures:
* brush.noStroke();
* brush.fill('#FF0000', 90); // Set fill color to red and opacity to 90
* brush.bleed(0.3); // Set bleed effect for a watercolor-like appearance
* brush.rect(100, 100, 50, 50); // Fill a rectangle with the bleed effect
* @license
* MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2023 Alejandro Campos Uribe
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.brush = {}));
} (this, (function (exports) {
'use strict';
// =============================================================================
// Section: Configure and Initiate
// =============================================================================
* This section contains functions for setting up the drawing system. It allows
* for configuration with custom options, initialization of the system, preloading
* necessary assets, and a check to ensure the system is ready before any drawing
* operation is performed.
* Reference to the renderer or canvas object.
* @type {Object}
let _r;
* Flag to indicate if the system is ready for rendering.
* @type {boolean}
let _isReady = false;
* Configures the drawing system with custom options.
* @param {Object} [objct={}] - Optional configuration object.
function configureSystem(objct = {}) {
if (objct.R) R.source = objct.R; // Overrides the default random source if provided
* Initializes the drawing system and sets up the environment.
* @param {string|boolean} [canvasID=false] - Optional ID of the canvas element to use.
* If false, it uses the current window as the rendering context.
function loadSystem (canvasID = false) {
_isReady = true;
// Set the renderer to the specified canvas or to the window if no ID is given
_r = (!canvasID) ? window.self : canvasID;
// Load realistic color blending
// Load flowfield system
// Adjust standard brushes to match canvas size
globalScale(_r.width / 250) // Adjust standard brushes to match canvas
* Preloads necessary assets or configurations.
* This function should be called before setup to ensure all assets are loaded.
function preloadBrushAssets () {
// Load custom image tips
* Ensures that the drawing system is ready before any drawing operation.
* Loads the system if it hasn't been loaded already.
function _ensureReady () {
if (!_isReady) loadSystem();
* Automatically load the library before draw()
p5.prototype.registerMethod('afterSetup', () => _ensureReady());
// =============================================================================
// Section: Randomness and other auxiliary functions
// =============================================================================
* This section includes utility functions for randomness, mapping values,
* constraining numbers within a range, and precalculated trigonometric values
* to optimize performance. Additionally, it provides auxiliary functions for
* geometric calculations such as translation extraction, line intersection,
* and angle calculation.
* Object for random number generation and related utility functions.
* @property {function} source - Function that returns a random number from the base random generator.
* @property {function} random - Function to generate a random number within a specified range.
* @property {function} randInt - Function to generate a random integer within a specified range.
* @property {function} weightedRand - Function to generate a random value based on weighted probabilities.
* @property {function} map - Function to remap a number from one range to another.
* @property {function} constrain - Function to constrain a number within a range.
* @property {function} cos - Function to get the cosine of an angle from precalculated values.
* @property {function} sin - Function to get the sine of an angle from precalculated values.
* @property {boolean} isPrecalculationDone - Flag to check if precalculation of trigonometric values is complete.
* @property {function} preCalculation - Function to precalculate trigonometric values.
const R = {
* The basic source of randomness, can be replaced with a deterministic alternative for testing.
* @returns {number} A random number between 0 and 1.
source: () => random(),
* Generates a random number within a specified range.
* @param {number} [min=0] - The lower bound of the range.
* @param {number} [max=1] - The upper bound of the range.
* @returns {number} A random number within the specified range.
random(e = 0, r = 1) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {return, 0, 1, 0, e); }
else {return, 0, 1, e, r)}
* Generates a random integer within a specified range.
* @param {number} min - The lower bound of the range.
* @param {number} max - The upper bound of the range.
* @returns {number} A random integer within the specified range.
randInt(e, r) {
return Math.floor(this.random(e,r))
* Generates a random value based on weighted probabilities.
* @param {Object} weights - An object containing values as keys and their probabilities as values.
* @returns {string} A key randomly chosen based on its weight.
weightedRand(e) {
let r, a, n = [];
for (r in e)
for (a = 0; a < 10 * e[r]; a++)
return n[Math.floor(this.source() * n.length)]
* Remaps a number from one range to another.
* @param {number} value - The number to remap.
* @param {number} a - The lower bound of the value's current range.
* @param {number} b- The upper bound of the value's current range.
* @param {number} c - The lower bound of the value's target range.
* @param {number} d - The upper bound of the value's target range.
* @param {boolean} [withinBounds=false] - Whether to constrain the value to the target range.
* @returns {number} The remapped number.
map(value, a, b, c, d, withinBounds = false) {
let r = c + (value - a) / (b - a) * (d - c);
if (!withinBounds) return r;
if (c < d) {return this.constrain(r, c, d)}
else {return this.constrain(r, d, c)}
* Constrains a number to be within a range.
* @param {number} n - The number to constrain.
* @param {number} low - The lower bound of the range.
* @param {number} high - The upper bound of the range.
* @returns {number} The constrained number.
constrain (n, low, high) {
return Math.max(Math.min(n, high), low);
* Calculates the cosine for a given angle using precalculated values.
* @param {number} angle - The angle in degrees.
* @returns {number} The cosine of the angle.
cos(angle) {
return this.c[Math.floor(4 * ((angle % 360 + 360) % 360))];
* Calculates the sine for a given angle using precalculated values.
* @param {number} angle - The angle in degrees.
* @returns {number} The sine of the angle.
sin(angle) {
return this.s[Math.floor(4 * ((angle % 360 + 360) % 360))];
// Flag to indicate if the trigonometric tables have been precalculated
isPrecalculationDone: false,
* Precalculates trigonometric values for improved performance.
* This function should be called before any trigonometric calculations are performed.
preCalculation() {
if (this.isPrecalculationDone) return;
const totalDegrees = 1440;
const radiansPerIndex = 2 * Math.PI / totalDegrees;
this.c = new Float64Array(totalDegrees);
this.s = new Float64Array(totalDegrees);
for (let i = 0; i < totalDegrees; i++) {
const radians = i * radiansPerIndex;
R.c[i] = Math.cos(radians);
R.s[i] = Math.sin(radians);
this.isPrecalculationDone = true;
* Checks if value is numeric
isNumber: (a) => !isNaN(a),
* Changes angles to degrees and between 0-360
toDegrees: (a) => (((angleMode() === "radians") ? a * 180 / Math.PI : a) % 360 + 360) % 360,
// Perform the precalculation of trigonometric values for the R object
* Calculates the intersection point between two line segments if it exists.
* @param {Object} seg1Start - The start point of the first line segment.
* @param {Object} seg1End - The end point of the first line segment.
* @param {Object} seg2Start - The start point of the second line segment.
* @param {Object} seg2End - The end point of the second line segment.
* @param {boolean} [includeSegmentExtension=false] - Whether to include points of intersection not lying on the segments.
* @returns {Object|boolean} The intersection point as an object with 'x' and 'y' properties, or 'false' if there is no intersection.
function _intersectLines(seg1Start, seg1End, seg2Start, seg2End, includeSegmentExtension = false) {
// Extract coordinates from points
let x1 = seg1Start.x, y1 = seg1Start.y;
let x2 = seg1End.x, y2 = seg1End.y;
let x3 = seg2Start.x, y3 = seg2Start.y;
let x4 = seg2End.x, y4 = seg2End.y;
// Early return if line segments are points or if the lines are parallel
if ((x1 === x2 && y1 === y2) || (x3 === x4 && y3 === y4)) {
return false; // Segments are points
let deltaX1 = x2 - x1, deltaY1 = y2 - y1;
let deltaX2 = x4 - x3, deltaY2 = y4 - y3;
let denominator = (deltaY2 * deltaX1 - deltaX2 * deltaY1);
if (denominator === 0) {
return false; // Lines are parallel
// Calculate the intersection point
let ua = (deltaX2 * (y1 - y3) - deltaY2 * (x1 - x3)) / denominator;
let ub = (deltaX1 * (y1 - y3) - deltaY1 * (x1 - x3)) / denominator;
// Check if the intersection is within the bounds of the line segments
if (!includeSegmentExtension && (ub < 0 || ub > 1)) {
return false;
// Calculate the intersection coordinates
let x = x1 + ua * deltaX1;
let y = y1 + ua * deltaY1;
return { x: x, y: y };
* Calculates the angle in degrees between two points in 2D space.
* The angle is measured in a clockwise direction from the positive X-axis.
* @param {number} x1 - The x-coordinate of the first point.
* @param {number} y1 - The y-coordinate of the first point.
* @param {number} x2 - The x-coordinate of the second point.
* @param {number} y2 - The y-coordinate of the second point.
* @returns {number} The angle in degrees between the two points.
function _calculateAngle(x1,y1,x2,y2) {
// Calculate the angle based on the quadrant in which the second point lies
let angleRadians = Math.atan2(-(y2 - y1), (x2 - x1));
// Convert radians to degrees and normalize the angle between 0 and 360
let angleDegrees = angleRadians * (180 / Math.PI);
return (angleDegrees % 360 + 360) % 360;
* Object that saves the current p5.brush state for push and pop operations
const _saveState = {
field: {},
stroke: {},
hatch: {},
fill: {},
others: {},
* Saves current state to object
function _push () {
// Field
_saveState.field.isActive = FF.isActive;
_saveState.field.current = FF.current;
// Stroke
_saveState.stroke.isActive = B.isActive;
_saveState.stroke.brush =;
_saveState.stroke.color = B.c;
_saveState.stroke.weight = B.w;
_saveState.stroke.clip =;
// Hatch
_saveState.hatch.isActive = H.isActive;
_saveState.hatch.hatchingParams = H.hatchingParams;
_saveState.hatch.hatchingBrush = H.hatchingBrush;
// Fill
_saveState.fill.isActive = F.isActive;
_saveState.fill.color = F.color;
_saveState.fill.opacity = F.opacity;
_saveState.fill.bleed_strength = F.bleed_strength;
_saveState.fill.texture_strength = F.texture_strength;
_saveState.fill.border_strength = F.border_strength;
// Rotate
_saveState.others.rotate = Matrix.rotation;
* Restores previous state from object
function _pop() {
// Field
FF.isActive = _saveState.field.isActive;
FF.current = _saveState.field.current;
// Stroke
B.isActive = _saveState.stroke.isActive; = _saveState.stroke.brush;
B.c = _saveState.stroke.color;
B.w = _saveState.stroke.weight; = _saveState.stroke.clip;
// Hatch
H.isActive = _saveState.hatch.isActive;
H.hatchingParams = _saveState.hatch.hatchingParams;
H.hatchingBrush = _saveState.hatch.hatchingBrush;
// Fill
F.isActive = _saveState.fill.isActive;
F.color = _saveState.fill.color;
F.opacity = _saveState.fill.opacity;
F.bleed_strength = _saveState.fill.bleed_strength;
F.texture_strength = _saveState.fill.texture_strength;
F.border_strength = _saveState.fill.border_strength;
// Rotate
Matrix.rotation = _saveState.others.rotate;
* Object to perform matrix translation and rotation operations
const Matrix = {
translation: [0, 0],
rotation: 0,
* Captures the desired rotation.
rotate (a = 0) {
if (!R.isNumber(a)) {
console.error("rotate(): Value must be numeric");
return null;
Matrix.rotation = R.toDegrees(a)
* Captures the current translation values from the renderer's transformation matrix.
* Assumes that the renderer's transformation matrix (`uMVMatrix`) is a 4x4 matrix
* where the translation components are in the 13th (index 12) and 14th (index 13) positions.
* @returns {number[]} An array containing the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) translation values.
trans () {
// Access the renderer's current model-view matrix and extract the translation components
this.translation = [_r._renderer.uMVMatrix.mat4[12],_r._renderer.uMVMatrix.mat4[13]];
// Return the translation components as a two-element array
return this.translation
* Object to perform scale operations
const Scale = {
current: 1,
update: (a) => Scale.current *= a
// =============================================================================
// Section: Color Blending - Uses spectral.js as a module
// =============================================================================
* The Mix object is responsible for handling color blending operations within
* the rendering context. It utilizes WebGL shaders to apply advanced blending
* effects based on Kubelka-Munk theory. It depends on spectral.js for the
* blending logic incorporated into its fragment shader.
* Enables/Disables color caching for WebGL Shaders.
* Color caching increases performance but might produce worse textures
* when using the same colour repeteadly.
* @param {bool} bool
function enableCacheBlending(bool = true) {
Mix.isCaching = bool;
* Object handling blending operations with WebGL shaders.
* @property {boolean} loaded - Flag indicating if the blend shaders have been loaded.
* @property {boolean} isBlending - Flag indicating if the blending has been initiated.
* @property {boolean} isCaching - Flag indicating if the color caching is active.
* @property {Float32Array} currentColor - Typed array to hold color values for shaders.
* @property {function} load - Loads resources and initializes blend operations.
* @property {function} blend - Applies blending effects using the initialized shader.
* @property {string} vert - Vertex shader source code.
* @property {string} frag - Fragment shader source code with blending logic.
const Mix = {
loaded: false,
isBlending: false,
isCaching: true,
currentColor: new Float32Array(3),
* Loads necessary resources and prepares the mask buffer and shader for colour blending.
load() {
// Create a buffer to be used as a mask. We use a 2D buffer for faster geometry drawing
this.mask = s.createGraphics(_r.width,_r.height)
exports.mask = this.mask;
// Load the spectral.js shader code only once
if (!Mix.loaded) {
this.frag = this.frag.replace('#include "spectral.glsl"', spectral.glsl());
// Create the shader program from the vertex and fragment shaders
this.shader = _r.createShader(this.vert, this.frag);
Mix.loaded = true;
// Create a buffer for noBlend brushes
this.noBlend = s.createGraphics(_r.width,_r.height);
// WEBGL buffer for img brushes (image() is much quicker like this)
this.mask2 = s.createGraphics(_r.width,_r.height, WEBGL)
* Converts a color object with RGB levels to a Float32Array representation.
* The RGB levels are normalized to a range of 0.0 to 1.0.
* @param {object} _color - A p5 color object representing a color, containing an 'levels' property.
* @returns {Float32Array} A Float32Array with three elements, each representing the normalized levels of red, green, and blue.
getPigment(_color) {
let currentLevels = _color.levels;
let colorArray = new Float32Array(3);
colorArray[0] = currentLevels[0] / 255.0;
colorArray[1] = currentLevels[1] / 255.0;
colorArray[2] = currentLevels[2] / 255.0;
return colorArray;
* This function forces standard-brushes to be updated into the canvas
reDraw() {
// Copy info from noBlend buffer
_r.image(Mix.noBlend, -_r.width/2, -_r.height/2)
* This function forces marker-brushes and fills to be updated into the canvas
reBlend() {
* There are two parallel blender instances: one uses the 2D mask, the other the WEBGL mask
* 2D Canvas API mask: for basi geometry (circles, polygons, etc), which is much faster with the 2D API
* WEBGL mask: for image-type brushes. p5 image() is much faster in WEBGL mode
color1: new Float32Array(3),
color2: new Float32Array(3),
blending1: false,
blending2: false,
* Applies the blend shader to the current rendering context.
* @param {string} _c - The color used for blending, as a p5.Color object.
* @param {boolean} _isLast - Indicates if this is the last blend after setup and draw.
* @param {boolean} _isLast - Indicates if this is the last blend after setup and draw.
blend (_color = false, _isLast = false, webgl_mask = false, _watercolor = false) {
// Select between the two options:
this.isBlending = webgl_mask ? this.blending1 : this.blending2;
this.currentColor = webgl_mask ? this.color1 : this.color2;
// Check if blending is initialised
if(!this.isBlending) {
// If color has been provided, we initialise blending
if (_color) {
this.currentColor = this.getPigment(_color);
if (webgl_mask) this.blending1 = true, this.color1 = this.currentColor;
else this.blending2 = true, this.color2 = this.currentColor;
else {
_r.image(this.noBlend,-_r.width/2, -_r.height/2)
// Checks if newColor is the same than the cadhedColor
// If it is the same, we wait before applying the shader for color mixing
// If it's NOT the same, we apply the shader and cache the new color
let newColor = !_color ? this.currentColor : this.getPigment(_color);
if (newColor.toString() !== this.currentColor.toString() || _isLast || !this.isCaching) {
// Copy info from noBlend buffer
_r.image(this.noBlend,-_r.width/2, -_r.height/2)
// Use the blend shader for rendering
// Set shader uniforms
// Color to blend
this.shader.setUniform('addColor', this.currentColor);
// Source canvas
this.shader.setUniform('source', _r._renderer);
// Bool to active watercolor blender vs marker blender
this.shader.setUniform('active', _watercolor);
// Random values for watercolor blender
this.shader.setUniform('random', [R.random(),R.random(),R.random()]);
// We select and apply the correct mask here
let mask = webgl_mask ? this.mask2: this.mask;
this.shader.setUniform('mask', mask);
// Draw a rectangle covering the whole canvas to apply the shader
_r.rect(-_r.width/2, -_r.height/2, _r.width, _r.height);
// Clear the mask after drawing
// We cache the new color here
if (!_isLast) {
this.currentColor = this.getPigment(_color);
if (webgl_mask) this.color1 = this.currentColor;
else this.color2 = this.currentColor;
if (_isLast) {
this.isBlending = false;
if (webgl_mask) this.blending1 = this.isBlending
else this.blending2 = this.isBlending
// Vertex shader source code
vert: `precision highp float;attribute vec3 aPosition;attribute vec2 aTexCoord;uniform mat4 uModelViewMatrix,uProjectionMatrix;varying vec2 vVertTexCoord;void main(){gl_Position=uProjectionMatrix*uModelViewMatrix*vec4(aPosition,1);vVertTexCoord=aTexCoord;}`,
// Fragment shader source code with blending operations
frag: `
precision highp float;varying vec2 vVertTexCoord;
uniform sampler2D source;
uniform sampler2D mask;
uniform vec4 addColor;
uniform vec3 random;
uniform bool active;
#include "spectral.glsl"
// psrdnoise (c) Stefan Gustavson and Ian McEwan,
// ver. 2021-12-02, published under the MIT license:
float psrdnoise(vec2 x, vec2 period, float alpha, out vec2 gradient)
vec2 uv = vec2(x.x+x.y*0.5, x.y);
vec2 i0 = floor(uv), f0 = fract(uv);
float cmp = step(f0.y, f0.x);
vec2 o1 = vec2(cmp, 1.0-cmp);
vec2 i1 = i0 + o1, i2 = i0 + 1.0;
vec2 v0 = vec2(i0.x - i0.y*0.5, i0.y);
vec2 v1 = vec2(v0.x + o1.x - o1.y*0.5, v0.y + o1.y);
vec2 v2 = vec2(v0.x + 0.5, v0.y + 1.0);
vec2 x0 = x - v0, x1 = x - v1, x2 = x - v2;
vec3 iu, iv, xw, yw;
if(any(greaterThan(period, vec2(0.0)))) {
xw = vec3(v0.x, v1.x, v2.x);
yw = vec3(v0.y, v1.y, v2.y);
if(period.x > 0.0)
xw = mod(vec3(v0.x, v1.x, v2.x), period.x);
if(period.y > 0.0)
yw = mod(vec3(v0.y, v1.y, v2.y), period.y);
iu = floor(xw + 0.5*yw + 0.5); iv = floor(yw + 0.5);
} else {
iu = vec3(i0.x, i1.x, i2.x); iv = vec3(i0.y, i1.y, i2.y);
vec3 hash = mod(iu, 289.0);
hash = mod((hash*51.0 + 2.0)*hash + iv, 289.0);
hash = mod((hash*34.0 + 10.0)*hash, 289.0);
vec3 psi = hash*0.07482 + alpha;
vec3 gx = cos(psi); vec3 gy = sin(psi);
vec2 g0 = vec2(gx.x, gy.x);
vec2 g1 = vec2(gx.y, gy.y);
vec2 g2 = vec2(gx.z, gy.z);
vec3 w = 0.8 - vec3(dot(x0, x0), dot(x1, x1), dot(x2, x2));
w = max(w, 0.0); vec3 w2 = w*w; vec3 w4 = w2*w2;
vec3 gdotx = vec3(dot(g0, x0), dot(g1, x1), dot(g2, x2));
float n = dot(w4, gdotx);
vec3 w3 = w2*w; vec3 dw = -8.0*w3*gdotx;
vec2 dn0 = w4.x*g0 + dw.x*x0;
vec2 dn1 = w4.y*g1 + dw.y*x1;
vec2 dn2 = w4.z*g2 + dw.z*x2;
gradient = 10.9*(dn0 + dn1 + dn2);
return 10.9*n;
vec4 generic_desaturate(vec3 color, float factor)
vec3 lum = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
vec3 gray = vec3(dot(lum, color));
return vec4(mix(color, gray, factor), 1.0);
float rand(vec2 co, float a, float b, float c){return fract(sin(dot(co, vec2(a, b))) * c);}
void main() {
vec4 maskColor = texture2D(mask, vVertTexCoord);
if (maskColor.r > 0.0) {
vec2 r=vec2(12.9898,78.233), a=vec2(7.9898,58.233), l=vec2(17.9898,3.233);
float d=rand(vVertTexCoord,r.x,r.y,43358.5453)*2.-1., x=rand(vVertTexCoord,a.x,a.y,43213.5453)*2.-1., s=rand(vVertTexCoord,l.x,l.y,33358.5453)*2.-1.;
const vec2 p = vec2(0.0);
vec2 g;
vec4 pigment;
if (active) {
float n = psrdnoise(vVertTexCoord * 5., p, 10.0 * random.x, g);
float n2 = psrdnoise(vVertTexCoord * 5., p, 10.0 * random.y, g);
float n3 = psrdnoise(vVertTexCoord * 5., p, 10.0 * random.z, g);
float n4 = 0.25 + 0.25 * psrdnoise(vVertTexCoord * 4., p, 3.0 * random.x, g);
pigment = vec4(generic_desaturate(,n4).xyz + vec3(n,n2,n3) * 0.03, 1.0);
} else {
pigment = vec4(,1.0);
float darken_above = 0.7;
if (maskColor.a > darken_above) {
float blacken = 0.5 * (maskColor.a - darken_above);
pigment = pigment * (1. - blacken) - vec4(0.5) * blacken;
vec3 mixedColor = spectral_mix(texture2D(source,vVertTexCoord).xyz,, 0.9 * maskColor.a);
gl_FragColor = vec4(mixedColor + 0.01*vec3(d,x,s),1.);
* Register methods after setup() and post draw() for belding last buffered color
p5.prototype.registerMethod('afterSetup', () => Mix.blend(false, true));
p5.prototype.registerMethod('afterSetup', () => Mix.blend(false, true, true));
p5.prototype.registerMethod('post', () => Mix.blend(false, true));
p5.prototype.registerMethod('post', () => Mix.blend(false, true, true));
// =============================================================================
// Section: FlowField
// =============================================================================
* The FlowField (FF) section includes functions and objects for creating and managing vector fields.
* These fields can guide the motion of particles or brush strokes in a canvas, creating complex and
* dynamic visual patterns.
* Activates a specific vector field by name, ensuring it's ready for use.
* @param {string} a - The name of the vector field to activate.
function selectField (a) {
// Check if field exists
if (!FF.list.has(a)) {
console.error("field(): No VectorField with that name");
return null;
FF.isActive = true; // Mark the field framework as active
FF.current = a; // Update the current field
* Deactivates the current vector field.
function disableField () {
FF.isActive = false;
* Adds a new vector field to the field list with a unique name and a generator function.
* @param {string} name - The unique name for the new vector field.
* @param {Function} funct - The function that generates the field values.
function addField(name,funct) {
FF.list.set(name,{gen: funct}); // Map the field name to its generator function
FF.current = name; // Set the newly added field as the current one to be used
FF.refresh(); // Refresh the field values using the generator function
* Refreshes the current vector field based on the generator function, which can be time-dependent.
* @param {number} [t=0] - An optional time parameter that can affect field generation.
function refreshField(t) {
if (!R.isNumber(t)) {
console.error("refreshField(): Value for refreshField must be numeric");
return null
* Retrieves a list of all available vector field names.
* @returns {Iterator<string>} An iterator that provides the names of all the fields.
function listFields() {return Array.from(FF.list.keys())}
* Represents a framework for managing vector fields used in dynamic simulations or visualizations.
* @property {boolean} isActive - Indicates whether any vector field is currently active.
* @property {Map} list - A map associating field names to their respective generator functions and current states.
* @property {Array} field - An array representing the current vector field grid with values.
const FF = {
isActive: false,
list: new Map(),
current: '',
* Calculates a relative step length based on the renderer's dimensions, used in field grid calculations.
* @returns {number} The relative step length value.
step_length() {
return Math.min(_r.width,_r.height) / 1000
* Initializes the field grid and sets up the vector field's structure based on the renderer's dimensions.
create() {
this.R = _r.width * 0.01; // Determine the resolution of the field grid
this.left_x = -1 * _r.width; // Left boundary of the field
this.top_y = -1 * _r.height; // Top boundary of the field
this.num_columns = Math.round(2 * _r.width / this.R); // Number of columns in the grid
this.num_rows = Math.round(2 * _r.height / this.R); // Number of columns in the grid
this.addStandard(); // Add default vector fields
* Retrieves the field values for the current vector field.
* @returns {Float64Array[]} The current vector field grid.
flow_field() {
return this.list.get(this.current).field
* Regenerates the current vector field using its associated generator function.
* @param {number} [t=0] - An optional time parameter that can affect field generation.
refresh(t = 0) {
this.list.get(this.current).field = this.list.get(this.current).gen(t,this.genField())
* Generates empty field array using its associated generator function.
* @returns {Float64Array[]} Empty vector field grid.
genField() {
let grid = new Array(this.num_columns); // Initialize the field array
for (let i = 0; i < this.num_columns; i++) {
grid[i] = new Float64Array(this.num_rows);
return grid;
* Adds standard predefined vector fields to the list with unique behaviors.
addStandard() {
addField("curved", function(t,field) {
let angleRange = R.randInt(-25,-15);
if (R.randInt(0,100)%2 == 0) {angleRange = angleRange * -1}
for (let column=0;column<FF.num_columns;column++){
for (let row=0;row<FF.num_rows;row++) {
let noise_val = noise(column * 0.02 + t * 0.03, row * 0.02 + t * 0.03)
let angle =, 0.0, 1.0, -angleRange, angleRange)
field[column][row] = 3 * angle;
return field;
addField("truncated", function(t,field) {
let angleRange = R.randInt(-25,-15) + 5 * R.sin(t);
if (R.randInt(0,100)%2 == 0) {angleRange=angleRange*-1}
let truncate = R.randInt(5,10);
for (let column=0;column<FF.num_columns;column++){
for (let row=0;row<FF.num_rows;row++) {
let noise_val = noise(column * 0.02, row * 0.02)
let angle = Math.round(, 0.0, 1.0, -angleRange, angleRange)/truncate)*truncate;
field[column][row] = 4 * angle;
return field;
addField("zigzag", function(t,field) {
let angleRange = R.randInt(-30,-15) + Math.abs(44 * R.sin(t));
if (R.randInt(0,100)%2 == 0) {angleRange=angleRange*-1}
let dif = angleRange;
let angle = 0;
for (let column=0;column<FF.num_columns;column++){
for (let row=0;row<FF.num_rows;row++) {
field[column][row] = angle;
angle = angle + dif;
dif = -1*dif;
angle = angle + dif;
dif = -1*dif;
return field;
addField("waves", function(t,field) {
let sinrange = R.randInt(10,15) + 5 * R.sin(t);
let cosrange = R.randInt(3,6) + 3 * R.cos(t);
let baseAngle = R.randInt(20,35);
for (let column=0;column<FF.num_columns;column++){
for (let row=0;row<FF.num_rows;row++) {
let angle = R.sin(sinrange*column)*(baseAngle * R.cos(row*cosrange)) + R.randInt(-3,3);
field[column][row] = angle;
return field;
addField("seabed", function(t,field) {
let baseSize = R.random(0.4,0.8)
let baseAngle = R.randInt(18,26) ;
for (let column=0;column<FF.num_columns;column++){
for (let row=0;row<FF.num_rows;row++) {
let addition = R.randInt(15,20)
let angle = baseAngle*R.sin(baseSize*row*column+addition);
field[column][row] = 1.1*angle * R.cos(t);
return field;
* The Position class represents a point within a two-dimensional space, which can interact with a vector field.
* It provides methods to update the position based on the field's flow and to check whether the position is
* within certain bounds (e.g., within the field or canvas).
class Position {
* Constructs a new Position instance.
* @param {number} x - The initial x-coordinate.
* @param {number} y - The initial y-coordinate.
constructor (x,y) {
this.update(x, y);
this.plotted = 0;
* Updates the position's coordinates and calculates its offsets and indices within the flow field if active.
* @param {number} x - The new x-coordinate.
* @param {number} y - The new y-coordinate.
update (x,y) {
this.x = x , this.y = y;
if (FF.isActive) {
this.x_offset = this.x - FF.left_x + Matrix.trans()[0];
this.y_offset = this.y - FF.top_y + Matrix.trans()[1];
this.column_index = Math.round(this.x_offset / FF.R);
this.row_index = Math.round(this.y_offset / FF.R);
* Resets the 'plotted' property to 0.
reset() {
this.plotted = 0;
* Checks if the position is within the active flow field's bounds.
* @returns {boolean} - True if the position is within the flow field, false otherwise.
isIn() {
return (FF.isActive) ? ((this.column_index >= 0 && this.row_index >= 0) && (this.column_index < FF.num_columns && this.row_index < FF.num_rows)) : this.isInCanvas()
* Checks if the position is within reasonable bounds (+ half canvas on each side).
* @returns {boolean} - True if the position is within bounds, false otherwise.
isInCanvas() {
let w = _r.width, h = _r.height;
return (this.x >= -w - Matrix.trans()[0] && this.x <= w - Matrix.trans()[0]) && (this.y >= -h - Matrix.trans()[1] && this.y <= h - Matrix.trans()[1])
* Calculates the angle of the flow field at the position's current coordinates.
* @returns {number} - The angle in radians, or 0 if the position is not in the flow field or if the flow field is not active.
angle () {
return (this.isIn() && FF.isActive) ? FF.flow_field()[this.column_index][this.row_index] : 0
* Moves the position along the flow field by a certain length.
* @param {number} _length - The length to move along the field.
* @param {number} _dir - The direction of movement.
* @param {number} _step_length - The length of each step.
* @param {boolean} isFlow - Whether to use the flow field for movement.
moveTo (_length, _dir, _step_length = FF.step_length(), isFlow = true) {
if (this.isIn()) {
let a, b;
if (!isFlow) {
a = R.cos(-_dir);
b = R.sin(-_dir);
for (let i = 0; i < _length / _step_length; i++) {
if (isFlow) {
let angle = this.angle();
a = R.cos(angle - _dir);
b = R.sin(angle - _dir);
let x_step = (_step_length * a), y_step = (_step_length * b);
this.plotted += _step_length;
this.update(this.x + x_step, this.y + y_step);
} else {
this.plotted += _step_length;
* Plots a point to another position within the flow field, following a Plot object
* @param {Position} _plot - The Plot path object.
* @param {number} _length - The length to move towards the target position.
* @param {number} _step_length - The length of each step.
* @param {number} _scale - The scaling factor for the plotting path.
plotTo (_plot, _length, _step_length, _scale) {
if (this.isIn()) {
const inverse_scale = 1 / _scale;
for (let i = 0; i < _length / _step_length; i++) {
let current_angle = this.angle();
let plot_angle = _plot.angle(this.plotted);
let x_step = (_step_length * R.cos(current_angle - plot_angle));
let y_step = (_step_length * R.sin(current_angle - plot_angle));
this.plotted += _step_length * inverse_scale;
this.update(this.x + x_step, this.y + y_step);
} else {
this.plotted += _step_length / scale;
// =============================================================================
// Section: Brushes
// =============================================================================
* The Brushes section provides tools for drawing with various brush types. Each brush
* can simulate different materials and techniques, such as spray, marker, or custom
* image stamps. The 'B' object is central to this section, storing brush properties
* and methods for applying brush strokes to the canvas.
* The 'B' object contains methods to control the brush, including setting the brush
* type, color, weight, and blending mode. It also handles the application of the brush
* to draw lines, flow lines, and shapes with specific behaviors defined by the brush type.
* Additionally, it provides a mechanism to clip the drawing area, ensuring brush strokes
* only appear within the defined region.
* Brush tips can vary from basic circles to complex patterns, with support for custom
* pressure curves, opacity control, and dynamic size adjustments to simulate natural
* drawing tools. The brush engine can create effects like variable line weight, texture,
* and color blending, emulating real-world drawing experiences.
* The brush system is highly customizable, allowing users to define their own brushes
* with specific behaviors and appearances. By extending the brush types and parameters,
* one can achieve a wide range of artistic styles and techniques.
* Adjusts the global scale of brush parameters based on the provided scale factor.
* This affects the weight, vibration, and spacing of each standard brush.
* @param {number} _scale - The scaling factor to apply to the brush parameters.
function globalScale(_scale) {
for (let s of _standard_brushes) {
let params = B.list.get(s[0]).param
params.weight *= _scale, params.vibration *= _scale, params.spacing *= _scale;
_gScale = _scale
let _gScale = 1;
* Disables the stroke for subsequent drawing operations.
* This function sets the brush's `isActive` property to false, indicating that no stroke
* should be applied to the shapes drawn after this method is called.
function disableBrush() {
B.isActive = false;
* Retrieves a list of all available brush names from the brush manager.
* @returns {Array<string>} An array containing the names of all brushes.
function listOfBrushes() {
return Array.from(B.list.keys())
* The B object, representing a brush, contains properties and methods to manipulate
* the brush's appearance and behavior when drawing on the canvas.
* @type {Object}
const B = {
isActive: true, // Indicates if the brush is active.
list: new Map(), // Stores brush definitions by name.
c: "#000000", // Current color of the brush.
w: 1, // Current weight (size) of the brush.
cr: null, // Clipping region for brush strokes.
name: "HB", // Name of the current brush.
* Adds a new brush with the specified parameters to the brush list.
* @param {string} name - The unique name for the new brush.
* @param {BrushParameters} params - The parameters defining the brush behavior and appearance.
add: (a, b) => {
const isBlendableType = b.type === "marker" || b.type === "custom" || b.type === "image";
if (!isBlendableType && b.type !== "spray") b.type = "default";
if (b.type === "image") {
b.tip = () => B.mask.image(, -B.p.weight / 2, -B.p.weight / 2, B.p.weight, B.p.weight);
b.blend = ((isBlendableType && b.blend !== false) || b.blend) ? true : false;
B.list.set(a, { param: b, colors: [], buffers: [] });
* Sets the current brush with the specified name, color, and weight.
* @param {string} brushName - The name of the brush to set as current.
* @param {string|p5.Color} color - The color to set for the brush.
* @param {number} weight - The weight (size) to set for the brush.
set(brushName, color, weight = 1) {
B.c = color;
B.w = weight;
B.isActive = true;
* Sets only the current brush type based on the given name.
* @param {string} brushName - The name of the brush to set as current.
setBrush(brushName) {
if (!B.list.has(brushName)) {
console.error("set() / setBrush() / setHatch():\n No brush with that name");
return null;
} = brushName;
* Sets the color of the current brush.
* @param {number|string|p5.Color} r - The red component of the color, a CSS color string, or a p5.Color object.
* @param {number} [g] - The green component of the color.
* @param {number} [b] - The blue component of the color.
setColor(r,g,b) {
if (arguments.length > 0) B.c = (arguments.length < 2) ? r : [r,g,b];
B.isActive = true;
* Sets the weight (size) of the current brush.
* @param {number} weight - The weight to set for the brush.
setWeight(weight) {
B.w = weight;
* Defines a clipping region for the brush strokes.
* @param {number[]} clippingRegion - An array defining the clipping region as [x1, y1, x2, y2].
clip(clippingRegion) { = clippingRegion;
* Disables clipping region.
noClip() { = null;
* Draws a line using the current brush from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).
* @param {number} x1 - The x-coordinate of the start point.
* @param {number} y1 - The y-coordinate of the start point.
* @param {number} x2 - The x-coordinate of the end point.
* @param {number} y2 - The y-coordinate of the end point.
line(x1,y1,x2,y2) {
let d = dist(x1,y1,x2,y2)
if (d == 0) return;
B.initializeDrawingState(x1, y1, d, false, false);
let angle = _calculateAngle(x1,y1,x2,y2);
B.draw(angle, false);
* Draws a flow line with the current brush from a starting point in a specified direction.
* @param {number} x - The x-coordinate of the starting point.
* @param {number} y - The y-coordinate of the starting point.
* @param {number} length - The length of the line to draw.
* @param {number} dir - The direction in which to draw the line. Angles measured anticlockwise from the x-axis
flowLine(x,y,length,dir) {
B.initializeDrawingState(x, y, length, true, false);
B.draw(R.toDegrees(dir), false);
* Draws a predefined shape/plot with a flowing brush stroke.
* @param {Object} p - An object representing the shape to draw.
* @param {number} x - The x-coordinate of the starting position to draw the shape.
* @param {number} y - The y-coordinate of the starting position to draw the shape.
* @param {number} scale - The scale at which to draw the shape.
flowShape(p,x,y,scale) {
B.initializeDrawingState(x, y, p.length, true, p);
B.draw(scale, true);
* Calculates the tip spacing based on the current brush parameters.
* @returns {number} The calculated spacing value.
spacing() {
this.p = this.list.get(
if (this.p.type === "default" || this.p.type === "spray") return this.p.spacing / this.w;
return this.p.spacing;
* Initializes the drawing state with the given parameters.
* @param {number} x - The x-coordinate of the starting point.
* @param {number} y - The y-coordinate of the starting point.
* @param {number} length - The length of the line to draw.
* @param {boolean} flow - Flag indicating if the line should follow the vector-field.
* @param {Object|boolean} plot - The shape object to be used for plotting, or false if not plotting a shape.
initializeDrawingState(x, y, length, flow, plot) {
this.position = new Position(x, y);
this.length = length;
this.flow = flow;
this.plot = plot;
if (plot) plot.calcIndex(0);
* Executes the drawing operation for lines or shapes.
* @param {number} angle_scale - The angle or scale to apply during drawing.
* @param {boolean} isPlot - Flag indicating if the operation is plotting a shape.
draw(angle_scale, isPlot) {
if (!isPlot) this.dir = angle_scale;
const st = this.spacing();
const total_steps = isPlot ? Math.round(this.length * angle_scale / st) : Math.round(this.length / st);
for (let steps = 0; steps < total_steps; steps++) {
if (isPlot) {
this.position.plotTo(this.plot, st, st, angle_scale);
} else {
this.position.moveTo(st, angle_scale, st, this.flow);
* Executes the drawing operation for a single tip.
* @param {number} pressure - The desired pressure value.
drawTip(pressure) {
* Sets up the environment for a brush stroke.
pushState(isTip = false) {
this.p = this.list.get(
// Pressure values for the stroke
if (!isTip) {
this.a = this.p.pressure.type !== "custom" ? R.random(-1, 1) : 0;
this.b = this.p.pressure.type !== "custom" ? R.random(1, 1.5) : 0;
this.cp = this.p.pressure.type !== "custom" ? R.random(3, 3.5) : R.random(-0.2, 0.2);
const [min, max] = this.p.pressure.min_max;
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
// Blend Mode
this.c = _r.color(this.c);
// Select mask buffer for blend mode
this.mask = this.p.blend ? ((this.p.type === "image") ? Mix.mask2 : Mix.mask) : Mix.noBlend;
// Set the blender
(this.p.type === "image") ? this.mask.translate(Matrix.translation[0],Matrix.translation[1]) : this.mask.translate(Matrix.translation[0] + _r.width/2,Matrix.translation[1] + _r.height/2);
if (this.p.blend) {
if (this.p.type !== "image") Mix.blend(this.c);
else Mix.blend(this.c,false,true)
if (!isTip) this.markerTip()
* Restores the drawing state after a brush stroke is completed.
popState(isTip = false) {
if (this.p.blend && !isTip) this.markerTip();
* Draws the tip of the brush based on the current pressure and position.
* @param {number} pressure - The desired pressure value.
tip(custom_pressure = false) {
let pressure = custom_pressure ? custom_pressure : this.calculatePressure(); // Calculate Pressure
let alpha = this.calculateAlpha(pressure); // Calcula Alpha
this.applyColor(alpha); // Apply Color
if (this.isInsideClippingArea()) { // Check if it's inside clipping area
switch (this.p.type) { // Draw different tip types
case "spray":
case "marker":
case "custom":
case "image":
this.drawCustomOrImage(pressure, alpha);
* Calculates the pressure for the current position in the stroke.
* @returns {number} The calculated pressure value.
calculatePressure() {
return this.plot
? this.simPressure() * this.plot.pressure(this.position.plotted)
: this.simPressure();
* Simulates brush pressure based on the current position and brush parameters.
* @returns {number} The simulated pressure value.
simPressure () {
if (this.p.pressure.type === "custom") {
return / this.length) + this.cp, 0, 1, this.min, this.max, true);
return this.gauss()
* Generates a Gaussian distribution value for the pressure calculation.
* @param {number} a - Center of the Gaussian bell curve.
* @param {number} b - Width of the Gaussian bell curve.
* @param {number} c - Shape of the Gaussian bell curve.
* @param {number} min - Minimum pressure value.
* @param {number} max - Maximum pressure value.
* @returns {number} The calculated Gaussian value.
gauss(a = 0.5 + B.p.pressure.curve[0] * B.a, b = 1 - B.p.pressure.curve[1] * B.b, c = B.cp, min = B.min, max = B.max) {
return / ( 1 + Math.pow(Math.abs( ( this.position.plotted - a * this.length ) / ( b * this.length / 2 ) ), 2 * c))), 0, 1, min, max);
* Calculates the alpha (opacity) level for the brush stroke based on pressure.
* @param {number} pressure - The current pressure value.
* @returns {number} The calculated alpha value.
calculateAlpha(pressure) {
let opacity = (this.p.type !== "default" && this.p.type !== "spray") ?
this.p.opacity / this.w :
return Math.floor(opacity * Math.pow(pressure, this.p.type === "marker" ? 0.7 : 1.5));
* Applies the current color and alpha to the renderer.
* @param {number} alpha - The alpha (opacity) level to apply.
applyColor(alpha) {
if (this.p.blend) {
this.mask.fill(255, 0, 0, alpha / 2);
} else {
* Checks if the current brush position is inside the defined clipping area.
* @returns {boolean} True if the position is inside the clipping area, false otherwise.
isInsideClippingArea() {
if ( return this.position.x >=[0] && this.position.x <=[2] && this.position.y >=[1] && this.position.y <=[3];
else {
let w = 0.55 * _r.width, h = 0.55 * _r.height;
return (this.position.x >= -w - Matrix.trans()[0] && this.position.x <= w - Matrix.trans()[0]) && (this.position.y >= -h - Matrix.trans()[1] && this.position.y <= h - Matrix.trans()[1])
* Draws the spray tip of the brush.
* @param {number} pressure - The current pressure value.
drawSpray(pressure) {
let vibration = (this.w * this.p.vibration * pressure) + this.w * randomGaussian() * this.p.vibration / 3;
let sw = this.p.weight * R.random(0.9,1.1);
const iterations = this.p.quality / pressure;
for (let j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
let r = R.random(0.9,1.1);
let rX = r * vibration * R.random(-1,1);
let yRandomFactor = R.random(-1, 1);
let rVibrationSquared = Math.pow(r * vibration, 2);
let sqrtPart = Math.sqrt(rVibrationSquared - Math.pow(rX, 2)); + rX, this.position.y + yRandomFactor * sqrtPart, sw);
* Draws the marker tip of the brush.
* @param {number} pressure - The current pressure value.
* @param {boolean} [vibrate=true] - Whether to apply vibration effect.
drawMarker(pressure, vibrate = true) {
let vibration = vibrate ? this.w * this.p.vibration : 0;
let rx = vibrate ? vibration * R.random(-1,1) : 0;
let ry = vibrate ? vibration * R.random(-1,1) : 0; + rx, this.position.y + ry, this.w * this.p.weight * pressure)
* Draws the custom or image tip of the brush.
* @param {number} pressure - The current pressure value.
* @param {number} alpha - The alpha (opacity) level to apply.
* @param {boolean} [vibrate=true] - Whether to apply vibration effect.
drawCustomOrImage(pressure, alpha, vibrate = true) {
let vibration = vibrate ? this.w * this.p.vibration : 0;
let rx = vibrate ? vibration * R.random(-1,1) : 0;
let ry = vibrate ? vibration * R.random(-1,1) : 0;
this.mask.translate(this.position.x + rx, this.position.y + ry);
this.adjustSizeAndRotation(this.w * pressure, alpha)
* Draws the default tip of the brush.
* @param {number} pressure - The current pressure value.
drawDefault(pressure) {
let vibration = this.w * this.p.vibration * (this.p.definition + (1-this.p.definition) * randomGaussian() * this.gauss(0.5,0.9,5,0.2,1.2) / pressure);
if (R.random(0, this.p.quality) > 0.4) { + 0.7 * vibration * R.random(-1,1),this.position.y + vibration * R.random(-1,1), pressure * this.p.weight * R.random(0.85,1.15));
* Adjusts the size and rotation of the brush tip before drawing.
* @param {number} pressure - The current pressure value.
* @param {number} alpha - The alpha (opacity) level to apply.
adjustSizeAndRotation(pressure, alpha) {
if (this.p.type === "image") (this.p.blend) ? this.mask.tint(255, 0, 0, alpha / 2) : this.mask.tint(,,, alpha);
if (this.p.rotate === "random") this.mask.rotate(R.randInt(0,360));
else if (this.p.rotate === "natural") {
let angle = ((this.plot) ? - this.plot.angle(this.position.plotted) : - this.dir) + (this.flow ? this.position.angle() : 0)
* Draws the marker tip with a blend effect.
markerTip() {
if (this.isInsideClippingArea()) {
let pressure = this.calculatePressure();
let alpha = this.calculateAlpha(pressure);
this.mask.fill(255, 0, 0, alpha / 1.5);
if (B.p.type === "marker") {
for (let s = 1; s < 5; s++) {
this.drawMarker(pressure * s/5, false)
} else if (B.p.type === "custom" || B.p.type === "image") {
for (let s = 1; s < 5; s++) {
this.drawCustomOrImage(pressure * s/5, alpha, false)
* Draws the tip of the selected brush
* @param {number} x - x coordinate for the tip.
* @param {number} y - y coordinate for the tip.
* @param {number} pressure - The desired pressure value.
function drawTip(x, y, pressure) {
B.position = new Position(x, y)
// =============================================================================
// Section: Loading Custom Image Tips
// =============================================================================
* This section defines the functionality for managing the loading and processing of image tips.
* Images are loaded from specified source URLs, converted to a white tint for visual effects,
* and then stored for future use. It includes methods to add new images, convert their color
* scheme, and integrate them into the p5.js graphics library.
* A utility object for loading images, converting them to a red tint, and managing their states.
const T = {
tips: new Map(),
* Adds an image to the tips Map and sets up loading and processing.
* @param {string} src - The source URL of the image to be added and processed.
add (src) {
// Initially set the source as not processed,false)
* Converts the given image to a white tint by setting all color channels to white and adjusting the alpha channel.
* @param {Image} image - The image to be converted.
imageToWhite (image) {
// Modify the image data to create a white tint effect
for (let i = 0; i < 4 * image.width * image.height; i += 4) {
// Calculate the average for the grayscale value
let average = (image.pixels[i] + image.pixels[i + 1] + image.pixels[i + 2]) / 3;
// Set all color channels to white
image.pixels[i] = image.pixels[i + 1] = image.pixels[i + 2] = 255;
// Adjust the alpha channel to the inverse of the average, creating the white tint effect
image.pixels[i + 3] = 255 - average;
* Loads all processed images into the p5.js environment.
* If no images are in the tips Map, logs a warning message.
load() {
for (let key of{
let image = loadImage(key, () => T.imageToWhite(image)), image)
// =============================================================================
// Section: Hatching
// =============================================================================
* The Hatching section of the code is responsible for creating and drawing hatching patterns.
* Hatching involves drawing closely spaced parallel lines.
* Activates hatching for subsequent geometries, with the given params.
* @param {number} dist - The distance between hatching lines.
* @param {number} angle - The angle at which hatching lines are drawn.
* @param {Object} options - An object containing optional parameters to affect the hatching style:
* - rand: Introduces randomness to the line placement.
* - continuous: Connects the end of a line with the start of the next.
* - gradient: Changes the distance between lines to create a gradient effect.
* Defaults to {rand: false, continuous: false, gradient: false}.
function hatch(dist = 5, angle = 45, options = {rand: false, continuous: false, gradient: false}) {
H.isActive = true;
H.hatchingParams = [dist, angle, options]
* Sets the brush type, color, and weight for subsequent hatches.
* If this function is not called, hatches will use the parameters from stroke operations.
* @param {string} brushName - The name of the brush to set as current.
* @param {string|p5.Color} color - The color to set for the brush.
* @param {number} weight - The weight (size) to set for the brush.
function setHatch(brush, color = "black", weight = 1) {
H.hatchingBrush = [brush, color, weight]
* Disables hatching for subsequent shapes
function noHatch() {
H.isActive = false;
H.hatchingBrush = false;
* Object to hold the current hatch state and to perform hatch calculation
const H = {
isActive: false,
hatchingParams: [5,45,{}],
hatchingBrush: false,
* Creates a hatching pattern across the given polygons.
* @param {Array|Object} polygons - A single polygon or an array of polygons to apply the hatching.
hatch(polygons) {
let dist = H.hatchingParams[0];
let angle = H.hatchingParams[1];
let options = H.hatchingParams[2];
// Save current stroke state
let strokeColor = B.c, strokeBrush =, strokeWeight = B.w, strokeActive = B.isActive;
// Change state if hatch has been set to different params than stroke
if (H.hatchingBrush) B.set(H.hatchingBrush[0],H.hatchingBrush[1],H.hatchingBrush[2])
// Transform to degrees and between 0-180
angle = R.toDegrees(angle) % 180;
// Calculate the bounding area of the provided polygons
let minX = Infinity, maxX = -Infinity, minY = Infinity, maxY = -Infinity;
let processPolygonPoints = (p) => {
for (let a of p.a) {
// (process points of a single polygon to find bounding area)
minX = a[0] < minX ? a[0] : minX;
maxX = a[0] > maxX ? a[0] : maxX;
minY = a[1] < minY ? a[1] : minY;
maxY = a[1] > maxY ? a[1] : maxY;
// Ensure polygons is an array and find overall bounding area
if (!Array.isArray(polygons)) {polygons = [polygons]}
for (let p of polygons) {processPolygonPoints(p);}
// Create a bounding polygon
let ventana = new Polygon([[minX,minY],[maxX,minY],[maxX,maxY],[minX,maxY]])
// Set initial values for line generation
let startY = (angle <= 90 && angle >= 0) ? minY : maxY;
let gradient = options.gradient ? map(options.gradient,0,1,1,1.1,true) : 1
let dots = [];
let i = 0;
let dist1 = dist;
let linea = (i) => {
return {
point1 : { x: minX + dist1 * i * R.cos(-angle+90), y: startY + dist1 * i * R.sin(-angle+90) },
point2 : { x: minX + dist1 * i * R.cos(-angle+90) + R.cos(-angle), y: startY + dist1 * i * R.sin(-angle+90) + R.sin(-angle) }
// Generate lines and calculate intersections with polygons
// Loop through the lines based on the distance and angle to calculate intersections with the polygons
// The loop continues until a line does not intersect with the bounding window polygon
// Each iteration accounts for the gradient effect by adjusting the distance between lines
while (ventana.intersect(linea(i)).length > 0) {
let tempArray = [];
for (let p of polygons) {tempArray.push(p.intersect(linea(i)))};
dots[i] = tempArray.flat().sort((a, b) => (a.x === b.x) ? (a.y - b.y) : (a.x - b.x));
dist1 *= gradient
// Filter out empty arrays to avoid drawing unnecessary lines
let gdots = []
for (let dd of dots) {if (typeof dd[0] !== "undefined") { gdots.push(dd)} }
// Draw the hatching lines using the calculated intersections
// If the 'rand' option is enabled, add randomness to the start and end points of the lines
// If the 'continuous' option is set, connect the end of one line to the start of the next
let r = options.rand ? options.rand : 0;
for (let j = 0; j < gdots.length; j++) {
let dd = gdots[j]
let shouldDrawContinuousLine = j > 0 && options.continuous;
for (let i = 0; i < dd.length-1; i += 2) {
if (r !== 0) {
dd[i].x += r * dist * R.random(-10, 10);
dd[i].y += r * dist * R.random(-10, 10);
dd[i + 1].x += r * dist * R.random(-10, 10);
dd[i + 1].y += r * dist * R.random(-10, 10);
B.line(dd[i].x, dd[i].y, dd[i + 1].x, dd[i + 1].y);
if (shouldDrawContinuousLine) {
B.line(gdots[j - 1][1].x, gdots[j - 1][1].y, dd[i].x, dd[i].y);
// Change state back to previous
B.set(strokeBrush, strokeColor, strokeWeight)
B.isActive = strokeActive;
// =============================================================================
// Section: Polygon management. Basic geometries
// =============================================================================
* This section includes the Polygon class for managing polygons and functions for drawing basic geometries
* like rectangles and circles. It provides methods for creating, intersecting, drawing, and filling polygons,
* as well as hatching them with a given distance and angle. Additional functions leverage the Polygon class
* to draw rectangles with options for randomness and different drawing modes.
* Represents a polygon with a set of vertices.
class Polygon {
* Constructs the Polygon object from an array of points.
* @param {Array} pointsArray - An array of points, where each point is an array of two numbers [x, y].
constructor (array , bool = false) {
this.a = array;
this.vertices = => ({ x: a[0], y: a[1] }));
if (bool) this.vertices = array;
this.sides =, i, arr) => [v, arr[(i + 1) % arr.length]]);
* Intersects a given line with the polygon, returning all intersection points.
* @param {Object} line - The line to intersect with the polygon, having two properties 'point1' and 'point2'.
* @returns {Array} An array of intersection points (each with 'x' and 'y' properties) or an empty array if no intersections.
intersect (line) {
// Check if the result has been cached
let cacheKey = `${line.point1.x},${line.point1.y}-${line.point2.x},${line.point2.y}`;
if (this._intersectionCache && this._intersectionCache[cacheKey]) {
return this._intersectionCache[cacheKey];
let points = []
for (let s of this.sides) {
let intersection = _intersectLines(line.point1,line.point2,s[0],s[1])
if (intersection !== false) {points.push(intersection)}
// Cache the result
if (!this._intersectionCache) this._intersectionCache = {};
this._intersectionCache[cacheKey] = points;
return points;
* Draws the polygon by iterating over its sides and drawing lines between the vertices.
draw (_brush = false, _color, _weight) {
let curState = B.isActive;
if (_brush) B.set(_brush, _color, _weight)
if (B.isActive) {
for (let s of this.sides) {B.line(s[0].x,s[0].y,s[1].x,s[1].y)}
B.isActive = curState;
* Fills the polygon using the current fill state.
fill (_color = false, _opacity, _bleed, _texture, _border, _direction) {
let curState = F.isActive;
if (_color) {
setFill(_color, _opacity)
setBleed(_bleed, _direction)
setTexture(_texture, _border)
if (F.isActive) {
F.isActive = curState;
* Creates hatch lines across the polygon based on a given distance and angle.
hatch (_dist = false, _angle, _options) {
let curState = H.isActive;
if (_dist) hatch(_dist, _angle, _options)
if (H.isActive) {
H.isActive = curState;
* Creates a Polygon from a given array of points and performs drawing and filling
* operations based on active states.
* @param {Array} pointsArray - An array of points where each point is an array of two numbers [x, y].
function drawPolygon(pointsArray) {
if (!Array.isArray(pointsArray) || pointsArray.length < 3) {
console.error('Invalid input for polygon: An array with at least 3 points is required.');
// Create a new Polygon instance
let polygon = new Polygon(pointsArray);
// Fill the polygon if the F state is active (the check is in the polygon class)
// Hatch the polygon if H.isActive is active (the check is in the polygon class)
// Draw the polygon if the B state is active (the check is in the polygon class)
* Draws a rectangle on the canvas and fills it with the current fill color.
* @param {number} x - The x-coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param {number} y - The y-coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param {number} w - The width of the rectangle.
* @param {number} h - The height of the rectangle.
* @param {boolean} [mode=CORNER] - If CENTER, the rectangle is drawn centered at (x, y).
function drawRectangle(x,y,w,h,mode = CORNER) {
if (mode == CENTER) x = x - w / 2, y = y - h / 2;
if (FF.isActive) {
} else {
let p = new Polygon([[x,y],[x+w,y],[x+w,y+h],[x,y+h]])
// =============================================================================
// Section: Shape, Stroke, and Spline. Plot System
// =============================================================================
* This section defines the functionality for creating and managing plots, which are used to draw complex shapes,
* strokes, and splines on a canvas. It includes classes and functions to create plots of type "curve" or "segments",
* manipulate them with operations like adding segments and applying rotations, and render them as visual elements
* like polygons or strokes. The spline functionality allows for smooth curve creation using control points with
* specified curvature, which can be rendered directly or used as part of more complex drawings.
* The Plot class is central to the plot system, serving as a blueprint for creating and manipulating a variety
* of shapes and paths. It manages a collection of segments, each defined by an angle, length, and pressure,
* allowing for intricate designs such as curves and custom strokes. Plot instances can be transformed by rotation,
* and their visual representation can be controlled through pressure and angle calculations along their length.
class Plot {
* Creates a new Plot.
* @param {string} _type - The type of plot, "curve" or "segments"
constructor (_type) {
this.segments = [], this.angles = [], this.pres = [];
this.type = _type;
this.dir = 0;
this.pol = false;
* Adds a segment to the plot with specified angle, length, and pressure.
* @param {number} _a - The angle of the segment.
* @param {number} _length - The length of the segment.
* @param {number} _pres - The pressure of the segment.
* @param {boolean} _degrees - Whether the angle is in degrees.
addSegment (_a = 0,_length = 0,_pres = 1,_degrees = false) {
// Remove the last angle if the angles array is not empty
if (this.angles.length > 0) {
// Convert to degrees and normalize between 0 and 360 degrees
_a = (_degrees) ? (_a % 360 + 360) % 360 : R.toDegrees(_a);
// Store the angle, pressure, and segment length
// Calculate the total length of the plot
this.length = this.segments.reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a, 0);
// Push the angle again to prepare for the next segment
* Finalizes the plot by setting the last angle and pressure.
* @param {number} _a - The final angle of the plot.
* @param {number} _pres - The final pressure of the plot.
* @param {boolean} _degrees - Whether the angle is in degrees.
endPlot (_a = 0, _pres = 1, _degrees = false) {
// Convert angle to degrees if necessary
_a = (_degrees) ? (_a % 360 + 360) % 360 : R.toDegrees(_a);
// Replace the last angle with the final angle
// Store the final pressure
* Rotates the entire plot by a given angle.
* @param {number} _a - The angle to rotate the plot.
rotate (_a) {
this.dir = R.toDegrees(_a);
* Calculates the pressure at a given distance along the plot.
* @param {number} _d - The distance along the plot.
* @returns {number} - The calculated pressure.
pressure (_d) {
// If the distance exceeds the plot length, return the last pressure
if (_d > this.length) return this.pres[this.pres.length-1];
// Otherwise, calculate the pressure using the curving function
return this.curving(this.pres,_d);
* Calculates the angle at a given distance along the plot.
* @param {number} _d - The distance along the plot.
* @returns {number} - The calculated angle.
angle (_d) {
// If the distance exceeds the plot length, return the last angle
if (_d > this.length) return this.angles[this.angles.length-1];
// Calculate the index for the given distance
// Return the angle, adjusted for the plot type and direction
return (this.type === "curve") ?
this.curving(this.angles, _d) + this.dir :
this.angles[this.index] + this.dir;
* Interpolates values between segments for smooth transitions.
* @param {Array<number>} array - The array to interpolate within.
* @param {number} _d - The distance along the plot.
* @returns {number} - The interpolated value.
curving (array,_d) {
let map0 = array[this.index];
let map1 = array[this.index+1];
if (typeof map1 == "undefined") { map1 = map0}
if (Math.abs(map1-map0) > 180) {if (map1 > map0) {map1 = - (360-map1);} else {map0 = - (360-map0);}}
* Calculates the current index of the plot based on the distance.
* @param {number} _d - The distance along the plot.
calcIndex(_d) {
this.index = -1, this.suma = 0;
let d = 0;
while (d <= _d) {this.suma = d; d += this.segments[this.index+1]; this.index++;}
* Generates a polygon based on the plot.
* @param {number} _x - The x-coordinate for the starting point of the polygon.
* @param {number} _y - The y-coordinate for the starting point of the polygon.
* @returns {Polygon} - The generated polygon.
genPol (_x,_y,_scale = 1, isHatch = false) {
_ensureReady(); // Ensure that the drawing environment is prepared
let max = 0;
let min = 9999;
for (let o of this.segments) {
o *= _scale;
if (o !== 0) {
max = Math.max(max, o);
min = Math.min(min, o);
let _step = B.spacing() // get last spacing
let vertices = []
let bleed = R.constrain(F.bleed_strength,0.05,1)
let side = (max + min) * (isHatch ? 0.03 : ((F.isAnimated) ? 0.25 : bleed));
let linepoint = new Position(_x,_y);
let numsteps = Math.round(this.length/_step);
for (let steps = 0; steps < numsteps; steps++) {
if (linepoint.x) vertices[Math.floor(linepoint.plotted / side)] = [linepoint.x,linepoint.y]
return new Polygon(vertices);
* Draws the plot on the canvas.
* @param {number} x - The x-coordinate to draw at.
* @param {number} y - The y-coordinate to draw at.
* @param {number} scale - The scale to draw with.
draw (x, y, scale) {
if (B.isActive) {
_ensureReady(); // Ensure that the drawing environment is prepared
if (this.origin) x = this.origin[0], y = this.origin[1], scale = 1;
* Fill the plot on the canvas.
* @param {number} x - The x-coordinate to draw at.
* @param {number} y - The y-coordinate to draw at.
fill (x, y, scale) {
if (F.isActive) {
_ensureReady(); // Ensure that the drawing environment is prepared
if (this.origin) x = this.origin[0], y = this.origin[1], scale = 1;
if (!this.pol) this.pol = this.genPol(x, y, scale)
* Hatch the plot on the canvas.
* @param {number} x - The x-coordinate to draw at.
* @param {number} y - The y-coordinate to draw at.
hatch (x, y, scale) {
if (H.isActive) {
_ensureReady(); // Ensure that the drawing environment is prepared
if (this.origin) x = this.origin[0], y = this.origin[1], scale = 1;
if (!this.pol) this.pol = this.genPol(x, y, scale, true)
* Draws a circle on the canvas and fills it with the current fill color.
* @param {number} x - The x-coordinate of the center of the circle.
* @param {number} y - The y-coordinate of the center of the circle.
* @param {number} radius - The radius of the circle.
* @param {boolean} [r=false] - If true, applies a random factor to the radius for each segment.
function drawCircle(x,y,radius,r = false) {
// Create a new Plot instance for a curve shape
let p = new Plot("curve")
// Calculate the length of the arc for each quarter of the circle
let l = Math.PI * radius / 2;
// Initialize the angle for the drawing segments
let angle = random(0,360)
// Define a function to optionally add randomness to the segment length
let rr = () => (r ? R.random(-1,1) : 0)
// Add segments for each quarter of the circle with optional randomness
p.addSegment(0 + angle + rr(), l + rr(), 1, true)
p.addSegment(-90 + angle + rr(), l + rr(), 1, true)
p.addSegment(-180 + angle + rr(), l + rr(), 1, true)
p.addSegment(-270 + angle + rr(), l + rr(), 1, true)
// Optionally add a random final angle for the last segment
let angle2 = r ? R.randInt(-5,5) : 0;
if (r) p.addSegment(0 + angle, angle2 * (Math.PI/180) * radius, true)
// Finalize the plot
p.endPlot(angle2 + angle,1, true)
// Fill / hatch / draw
p.fill(x - radius * R.sin(angle),y - radius * R.cos(-angle),1);
p.hatch(x - radius * R.sin(angle),y - radius * R.cos(-angle),1);
p.draw(x - radius * R.sin(angle),y - radius * R.cos(-angle),1);
// Holds the array of vertices for the custom shape being defined. Each vertex includes position and optional pressure.
let _strokeArray = false;
// Holds options for the stroke, such as curvature, that can influence the shape's rendering.
let _strokeOption;
* Starts recording vertices for a custom shape. Optionally, a curvature can be defined.
* @param {number} [curvature] - From 0 to 1. Defines the curvature for the vertices being recorded (optional).
function _beginShape(curvature = 0) {
_strokeOption = R.constrain(curvature,0,1); // Set the curvature option for the shape
_strokeArray = []; // Initialize the array to store vertices
* Records a vertex in the custom shape being defined between _beginShape and _endShape.
* @param {number} x - The x-coordinate of the vertex.
* @param {number} y - The y-coordinate of the vertex.
* @param {number} [pressure] - The pressure at the vertex (optional).
function _vertex(x, y, pressure) {
_strokeArray.push([x, y, pressure]); // Add the vertex to the array
* Finishes recording vertices for a custom shape and either closes it or leaves it open.
* It also triggers the drawing of the shape with the active stroke(), fill() and hatch() states.
* @param {string} [a] - An optional argument to close the shape if set to CLOSE.
function _endShape(a) {
if (a === CLOSE) {
_strokeArray.push(_strokeArray[0]); // Close the shape by connecting the last vertex to the first
let plot = _createSpline(_strokeArray, _strokeOption, a === CLOSE ? true : false); // Create a new Plot with the recorded vertices and curvature option
if (F.isActive || H.isActive) {
plot.fill(); // Fill the shape if the fill state is active
plot.hatch(); // Hatch the shape if the hatch state is active
if (B.isActive) {
plot.draw(); // Draw the shape if the brush state is active
_strokeArray = false; // Clear the array after the shape has been drawn
* Begins a new stroke with a given type and starting position. This initializes
* a new Plot to record the stroke's path.
* @param {string} type - The type of the stroke, which defines the kind of Plot to create.
* @param {number} x - The x-coordinate of the starting point of the stroke.
* @param {number} y - The y-coordinate of the starting point of the stroke.
function _beginStroke(type, x, y) {
_strokeOption = [x, y]; // Store the starting position for later use
_strokeArray = new Plot(type); // Initialize a new Plot with the specified type
* Adds a segment to the stroke with a given angle, length, and pressure. This function
* is called between _beginStroke and _endStroke to define the stroke's path.
* @param {number} angle - The initial angle of the segment, relative to the canvas.
* @param {number} length - The length of the segment.
* @param {number} pressure - The pressure at the start of the segment, affecting properties like width.
function _segment(angle, length, pressure) {
_strokeArray.addSegment(angle, length, pressure); // Add the new segment to the Plot
* Completes the stroke path and triggers the rendering of the stroke.
* @param {number} angle - The angle of the curve at the last point of the stroke path.
* @param {number} pressure - The pressure at the end of the stroke.
function _endStroke(angle, pressure) {
_strokeArray.endPlot(angle, pressure); // Finalize the Plot with the end angle and pressure
_strokeArray.draw(_strokeOption[0], _strokeOption[1], 1); // Draw the stroke using the stored starting position
_strokeArray = false; // Clear the _strokeArray to indicate the end of this stroke
* Creates a new Plot object.
* @param {Array<Array<number>>} array_points - An array of points defining the spline curve.
* @param {number} [curvature=0.5] - The curvature of the spline curve, beterrn 0 and 1. A curvature of 0 will create a series of straight segments.
function _createSpline (array_points, curvature = 0.5, _close = false) {
// Initialize the plot type based on curvature
let plotType = (curvature === 0) ? "segments" : "curve";
let p = new Plot(plotType);
// Proceed only if there are points provided
if (array_points && array_points.length > 0) {
// Add each segment to the plot
let done = 0;
let pep, tep, pep2;
for (let i = 0; i < array_points.length - 1; i++) {
if (curvature > 0 && i < array_points.length - 2) {
// Get the current and next points
let p1 = array_points[i], p2 = array_points[i+1], p3 = array_points[i+2];
// Calculate distances and angles between points
let d1 = dist(p1[0],p1[1],p2[0],p2[1]), d2 = dist(p2[0],p2[1],p3[0],p3[1]);
let a1 = _calculateAngle(p1[0],p1[1],p2[0],p2[1]), a2 = _calculateAngle(p2[0],p2[1],p3[0],p3[1]);
// Calculate curvature based on the minimum distance
let dd = curvature * Math.min(Math.min(d1,d2),0.5 * Math.min(d1,d2)), dmax = Math.max(d1,d2)
let s1 = d1 - dd, s2 = d2 - dd;
// If the angles are approximately the same, create a straight segment
if (Math.floor(a1) === Math.floor(a2)) {
let temp = _close ? (i === 0 ? 0 : d1 - done) : d1 - done;
let temp2 = _close ? (i === 0 ? 0 : d2 - pep2) : d2;
if (i === array_points.length - 3) p.addSegment(a2,temp2,p2[2],true);
done = 0;
if (i === 0) pep = d1, pep2 = dd, tep = array_points[1], done = 0;
} else {
// If the angles are not the same, create curves, etc (this is a too complex...)
let point1 = {x: p2[0] - dd * R.cos(-a1), y: p2[1] - dd * R.sin(-a1)}
let point2 = {x: point1.x + dmax * R.cos(-a1+90), y: point1.y + dmax * R.sin(-a1+90)}
let point3 = {x: p2[0] + dd * R.cos(-a2), y: p2[1] + dd * R.sin(-a2)}
let point4 = {x: point3.x + dmax * R.cos(-a2+90), y: point3.y + dmax * R.sin(-a2+90)}
let int = _intersectLines(point1,point2,point3,point4,true)
let radius = dist(point1.x,point1.y,int.x,int.y)
let disti = dist(point1.x,point1.y,point3.x,point3.y)/2
let a3 = 2 * Math.asin( disti/radius ) * (180 / Math.PI);
let s3 = 2 * Math.PI * radius * a3 / 360;
let temp = _close ? (i === 0 ? 0 : s1-done) : s1-done;
let temp2 = (i === array_points.length - 3) ? (_close ? pep - dd : s2) : 0;
p.addSegment(a1,temp, p1[2],true)
p.addSegment(a1,s3, p1[2],true)
p.addSegment(a2,temp2, p2[2],true)
done = dd;
if (i === 0) pep = s1, pep2 = dd, tep = [point1.x,point1.y];
if (i == array_points.length - 3) {
} else if (curvature === 0) {
// If curvature is 0, simply create segments
if (i === 0 && _close) array_points.pop()
let p1 = array_points[i], p2 = array_points[i+1]
let d = dist(p1[0],p1[1],p2[0],p2[1]);
let a = _calculateAngle(p1[0],p1[1],p2[0],p2[1]);
if (i == array_points.length - 2) {
// Set the origin point from the first point in the array
p.origin = (_close && curvature !== 0) ? tep : array_points[0]
return p;
* Creates and draws a spline curve with the given points and curvature.
* @param {Array<Array<number>>} array_points - An array of points defining the spline curve.
* @param {number} [curvature=0.5] - The curvature of the spline curve, between 0 and 1. A curvature of 0 will create a series of straight segments.
function drawSpline(array_points, curvature = 0.5) {
let p = _createSpline(array_points, curvature); // Create a new Plot-spline instance
p.draw(); // Draw the Plot
// =============================================================================
// Section: Fill Management
// =============================================================================
* The Fill Management section contains functions and classes dedicated to handling
* the fill properties of shapes within the drawing context. It supports complex fill
* operations with effects such as bleeding to simulate watercolor-like textures. The
* methods provided allow for setting the fill color with opacity, controlling the
* intensity of the bleed effect, and enabling or disabling the fill operation.
* The watercolor effect implementation is inspired by Tyler Hobbs' generative art
* techniques for simulating watercolor paints.
* Sets the fill color and opacity for subsequent drawing operations.
* @param {number|p5.Color} a - The red component of the color or grayscale value, a CSS color string, or a p5.Color object.
* @param {number} [b] - The green component of the color or the grayscale opacity if two arguments.
* @param {number} [c] - The blue component of the color.
* @param {number} [d] - The opacity of the color.
function setFill(a,b,c,d) {
F.opacity = (arguments.length < 4) ? ((arguments.length < 3) ? b : 1) : d;
F.color = (arguments.length < 3) ? color(a) : color(a,b,c);
F.isActive = true;
* Sets the bleed and texture levels for the fill operation, simulating a watercolor effect.
* @param {number} _i - The intensity of the bleed effect, capped at 0.5.
* @param {number} _texture - The texture of the watercolor effect, from 0 to 1.
function setBleed(_i, _direction = "out") {
F.bleed_strength = R.constrain(_i,0,0.6);
F.direction = _direction
function setTexture(_texture = 0.4, _border = 0.4) {
F.texture_strength = R.constrain(_texture, 0, 1);
F.border_strength = R.constrain(_border, 0, 1);
* Disables the fill for subsequent drawing operations.
function disableFill() {
F.isActive = false;
* Disables some operations in order to guarantee a consistent bleed efect for animations (at different bleed levels)
function fillAnimatedMode(bool) {
F.isAnimated = bool;
* Object representing the fill state and operations for drawing.
* @property {boolean} isActive - Indicates if the fill operation is active.
* @property {boolean} isAnimated - Enable or disable animation-mode
* @property {Array} v - Array of p5.Vector representing vertices of the polygon to fill.
* @property {Array} m - Array of multipliers for the bleed effect on each vertex.
* @property {p5.Color} color - Current fill color.
* @property {p5.Color} opacity - Current fill opacity.
* @property {number} bleed_strength - Base value for bleed effect.
* @property {number} texture_strength - Base value for texture strength.
* @property {number} border_strength - Base value for border strength.
* @property {function} fill - Method to fill a polygon with a watercolor effect.
* @property {function} calcCenter - Method to calculate the centroid of the polygon.
const F = {
isActive: false,
isAnimated: false,
color: "#002185",
opacity: 80,
bleed_strength: 0.07,
texture_strength: 0.4,
border_strength: 0.4,
* Fills the given polygon with a watercolor effect.
* @param {Object} polygon - The polygon to fill.
fill (polygon) {
// Store polygon
this.polygon = polygon;
// Map polygon vertices to p5.Vector objects
this.v = => createVector(vert[0], vert[1]));
// Calculate fluidity once, outside the loop
const fluid = this.v.length * R.random(0.4);
// Map vertices to bleed multipliers with more intense effect on 'fluid' vertices
F.m =, i) => {
let multiplier = R.random(0.8, 1.2) * this.bleed_strength;
return i < fluid ? constrain(multiplier * 2, 0, 0.9) : multiplier;
// Shift vertices randomly to create a more natural watercolor edge
let shift = R.randInt(0, this.v.length);
this.v = [this.v.slice(shift), this.v.slice(0, shift)];
// Create and fill the polygon with the calculated bleed effect
let pol = new FillPolygon (this.v, this.m, this.calcCenter(),[],true)
pol.fill(this.color, int(map(this.opacity,0,155,0,20,true)), this.texture_strength)
* Calculates the center point of the polygon based on the vertices.
* @returns {p5.Vector} A vector representing the centroid of the polygon.
calcCenter () {
let midx = 0, midy = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < this.v.length; ++i) {
midx += this.v[i].x;
midy += this.v[i].y;
midx /= this.v.length, midy /= this.v.length;
return createVector(midx,midy)
* The FillPolygon class is used to create and manage the properties of the polygons that produces
* the watercolor effect. It includes methods to grow (expand) the polygon and apply layers
* of color with varying intensity and erase parts to simulate a natural watercolor bleed.
* The implementation follows Tyler Hobbs' guide to simulating watercolor:
class FillPolygon {
* The constructor initializes the polygon with a set of vertices, multipliers for the bleed effect, and a center point.
* @param {p5.Vector[]} _v - An array of p5.Vector objects representing the vertices of the polygon.
* @param {number[]} _m - An array of numbers representing the multipliers for the bleed effect at each vertex.
* @param {p5.Vector} _center - A p5.Vector representing the calculated center point of the polygon.
* @param {boolean[]} dir - An array of booleans representing the bleed direction.
* @param {boolean} isFirst - Boolean = true for initial fill polygon
constructor (_v,_m,_center,dir,isFirst = false) {
this.pol = new Polygon(_v, true)
this.v = _v;
this.dir = dir;
this.m = _m;
this.midP = _center;
this.size = p5.Vector.sub(this.midP,this.v[0]).mag();
// This calculates the bleed direction for the initial shape, for each of the vertices.
if (isFirst) {
const rotationFactor = (angleMode() === "radians") ? Math.PI / 180 : 1;
for (let i = 0; i < this.v.length; i++) {
const currentVertex = this.v[i]
const nextVertex = this.v[(i + 1) % this.v.length];
let side = p5.Vector.sub(nextVertex, currentVertex)
let direction1 = side.copy();
direction1.rotate(90 * rotationFactor);
let linea = {
point1 : {x: currentVertex.x + side.x / 2, y: currentVertex.y + side.y / 2},
point2 : {x: currentVertex.x + side.x / 2 + direction1.x, y: currentVertex.y + side.y / 2 + direction1.y},
const isLeft = (a, b, c) => {
return (b.x - a.x)*(c.y - a.y) - (b.y - a.y)*(c.x - a.x) > 0.01;
let d1 = 0;
for (let int of F.polygon.intersect(linea)) {if (isLeft(currentVertex,nextVertex,int)) d1++;}
this.dir[i] = (d1 % 2 === 0) ? true : false;
* Grows the polygon's vertices outwards to simulate the spread of watercolor.
* Optionally, can also shrink (degrow) the polygon's vertices inward.
* @param {number} _a - The growth factor.
* @param {boolean} [degrow=false] - If true, vertices will move inwards.
* @returns {FillPolygon} A new `FillPolygon` object with adjusted vertices.
grow (growthFactor, degrow = false) {
const newVerts = [];
const newMods = [];
const newDirs = [];
// Determine the length of vertices to process based on growth factor
let verticesToProcess = (growthFactor >= 0.2 && this.v.length >= 10) ? Math.floor(growthFactor * this.v.length) : this.v.length;
// Function to change the modifier based on a Gaussian distribution
const changeModifier = (modifier) => {
const gaussianVariation = randomGaussian(0.5, 0.1);
return modifier + (gaussianVariation - 0.5) * 0.1;
// Pre-calculate rotation factor if angleMode is constant
const rotationFactor = (angleMode() === "radians") ? Math.PI / 180 : 1;
// Loop through each vertex to calculate the new position based on growth
for (let i = 0; i < verticesToProcess; i++) {
const currentVertex = this.v[i];
const nextVertex = this.v[(i + 1) % verticesToProcess];
// Determine the growth modifier
let mod = (growthFactor === 0.1) ? (F.bleed_strength <= 0.1 ? 0.25 : 0.75) : this.m[i];
if (degrow) mod *= -0.5;
// Add the current vertex and its modified value
// Calculate the new vertex position
let newVertex = p5.Vector.lerp(currentVertex, nextVertex, constrain(randomGaussian(0.5,0.2),0.1,0.9));
let side = p5.Vector.sub(nextVertex, currentVertex)
let direction = side.copy().normalize();
// Make sure that we always bleed in the selected direction
let dir = this.dir[i];
let bleed = (F.direction == "out") ? 90 : -90;
let rotationDegrees = ((dir) ? bleed : -bleed) + (randomGaussian(0,0.4)) * 45;
direction.rotate(rotationDegrees * rotationFactor);
direction.mult(randomGaussian(0.5, 0.2) * random(0.6, 1.4) * side.mag() * mod);
// Add the new vertex and its modifier
return new FillPolygon (newVerts, newMods, this.midP, newDirs);
* Fills the polygon with the specified color and intensity.
* It uses layered growth to simulate watercolor paper absorption and drying patterns.
* @param {p5.Color|string} color - The fill color.
* @param {number} intensity - The opacity of the color layers.
fill (color, intensity, tex) {
// Precalculate stuff
const numLayers = 24;
const intensityThird = intensity / 5 + tex * intensity / 6;
const intensityQuarter = intensity / 4 + tex * intensity / 3;
const intensityFifth = intensity / 7 + tex * intensity / 3;
const intensityHalf = intensity / 5 ;
const texture = tex * 3;
// Perform initial setup only once
Mix.mask.translate(Matrix.translation[0] + _r.width/2, Matrix.translation[1] + _r.height/2);
let pol = this.grow()
let pol2 = pol.grow().grow(0.9);
let pol3 = pol2.grow(0.75);
let pol4 = this.grow(0.85)
for (let i = 0; i < numLayers; i ++) {
if (i === Math.floor(numLayers / 4) || i === Math.floor(2 * numLayers / 4) || i === Math.floor(3 * numLayers / 4)) {
// Grow the polygon objects once per third of the process
pol = pol.grow();
pol2 = pol2.grow(0.75);
pol3 = pol3.grow(0.75);
pol4 = pol4.grow(0.1,true);
// Draw layers
pol.grow().layer(i, intensityHalf);
pol4.grow(0.1, true).grow(0.1).layer(i, intensityFifth, false);
pol2.grow(0.1).grow(0.1).layer(i, intensityQuarter, false);
pol3.grow(0.8).grow(0.1).layer(i, intensityThird, false);
// Erase after each set of layers is drawn
if (texture !== 0) pol.erase(texture);
* Adds a layer of color to the polygon with specified opacity.
* It also sets a stroke to outline the layer edges.
* @param {number} _nr - The layer number, affecting the stroke and opacity mapping.
* @param {number} _alpha - The opacity of the layer.
* @param {boolean} [bool=true] - If true, adds a stroke to the layer.
layer (_nr, _alpha, bool = true) {
// Set fill and stroke properties once
Mix.mask.fill(255, 0, 0, _alpha);
if (bool) {
Mix.mask.stroke(255, 0, 0, 0.5 + 1.5 * F.border_strength);
Mix.mask.strokeWeight(, 0, 24, 6, 0.5));
} else {
for(let v of this.v) {
Mix.mask.vertex(v.x, v.y);
* Erases parts of the polygon to create a more natural, uneven watercolor texture.
* Uses random placement and sizing of circles to simulate texture.
erase (texture) {
const numCircles = R.random(80, 110);
const halfSize = this.size / 2;
const minSizeFactor = 0.025 * this.size;
const maxSizeFactor = 0.19 * this.size;
Mix.mask.erase(3.5 * texture,0);
for (let i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) {
const x = this.midP.x + randomGaussian(0, halfSize);
const y = this.midP.y + randomGaussian(0, halfSize);
const size = R.random(minSizeFactor, maxSizeFactor);, y, size);
* Extension of the p5.RendererGL prototype to fix the erase function for the WebGL renderer.
p5.RendererGL.prototype.erase = function(opacityFill, opacityStroke) {
if (!this._isErasing) {
this._cachedBlendMode = this.curBlendMode;
this._isErasing = true;
this._cachedFillStyle = this.curFillColor.slice();
this.curFillColor = [1, 1, 1, opacityFill / 255];
this._cachedStrokeStyle = this.curStrokeColor.slice();
this.curStrokeColor = [1, 1, 1, opacityStroke / 255];
* Extension of the p5.RendererGL prototype to fix the noErase function for the WebGL renderer.
p5.RendererGL.prototype.noErase = function() {
if (this._isErasing) {
this.curFillColor = this._cachedFillStyle.slice();
this.curStrokeColor = this._cachedStrokeStyle.slice();
let temp = this.curBlendMode;
this._cachedBlendMode = temp;
this._isErasing = false;
// =============================================================================
// Section: Standard Brushes
// =============================================================================
* Defines a set of standard brushes with specific characteristics. Each brush is defined
* with properties such as weight, vibration, definition, quality, opacity, spacing, and
* pressure sensitivity. Some brushes have additional properties like type, tip, and rotate.
const _vals = ["weight", "vibration", "definition", "quality", "opacity", "spacing", "pressure", "type", "tip", "rotate"]
const _standard_brushes = [
// Define each brush with a name and a set of parameters
// For example, the "pen" brush has a weight of 0.35, a vibration of 0.12, etc.
// The "marker2" brush has a custom tip defined by a function that draws rectangles.
["pen", [ 0.35, 0.12, 0.5, 8, 200, 0.3, {curve: [0.15,0.2], min_max: [1.3,1]} ] ],
["rotring", [ 0.2, 0.05, 1, 3, 250, 0.15, {curve: [0.05,0.2], min_max: [1.2,0.95]} ]],
["2B", [ 0.35, 0.5, 0.1, 8, 180, 0.2, {curve: [0.15,0.2], min_max: [1.3,1]} ]],
["HB", [ 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 4, 180, 0.25, {curve: [0.15,0.2], min_max: [1.2,0.9]} ]],
["2H", [ 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 2, 150, 0.2, {curve: [0.15,0.2], min_max: [1.2,0.9]} ]],
["cpencil", [ 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 7, 120, 0.15, {curve: [0.15,0.2], min_max: [0.95,1.15]} ]],
["charcoal", [ 0.5, 2, 0.8, 300, 110, 0.06, {curve: [0.15,0.2], min_max: [1.15,0.85]} ]],
["hatch_brush", [ 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 2, 150, 0.15, {curve: [0.5,0.7], min_max: [1,1.5]} ]],
["spray", [ 0.3, 12, 15, 40, 120, 0.65, {curve: [0,0.1], min_max: [0.15,1.2]}, "spray" ]],
["marker", [ 2.5, 0.12, null, null, 30, 0.4, {curve: [0.35,0.25], min_max: [1.35,1]}, "marker" ]],
["marker2", [ 2.5, 0.12, null, null, 25, 0.35, {curve: [0.35,0.25], min_max: [1.15,0.95]}, "custom",
function (t) {
let scale = _gScale;
t.rect(-1.5 * scale,-1.5 * scale,3 * scale,3 * scale); t.rect(1 * scale,1 * scale,1 * scale,1 * scale)
}, "natural"
* Iterates through the list of standard brushes and adds each one to the brush manager.
* The brush manager is assumed to be a global object `B` that has an `add` method.
for (let s of _standard_brushes) {
let obj = {}
for (let i = 0; i < s[1].length; i++) obj[_vals[i]] = s[1][i]
// =============================================================================
// Section: Exports
// =============================================================================
* This section lists the public API for the module, providing access
* to the core functionalities such as managing the flow field, brushes, strokes, fills,
* and geometrical shapes drawing.
// Config Functions
exports.config = configureSystem; // Configures and seeds the RNG (Random Number Generator).
exports.load = loadSystem; // Loads the library into the selected buffer.
exports.preload = preloadBrushAssets; // Preloads custom tips for the library.
exports.colorCache = enableCacheBlending; // Enables/disables cache color blending for improved performance
exports.scaleBrushes = globalScale; // Rescales all standard brushes.
// Utility Functions
exports.push = _push;
exports.pop = _pop;
exports.reDraw = Mix.reDraw;
exports.reBlend = Mix.reBlend;
exports.rotate = Matrix.rotate;
exports.scale = Scale.update;
// FLOWFIELD Management
exports.addField = addField; // Adds a new vector field.
exports.field = selectField; // Activates or selects a specific vector field.
exports.noField = disableField; // Disables the current vector field.
exports.refreshField = refreshField; // Refreshes the vector field, useful for animations.
exports.listFields = listFields; // Lists all the available fields.
// BRUSH Management
exports.add = B.add; // Adds a new brush definition. = listOfBrushes; // Retrieves an array with existing brushes.
exports.set = B.set; // Sets values for all properties of a brush.
exports.pick = B.setBrush; // Selects a brush to use.
exports.clip = B.clip; // Clips brushes with a rectangle.
exports.noClip = B.noClip;
exports.point = drawTip; // Draw tip of the brush with a custom pressure
// STROKE Properties
exports.stroke = B.setColor; // Activates and sets the stroke color.
exports.strokeWeight = B.setWeight; // Sets the weight (thickness) of the stroke.
exports.noStroke = disableBrush; // Disables the stroke.
// FILL Operations (affects rect, circle, and beginShape)
exports.fill = setFill; // Sets the fill color.
exports.bleed = setBleed; // Sets the bleed property for fills.
exports.fillTexture = setTexture; // Sets the fill texture.
exports.noFill = disableFill; // Disables the fill.
exports.fillAnimatedMode = fillAnimatedMode;
// GEOMETRY Drawing Functions
exports.line = B.line; // Draws a line.
exports.flowLine = B.flowLine; // Draws a line that follows the vector field.
exports.plot = B.flowShape; // Draws a shape that follows the vector field.
exports.rect = drawRectangle; // Draws a rectangle. = drawCircle; // Draws a circle.
exports.polygon = drawPolygon; // Draws a polygon.
exports.spline = drawSpline; // Draws a spline curve.
// Equivalent to beginShape in p5.js
exports.beginShape = _beginShape; // Begins recording vertices for a custom shape.
exports.vertex = _vertex; // Records a vertex for a custom shape.
exports.endShape = _endShape; // Finishes recording vertices and draws the shape.
// HandStroke - simulates a hand-drawn stroke
exports.beginStroke = _beginStroke; // Begins a hand-drawn stroke.
exports.segment = _segment; // Moves to a specified point in the hand-drawn stroke.
exports.endStroke = _endStroke; // Ends a hand-drawn stroke.
// HATCHING Operations
exports.hatchArray = H.hatch; // Function to create hatched patterns within polygons.
exports.hatch = hatch;
exports.setHatch = setHatch;
exports.noHatch = noHatch;
// Exposed Classes
exports.Polygon = Polygon; // The Polygon class, used for creating and manipulating polygons.
exports.Plot = Plot; // The Plot class, for plotting curves.
exports.Position = Position; // The Position class, for managing positions on the canvas.