var img;
// This array will hold the squares we split our image into.
var imgSquares = [];
// How many squares should we split our image into?
// Try changing these values!
var horizontalSquareCount = 10;
var verticalSquareCount = 10;
// These variables will hold the size of the image squares.
// We need this to draw the squares in the right places.
var squareWidth;
var squareHeight;
function preload() {
img = loadImage('images/gvjhjh.jpg');
// Click the > menu to the left and look in
// the images directory for more images to try!
// Or upload your own image!
// URLs also work, like this:
// img = loadImage('')
function setup() {
createCanvas(850, 480);
// Resizes the image so it fits on the screen
img.resize(width, height);
// Calculates the size of the squares.
squareWidth = width / horizontalSquareCount;
squareHeight = height / verticalSquareCount;
// Split the image up into squares.
for (var y = 0; y < height; y += squareHeight) {
for (var x = 0; x < width; x += squareWidth) {
imgSquares.push(img.get(x, y, squareWidth, squareHeight));
// other setup
pd = pixelDensity();
// We called noLoop() above so the draw() function is only called once.
// To redraw the squares, click the mouse!
function mouseClicked() {
function draw() {
// This randomizes the order of the squares
imgSquares = shuffle(imgSquares);
// Keeps track of the position of the current square.
// We change these as we draw each square,
// so we know where to draw the next one.
var squareX = 0;
var squareY = 0;
for (var square of imgSquares) {
// Draw this square.
image(square, squareX, squareY);
// Draw the next square to the right of this square.
squareX += squareWidth;
// If we went off the right edge, we should move down
// one row and start over at the left edge.
if (squareX >= width) {
squareX = 0;
squareY += squareHeight;