// creating the global variables
let startButton;
let submitButton;
let studyInputs = []; // log the input items
let studyHours = []; // log the hours studied
let days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];
let state = "start"; // for values: "start", "input", "graph"
function setup() {
createCanvas(700, 500); // 700 x 500 graph
background(95, 158, 160); //tealish shade, which I prefer.
// Show welcome message
text("Click the start button to log your study hours", width / 2, height / 2);
// Create a start button and move it below the message
startButton = createButton("Start");
startButton.position(width / 2 - 30, height / 2 + 30);
//calling startProgram function
function startProgram() {
state = "input"; // input stage
startButton.hide(); //put away the start button
background(220); // Change the background to light
text("Enter your study hours for each day", width / 2, 30);
//create the label
let yPos = 60;
for (let i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
text(days[i] + ":", 50, yPos); // text at x=50
let inp = createInput("");
inp.position(150, yPos - 15); // x-axis for input field Incremented by 100 for better margin.
studyInputs.push(inp); //
yPos += 50; // add space between rows
// Create a submit button placed after the last input field
submitButton = createButton("Submit");
submitButton.position(width / 2 - 30, yPos + 10);
submitButton.mousePressed(submitData); // submit data called
function submitData() {
// check and store if
for (let i = 0; i < studyInputs.length; i++) {
//cycle through the inputs to verify the nature of data.
let val = parseFloat(studyInputs[i].value());
// parseFloat is a javascript function, which parses
// a value as string and then converts it to number
studyHours.push(isNaN(val) ? 0 : val);
isNaN is 'Not a number' function which returns true if the value is passed is not a number. in our case if the value passed is a
number, then its true, and pushes 'val' into study hours. and for
the one where if there is no number entered for instance a letter /
character instead, this will push the value '0' for the hours.
studyInputs[i].hide(); // hide the input field after submission
state = "graph"; // change state so that draw() will call drawGraph()
function drawGraph() {
// Clear the canvas and set the background for the graph
text("Study Hours Per Day", width / 2, 30);
// margin between the bars
let margin = 60;
let gap = 20; //gap between days
let availableWidth = width - 2 * margin;
let barWidth = (availableWidth - (days.length - 1) * gap) / days.length;
let maxHours = max(studyHours); // maxiumum value in the array
if (maxHours === 0) {
maxHours = 1; // to avoid division by zeor
let graphHeight = height - 100;
//horizontal bar
line(margin, height - 50, width - margin, height - 50);
// For each day, draw the corresponding bar and label its study hours and name
for (let i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
let x = margin + i * (barWidth + gap);
let barHeight = map(studyHours[i], 0, maxHours, 0, graphHeight);
// Draw a blue bar representing the study hours
fill(50, 150, 200);
rect(x, height - 50 - barHeight, barWidth, barHeight);
// draw nymber above the bar
text(studyHours[i], x + barWidth / 2, height - 50 - barHeight - 5);
// label the x-axis and under the bar
text(days[i], x + barWidth / 2, height - 30);
//atlas draw function which keeps on cycling, and only draws graph when the state has been changed to draw graph.
function draw() {
// if state is "graph" continuously draw the graph.
if (state === "graph") {
drawGraph(); // custom function