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let wordPositions = []; // Store positions of each word
let filler;
let button;
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); // Create canvas
background(255); // Set background color to white
button = createButton("Change word");
filler = createP("Click the button");
function draw() {
// Display words at their respective positions
for (let i = 0; i < wordPositions.length; i++) {
fill(0); // Set text color to black
text(words[i], wordPositions[i].x, wordPositions[i].y); // Display word at position
function newWord() {
let randomWord = random(words); // Get random word from the array
let randomX = random(width); // Get random X position
let randomY = random(height); // Get random Y position
wordPositions.push(createVector(randomX, randomY)); // Store position of new word
filler.html(randomWord); // Display random word
// Display the random word at the randomly chosen position
fill(0); // Set text color to black
text(randomWord, randomX, randomY); // Display word at random position