// Create a 2D array
// Sorry if you are used to matrix math!
// How would you do this with a
// higher order function????
function make2DArray(cols, rows) {
let arr = new Array(cols);
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = new Array(rows);
// Fill the array with 0s
for (let j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) {
arr[i][j] = 0;
return arr;
// The grid
let grid;
let velocityGrid;
// How big is each square?
let w = 5;
let cols, rows;
let hueValue = 200;
let gravity = 0.2;
// Check if a row is within the bounds
function withinCols(i) {
return i >= 0 && i <= cols - 1;
// Check if a column is within the bounds
function withinRows(j) {
return j >= 0 && j <= rows - 1;
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 500);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 255, 255);
cols = width / w;
rows = height / w;
grid = make2DArray(cols, rows);
velocityGrid = make2DArray(cols, rows, 1);
function mouseDragged() {}
function draw() {
if (mouseIsPressed) {
let mouseCol = floor(mouseX / w);
let mouseRow = floor(mouseY / w);
// Randomly add an area of sand particles
let matrix = 5;
let extent = floor(matrix / 2);
for (let i = -extent; i <= extent; i++) {
for (let j = -extent; j <= extent; j++) {
if (random(1) < 0.75) {
let col = mouseCol + i;
let row = mouseRow + j;
if (withinCols(col) && withinRows(row)) {
grid[col][row] = hueValue;
velocityGrid[col][row] = 1;
// Change the color of the sand over time
hueValue += 0.5;
if (hueValue > 360) {
hueValue = 1;
// Draw the sand
for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
if (grid[i][j] > 0) {
fill(grid[i][j], 255, 255);
let x = i * w;
let y = j * w;
square(x, y, w);
// Create a 2D array for the next frame of animation
let nextGrid = make2DArray(cols, rows);
let nextVelocityGrid = make2DArray(cols, rows);
// Check every cell
for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
// What is the state?
let state = grid[i][j];
let velocity = velocityGrid[i][j];
let moved = false;
if (state > 0) {
let newPos = int(j + velocity);
for (let y = newPos; y > j; y--) {
let below = grid[i][y];
let dir = 1;
if (random(1) < 0.5) {
dir *= -1;
let belowA = -1;
let belowB = -1;
if (withinCols(i + dir)) belowA = grid[i + dir][y];
if (withinCols(i - dir)) belowB = grid[i - dir][y];
if (below === 0) {
nextGrid[i][y] = state;
nextVelocityGrid[i][y] = velocity + gravity;
moved = true;
} else if (belowA === 0) {
nextGrid[i + dir][y] = state;
nextVelocityGrid[i + dir][y] = velocity + gravity;
moved = true;
} else if (belowB === 0) {
nextGrid[i - dir][y] = state;
nextVelocityGrid[i - dir][y] = velocity + gravity;
moved = true;
if (state > 0 && !moved) {
nextGrid[i][j] = grid[i][j];
nextVelocityGrid[i][j] = velocityGrid[i][j] + gravity;
grid = nextGrid;
velocityGrid = nextVelocityGrid;