// move your mouse in the window to change audiovisuals
function setup() {
createCanvas( windowWidth, windowHeight )
drums = EDrums( 'x*o*x*o-' )
sampler = Sampler().record( drums, 1 )
.note.seq( [.25,.5,1,2].rnd(), [1/4,1/8,1/2].rnd() )
.fx.add( Delay(1/64))
.pan.seq( Rndf(-1,1) )
bass = Mono('bass')
.note.seq( [0,7], 1/8 )
Gibber.scale.root.seq( ['c4','eb4'], 1 )
// follow Gibber's Master bus output
follow = Follow( Gibber.Master, 1024 )
background( 64 )
stroke( 10,0,0,127 )
function draw() {
var x = mouseX / windowWidth,
y = mouseY / windowHeight,
ww2 = windowWidth / 2,
wh2 = windowHeight / 2,
value = follow.getValue(),
radius = ( ww2 > wh2 ? wh2 : ww2 ) * value
bass.resonance = (1 - x) * 5
bass.cutoff = (1 - y) / 2
sampler.fx[0].feedback = x < .99 ? x : .99
strokeWeight( value * 50 )
background( 64,64,64,10 )
ellipse( ww2, wh2, radius, radius )