// The Nature of Code
// Daniel Shiffman
// Class to describe the spring joint (displayed as a line)
// Constructor
class Spring {
constructor(x, y) {
// At first it doesn't exist
this.mouseJoint = null;
// If it exists we set its target to the mouse location
update(x, y) {
if (this.mouseJoint !== null) {
// Always convert to world coordinates!
let mouseWorld = scaleToWorld(x, y);
display() {
if (this.mouseJoint !== null) {
let posA = this.mouseJoint.GetAnchorA();
let posB = this.mouseJoint.GetAnchorB();
// We can get the two anchor points
let v1 = scaleToPixels(posA.x, posA.y);
let v2 = scaleToPixels(posB.x, posB.y);
// And just draw a line
line(v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y);
// This is the key function where
// we attach the spring to an x,y location
// and the Box object's location
bind(x, y, box) {
// Define the joint
let md = new box2d.b2MouseJointDef();
// Body A is just a fake ground body for simplicity (there isn't anything at the mouse)
md.bodyA = world.CreateBody(new box2d.b2BodyDef()); //world.GetGroundBody();
// Body 2 is the box's boxy
md.bodyB = box.body;
// Get the mouse location in world coordinates
let mp = scaleToWorld(x, y);
// And that's the target
//println(mp.x + " " + mp.y); = mp;
//println( + " " +;
// Some stuff about how strong and bouncy the spring should be
md.maxForce = 1000.0 * box.body.m_mass;
md.frequencyHz = 5.0;
md.dampingRatio = 0.9;
// Make the joint!
this.mouseJoint = world.CreateJoint(md);
destroy() {
// We can get rid of the joint when the mouse is released
if (this.mouseJoint !== null) {
this.mouseJoint = null;