// Declare graphics buffers for double buffering
let bufferA;
let bufferB;
// Array to store colors used in the palette
let palette;
// Background color
let bk;
let video;
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 360);
video = createCapture(VIDEO);
video.size(width, height);
// Initialize color palette with predefined colors
palette = [
color(11, 106, 136),
color(45, 197, 244),
color(112, 50, 126),
color(146, 83, 161),
color(164, 41, 99),
color(236, 1, 90),
color(240, 99, 164),
color(241, 97, 100),
color(248, 158, 79),
color(252, 238, 33),
// Select a random color from the palette for the background
bk = palette[2];
// Set pixel density (useful for high DPI displays)
// Create a graphics buffers
bufferA = createGraphics(width, height);
bufferB = createGraphics(width, height);
// Create a drop
function drop(cx, cy) {
// Randomly pick a color from the palette
// let col = random(palette);
// let rVal = red(col);
// let gVal = green(col);
// let bVal = blue(col);
// Center of the drop
let centerInk = createVector(cx, cy);
// Radius of the drop
let r = random(25, 100);
for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
const index = (x + y * width) * 4;
// Vector position of the current pixel
const q = createVector(x, y);
// Vector from center to current pixel
const v = p5.Vector.sub(q, centerInk);
const d = v.mag();
if (d < r) {
// Inside the radius, set the color
bufferB.pixels[index + 0] = video.pixels[index + 0];
bufferB.pixels[index + 1] = video.pixels[index + 1];
bufferB.pixels[index + 2] = video.pixels[index + 2];
bufferB.pixels[index + 3] = 255;
} else {
// Outside the radius, apply displacement
q.mult(1 - (r * r) / (d * d));
let indexB = (floor(q.x) + floor(q.y) * width) * 4;
bufferB.pixels[index + 0] = bufferA.pixels[indexB + 0];
bufferB.pixels[index + 1] = bufferA.pixels[indexB + 1];
bufferB.pixels[index + 2] = bufferA.pixels[indexB + 2];
bufferB.pixels[index + 3] = bufferA.pixels[indexB + 3];
// Copy the contents of bufferB to bufferA
bufferA = bufferB.get();
function draw() {
//image(video, 0, 0);
drop(random(width), random(height));
image(bufferB, 0, 0);