Check our the GOAL and the RULES of this exercise at the bottom of this file.
After that, follow these steps before you start coding:
1. rename the dancer class to reflect your name (line 32).
2. adjust line 19 to reflect your dancer's name, too.
3. run the code and see if a square (your dancer) appears on the canvas.
4. start coding your dancer inside the class that has been prepared for you.
5. have fun.
let dancer;
function setup() {
// no adjustments in the setup function needed...
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
// ...except to adjust the dancer's name on the next line:
dancer = new connieDancer(width/2, height/2);
function draw() {
// you don't need to make any adjustments inside the draw loop
drawFloor(); // for reference only
// You only code inside this class.
// Start by giving the dancer your name, e.g. LeonDancer.
class connieDancer{
constructor(startX, startY){
this.x = startX;
this.y = startY;
// add properties for your dancer here:
// the push and pop, along with the translate
// places your whole dancer object at this.x and this.y.
// you may change its position on line 19 to see the effect.
translate(this.x, this.y);
// ******** //
// ⬇️ draw your dancer here ⬇️
// creature head
ellipse(0, 0, 128, 64);
// eyes
circle(-50, -40, 30);
circle(50, -40, 30);
circle(-50, -40, 10);
circle(50, -40, 10);
// mouth
rotate(PI / 4);
rect(0, 0, 10, 20);
rect(0, 0, 20, 10);
// ⬆️ draw your dancer here ⬆️
// ******** //
// the next function draws a SQUARE and CROSS
// to indicate the approximate size and the center point
// of your dancer.
// it is using "this" because this function, too,
// is a part if your Dancer object.
// comment it out or delete it eventually.
stroke(255, 0, 0);
line(-5, 0, 5, 0);
line(0, -5, 0, 5);
rect(-100, -100, 200, 200);
The goal is for you to write a class that produces a dancing being/creature/object/thing. In the next class, your dancer along with your peers' dancers will all dance in the same sketch that your instructor will put together.
For this to work you need to follow one rule:
- Only put relevant code into your dancer class; your dancer cannot depend on code outside of itself (like global variables or functions defined outside)
- Your dancer must perform by means of the two essential methods: update and display. Don't add more methods that require to be called from outside (e.g. in the draw loop).
- Your dancer will always be initialized receiving two arguments:
- startX (currently the horizontal center of the canvas)
- startY (currently the vertical center of the canvas)
beside these, please don't add more parameters into the constructor function
- lastly, to make sure our dancers will harmomize once on the same canvas, please don't make your dancer bigger than 200x200 pixels.