// p5.js drum machine
// incorporating elements of tone.js library
// Inspiration:
// tried to add smoothing like
// but it didn't seem to make things any better
// ------------- setting global variables -------------
let canvasW = 800;
let canvasH = 700;
// set some colors ----
// let buttonColor = "#7c3f58";
// let textColor = "#e2f3e4";
// let bpmTextColor = "#e2f3e4";
// let canvasColor = "#ee8695";
// let gridColor = "##e2f3e4";
// -----------
let buttonColor = "white";
let textColor = "grey";
let bpmTextColor = "#e2f3e4";
let canvasColor = "white";
let gridColor = "##e2f3e4";
// vars for adding poseNet functionality ----
let poseNet;
let myVideo;
let myResults;
const minDistHands = 0;
const minDistHandsButton = 0;
let leftW;
let rightW;
lastPos = [0, 0];
currPos = [];
// an array for past x positions positions
let recentXs = [];
let recentYs = [];
const numXs = 10;
const numYs = 10;
// -----------
let clicked = true;
// vars to control playback ----
let numSteps = 8; // number of columns / loop (x-axis)
let currentStep = 0;
let numSamples = 4; // number of sounds / kit (y-axis)
let beat = 0;
let value = 0;
let cells = []; // stores cells as list
let cellCenterPositions = []; // creates a 4*8 empty array
// grid drawing settings ----
let a = 40; // cell height variable
let b = 25; // cell width variable
let gridW, gridH, cellW, cellH; // initializing values for grid
//let colors = ["#292831", "#333f58", "#4a7a96", "#96b0b3"]; // array of colors
let colors;
// -----------
// button for play/pause, slider for controlling BPM / speed
let playButton;
let slider;
// -----------
// bpm/mascot/ settings ----
let drummingSpeed = 5.5;
//let drumMap;
let swayingSpeed = 0.1;
minBpm = 50;
maxBpm = 200;
bpm = 50;
// -----------
// sample kits/sounds ----
let beats; // kit 1
let trap; // kit 2
let mix; // kit 3
let kitChosen; // variable for choosing drum kit
let soundNames = ["kick", "snare", "hat", "other"]; //one of each in each kit
// associate different sounds with each kit
//Tone.Player is a way to load and play back an audio file
// -----------
// create three sets of beat sounds ----
// these can be replaced with different kit sounds
beats = new Tone.Players({
kick: "sounds/beats/kick1.wav",
snare: "sounds/beats/snare1.wav",
hat: "sounds/beats/hat1.wav",
other: "sounds/beats/other1.wav",
trap = new Tone.Players({
kick: "sounds/trap/kick2.wav",
snare: "sounds/trap/snare2.wav",
hat: "sounds/trap/hat2.wav",
other: "sounds/trap/other2.wav",
mix = new Tone.Players({
kick: "sounds/mix/kick3.mp3",
snare: "sounds/mix/snare3.mp3",
hat: "sounds/mix/hat3.mp3",
other: "sounds/mix/other3.mp3",
// toMaster function connects the output to the context's destination node
// transport is a timekeeper function in tone.js
//8th means 8th note
Tone.Transport.scheduleRepeat(onTheBeat, "8n");
// ------------- end of setting global variables ---------------
function keyPressed() {
if (keyCode == RIGHT_ARROW && slider.value() < maxBpm) {
bpm += 10;
} else if (keyCode == LEFT_ARROW && slider.value() > minBpm) {
bpm -= 10;
function setup() {
// for poseNet ----
myVideo = createCapture(VIDEO);
createCanvas(640, 480);
poseNet = ml5.poseNet(myVideo, gotModel);
// noStroke();
// fill(155, 20, 200);
// rectMode(CENTER);
// -----------
colors = ["#11826e", "#edd92a", "#e957b2", "#f7583a"]; // array of colors
mascot = new mascot(350, 600);
// slider for bpm
slider = createSlider(minBpm, maxBpm, 100);
slider.position(540, 445);
slider.input(speedVisualization);"width", "200px");
// mapping slider to bpm ----
// drop down menu to select kit ----
menu = createSelect();
menu.position(70, 395);
menu.size(150, 70);"background-color", buttonColor);"font-family", "Fredoka One");"font-size", "30px");"text-align", "center");"border-width", "0px"); // get rid of border width"color", textColor);"border-radius", "20px");
kitChosen = menu.value(); // set kit chosen to be menu item selected
// initialize cells
// OFF = 0, ON = 1
for (let sample = 0; sample < numSamples; sample++) {
cells[sample] = []; // make empty list of 4 rows
for (let step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) {
cells[sample][step] = 0; // set each cell in row to 0
// visual settings for grid ----
createCanvas(canvasW, canvasH);
gridW = canvasW - 2 * b; // 750 across
gridH = canvasW / 2 - 2 * a; // 320 down
cellW = gridW / numSteps; // width of each cell
cellH = gridH / numSamples; // height of each cell
// create play button ----
playButton = createButton("PLAY");
playButton.position(310, 400);
playButton.mouseClicked(togglePlay);"background-color", buttonColor);
// playButton.size(200, 100);
playButton.size(150, 75);"font-family", "Fredoka One");"color", textColor);"font-size", "48px");"border-width", "0px"); // get rid of border/stroke"border-radius", "20px");
function gotModel() {
poseNet.on("pose", gotResults);
poseNet.flipHorizontal = false;
function gotResults(results) {
myResults = results;
// if (myResults[0]){
// const newNose = results[0].pose.nose;
// }
//console.log('myResults', myResults)
function onTheBeat(time) {
currentStep = beat % numSteps; //beat starts at 0, numSteps is global num of columns
for (let sample = 0; sample < numSamples; sample++) {
if (cells[sample][currentStep]) {
// if row at column is 'on'
let k, k2, k3;
// grab correct sample from chosen kit
if (kitChosen == "beats") {
k = beats.get(soundNames[sample]);
} else if (kitChosen == "trap") {
k2 = trap.get(soundNames[sample]);
} else if (kitChosen == "mix") {
k3 = mix.get(soundNames[sample]);
beat++; //increase beat for looping
function toggleCell(noseX, noseY, leftX, leftY) { //, leftX, leftY
while (clicked == false){
let x = noseX - b; // current x position of mouse
let y = noseY - a; // current y position of mouse
// which cell is clicked
let i = floor(x / cellW);
let j = floor(y / cellH);
// cell on/off switch
cells[j][i] = !cells[j][i];
clicked = true
// lastPos[0] = noseX;
// lastPos[1] = noseY;
function draw() {
// initialize canvas + mascot each time
mascot.updateSpeedSway(drummingSpeed, swayingSpeed);
if (myResults && myResults[0]) {
const nose = myResults[0].pose.nose;
// const left = myResults[0].pose.leftWrist;
let leftx = mouseX
let lefty = mouseY
//const nose = myResults[0].pose.leftWrist;
ellipse(nose.x, nose.y, 10, 10);
//ellipse(left.x, left.y, 10, 10);
ellipse(leftx, lefty, 10, 10);
// get the keypoint data from posenet results
// let myAveragedNoseXPos = averageXPos(nose.x);
// let myAveragedNoseYPos = averageXPos(nose.y);
// let myAveragedNoseXPos = nose.x;
// let myAveragedNoseYPos = nose.y;
// set the number of frames to average
// ---
// console.log('averagedX' + myAveragedNoseXPos)
// console.log('averagedY' + myAveragedNoseYPos)
// currPos[0] = nose.x;
// currPos[1] = nose.y;
if (
b < nose.x &&
nose.x < b + gridW &&
a < nose.y &&
nose.y < a + gridH &&
dist(nose.x, nose.y, leftx, lefty) < 30
) {
// console.log('curr0' + currPos[0])
// console.log('curr0' + currPos[1])
//console.log(dist(currPos[0], currPos[1], lastPos[0],lastPos[1]))
// && dist(currPos[0], currPos[1], lastPos[0],lastPos[1]) > 0
clicked = false
toggleCell(nose.x, nose.y, leftx, lefty); // , left.x, left.y
// if(dist(nose.x, nose.y, leftx, lefty) > 30){
// clicked = false
// }
// }
ellipse(71.875, 80, 10, 10);
// draw play button shadow
drawingContext.shadowOffsetX = 5;
drawingContext.shadowOffsetY = 5;
drawingContext.shadowBlur = 10;
drawingContext.shadowColor = "black";
rect(310, 400, 150, 75, 20);
rect(70, 395, 150, 70, 20);
drawingContext.shadowOffsetX = 0;
drawingContext.shadowOffsetY = 0;
drawingContext.shadowBlur = 0;
drawingContext.shadowColor = "black";
// create bpm slider ---------
rect(595, 390, 80, 45, 20);
text("BPM", 610, 420);
textFont("Fredoka One");
// make BPM slider control speed of playback
let currBpm = slider.value();
// use Tone.Transport to help with bpm
Tone.Transport.bpm.value = currBpm;
// ---------------
// draw faded dots
for (let step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) {
for (let sample = 0; sample < numSamples; sample++) {
fill("rgba(192,192,192, 0.5)"); // grey faded dot grid
xPos = (2 * (b + step * cellW) + cellW) / 2;
yPos = (2 * (a + sample * cellH) + cellH) / 2;
// console.log((2 * (b + step * cellW) + cellW) / 2)
// console.log((2 * (a + sample * cellH) + cellH) / 2)
ellipse(xPos, yPos, 30, 30);
// for getting center coords of each cell
for (let sample = 0; sample < numSamples; sample++) {
cellCenterPositions[sample] = []; // make am empty array each loop
for (let step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) {
fill("rgba(192,192,192, 0.5)"); // grey faded dot grid
xPos = (2 * (b + step * cellW) + cellW) / 2;
yPos = (2 * (a + sample * cellH) + cellH) / 2;
cellCenterPositions[sample][step] = [xPos, yPos];
// console.log((2 * (b + step * cellW) + cellW) / 2)
// console.log((2 * (a + sample * cellH) + cellH) / 2)
(2 * (b + step * cellW) + cellW) / 2,
(2 * (a + sample * cellH) + cellH) / 2,
//console.log(cellCenterPositions) // show position array
// fill the 'on' cells in grid each draw loop
for (let step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) {
for (let sample = 0; sample < numSamples; sample++) {
if (cells[sample][step] == 1) {
// if user turned cell 'on'
fill(colors[sample]); // fill with correct color scheme
// rect(
// b + step * cellW, //
// a + sample * cellH,
// cellW,
// cellH
// );
(2 * (b + step * cellW) + cellW) / 2, //
(2 * (a + sample * cellH) + cellH) / 2,
// highlight column playing
for (let i = 0; i <= numSteps; i++) {
// highlight the cell that is playing
let step = (beat - 1) % numSteps;
if (i == step && Tone.Transport.state == "started") {
fill(0, 40); // highlight column with a shade of black
rect(b + i * cellW, a, cellW, gridH);
function mousePressed() {
// make sure the mouse is in the grid
if (b < mouseX && mouseX < b + gridW && a < mouseY && mouseY < a + gridH) {
// margins
let x = mouseX - b;
let y = mouseY - a;
// which cell is clicked
let i = floor(x / cellW);
let j = floor(y / cellH);
// cell on/off switch
cells[j][i] = !cells[j][i];
// PLAY / PAUSE button
function togglePlay() {
if (Tone.Transport.state == "started") {
} else {
if (beats.loaded && trap.loaded) {
// select the kits 'mySelectEvent' is a function in p5.js
function mySelectEvent() {
if (menu.value() == "beats") {
kitChosen = "beats";
} else if (menu.value() == "trap") {
kitChosen = "trap";
} else if (menu.value() == "mix") {
kitChosen = "mix";
// say which kit is currently selected and playing in console
console.log("playing kit: " + kitChosen);
// changes drummer mascot's speed of movement according to BPM
function speedVisualization() {
// setting new drummingSpeed global
let value = slider.value();
drummingSpeed = value;
swayingSpeed = value;
// function averageXPos(x) {
// // the first time this runs add the current x to the array n number of times. this only runs once
// if (recentXs.length < 1) {
// for (let i = 0; i < numXs; i++) {
// recentXs.push(x);
// }
// // otherwise update only the most recent number
// } else {
// recentXs.shift(); // removes first item from array
// recentXs.push(x); // adds new x to end of array
// }
// // add up all the values in the array
// let sum = 0;
// for (let i = 0; i < recentXs.length; i++) {
// sum += recentXs[i];
// }
// // return the average x value
// return sum / recentXs.length;
// }
// function averageYPos(y) {
// // the first time this runs add the current x to the array n number of times. this only runs once
// if (recentXs.length < 1) {
// for (let i = 0; i < numXs; i++) {
// recentXs.push(x);
// }
// // otherwise update only the most recent number
// } else {
// recentXs.shift(); // removes first item from array
// recentXs.push(x); // adds new x to end of array
// }
// // add up all the values in the array
// let sum = 0;
// for (let i = 0; i < recentXs.length; i++) {
// sum += recentXs[i];
// }
// // return the average x value
// return sum / recentXs.length;
// }