// Copyright (c) 2019 ml5
// This software is released under the MIT License.
/* ===
ml5 Example
Sound classification using pre-trained custom SpeechCommands18w and p5.js
This example uses a callback pattern to create the classifier
=== */
const modelJson = '';
// Two variable to hold the label and confidence of the result
let label;
let confidence;
// Initialize a sound classifier method.
let classifier;
function preload() {
// Load the pre-trianed custom SpeechCommands18w sound classifier model
classifier = ml5.soundClassifier(modelJson + 'model.json');
function setup() {
// ml5 also supports using callback pattern to create the classifier
// classifier = ml5.soundClassifier(modelJson, modelReady);
// Create 'label' and 'confidence' div to hold results
label = createDiv('Label: ...');
confidence = createDiv('Confidence: ...');
// Classify the sound from microphone in real time
// If you use callback pattern to create the classifier, you can use the following callback function
// function modelReady() {
// classifier.classify(gotResult);
// }
// A function to run when we get any errors and the results
function gotResult(error, results) {
// Display error in the console
if (error) {
// The results are in an array ordered by confidence.
// Show the first label and confidence
label.html('Label: ' + results[0].label);
confidence.html('Confidence: ' + nf(results[0].confidence, 0, 2)); // Round the confidence to 0.01