let capture;
let initialized = false;
let canvas;
let ctx;
let mic;
let bakingPositionY = 0;
let targetPositionY = 0;
let cloudPositions = []; // Declare globally
let dhtsensorValue = 0;
let cloudX = 100; // Initial X position of the cloud
let cloudY = 50; // Initial Y position of the cloud
let cloudSpeed = 2; // Speed of cloud movement
let humidityValue = 0; // Humidity sensor value
const humidityThreshold = 1650; // Threshold for cloud movement
let ldr, humidity, pulse;
let ararat,
let pulseData = 0;
let currentPage = "homePage";
function preload() {
ararat = loadImage("IMAGES/ararat.png");
ararat_icon = loadImage("IMAGES/ararat_icon.png");
rug = loadImage("IMAGES/rug.png");
lavash = loadImage("IMAGES/lavash.png");
lavash_icon = loadImage("IMAGES/lavash_icon.png");
path = loadImage("IMAGES/path.png");
pomegranate = loadImage("IMAGES/pomegranate.png");
pomegranate_icon = loadImage("IMAGES/pomegranate_icon.png");
rug_icon = loadImage("IMAGES/rug_icon.png");
empty_rug = loadImage("IMAGES/empty_rug.png");
cloud1 = loadImage("IMAGES/cloud1.png");
cloud2 = loadImage("IMAGES/cloud2.png");
cloud3 = loadImage("IMAGES/cloud3.png");
cloud4 = loadImage("IMAGES/cloud4.png");
cloud5 = loadImage("IMAGES/cloud5.png");
cloud6 = loadImage("IMAGES/cloud6.png");
lavash_baking = loadImage("IMAGES/lavash_baking.png");
tonir_back = loadImage("IMAGES/tonir_back.png");
tonir_front = loadImage("IMAGES/tonir_front.png");
ararat_page = loadImage("IMAGES/ararat_page.png");
pomegranate_page = loadImage("IMAGES/pomegranate_page.png");
text_start = loadImage("IMAGES/text_start.png");
back_home = loadImage("IMAGES/back_home.png");
lavash_desc = loadImage("IMAGES/lavash_desc.png");
pomegranate_desc = loadImage("IMAGES/pomegranate_desc.png");
ararat_desc = loadImage("IMAGES/ararat_desc.png");
rug_desc = loadImage("IMAGES/back_home.png");
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
cloudPositions = [
x: width / 2 - 100,
y: height / 2 + 300,
targetX: width / 2,
targetY: height / 2,
x: width / 2 + 400,
y: height / 2 + 200,
targetX: width / 2,
targetY: height / 2,
x: width / 2 + 300,
y: height / 2,
targetX: width / 2,
targetY: height / 2,
x: width / 2 + 400,
y: height / 2 + 200,
targetX: width / 2,
targetY: height / 2,
x: width / 2 + 400,
y: height / 2 + 100,
targetX: width / 2,
targetY: height / 2,
x: width / 2 + 400,
y: height / 2,
targetX: width / 2,
targetY: height / 2,
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
function draw() {
background(42, 25, 54);
if (!serialActive) {
text_start.resize(1000, 0);
image(text_start, width / 2, height / 2);
if (currentPage === "homePage") {
} else if (currentPage === "pomegranatePage") {
} else if (currentPage === "rugPage") {
} else if (currentPage === "lavashPage") {
} else if (currentPage === "araratPage") {
async function keyPressed() {
if (key === " ") {
if (!serialActive) {
await setUpSerial();
if (key === "F" || key === "f") {
let fs = fullscreen();
function homePage() {
fill(42, 25, 54, 220);
background(42, 25, 54, 220);
lavash_click = rect(width / 2 - 450, height / 2 - 250, 300, 200);
pomegranate_click = rect(width / 2 + 40, height / 2 - 250, 300, 200);
rug_click = rect(width / 2 + 100, height / 2 + 50, 300, 200);
ararat_click = rect(width / 2 - 400, height / 2 + 50, 300, 200);
path.resize(1000, 0);
image(path, width / 2, height / 2);
if (
mouseX > width / 2 - 450 &&
mouseX < width / 2 - 150 &&
mouseY > height / 2 - 250 &&
mouseY < height / 2 - 50
) {
image(lavash, width / 2, height / 2, lavash.width*0.5, lavash.height*0.5);
} else {
image(lavash, width / 2, height / 2, lavash.width*0.48,lavash.height*0.48);
if (
mouseX > width / 2 + 40 &&
mouseX < width / 2 + 340 &&
mouseY > height / 2 - 250 &&
mouseY < height / 2 - 50
) {
image(pomegranate, width / 2, height / 2, pomegranate.width*0.5,pomegranate.height*0.5);
} else {
image(pomegranate, width / 2, height / 2, pomegranate.width*0.48,pomegranate.height*0.48);
if (
mouseX > width / 2 + 100 &&
mouseX < width / 2 + 400 &&
mouseY > height / 2 + 50 &&
mouseY < height / 2 + 250
) {
image(rug, width / 2, height / 2, rug.width*0.5,rug.height*0.5);
} else {
image(rug, width / 2, height / 2, rug.width*0.48,rug.height*0.48);
if (
mouseX > width / 2 - 400 &&
mouseX < width / 2 - 100 &&
mouseY > height / 2 + 50 &&
mouseY < height / 2 + 250
) {
image(ararat, width / 2, height / 2, ararat.width*0.5,ararat.height*0.5);
} else {
image(ararat, width / 2, height / 2, ararat.width*0.48,ararat.height*0.48);
ararat_icon.resize(1000, 0);
image(ararat_icon, width / 2, height / 2);
lavash_icon.resize(1000, 0);
image(lavash_icon, width / 2, height / 2);
pomegranate_icon.resize(1000, 0);
image(pomegranate_icon, width / 2, height / 2);
rug_icon.resize(1000, 0);
image(rug_icon, width / 2, height / 2);
function mousePressed() {
// Only allow mouse presses on the homePage and if Arduino is connected
if (currentPage === "homePage" && serialActive) {
// Ensure all areas do not overlap
if (
mouseX > width / 2 + 40 &&
mouseX < width / 2 + 340 &&
mouseY > height / 2 - 250 &&
mouseY < height / 2 - 50
) {
currentPage = "pomegranatePage";
console.log("Navigate to pomegranatePage");
return; // Prevent further checks once a page has been changed
if (
mouseX > width / 2 + 100 &&
mouseX < width / 2 + 400 &&
mouseY > height / 2 + 50 &&
mouseY < height / 2 + 250
) {
currentPage = "rugPage";
console.log("Navigate to rugPage");
return; // Prevent further checks once a page has been changed
if (
mouseX > width / 2 - 450 &&
mouseX < width / 2 - 150 &&
mouseY > height / 2 - 250 &&
mouseY < height / 2 - 50
) {
currentPage = "lavashPage";
console.log("Navigate to lavashPage");
return; // Prevent further checks once a page has been changed
if (
mouseX > width / 2 - 400 &&
mouseX < width / 2 - 100 &&
mouseY > height / 2 + 50 &&
mouseY < height / 2 + 250
) {
currentPage = "araratPage";
console.log("Navigate to araratPage");
return; // Prevent further checks once a page has been changed
// Check for the back_home button click in non-home pages
if (currentPage !== "homePage") {
let backHomeX = 50; // Left bottom corner
let backHomeY = height - back_home.height * 0.5 - 50;
let backHomeWidth = back_home.width * 0.5;
let backHomeHeight = back_home.height * 0.5;
if (
mouseX > backHomeX &&
mouseX < backHomeX + backHomeWidth &&
mouseY > backHomeY &&
mouseY < backHomeY + backHomeHeight
) {
currentPage = "homePage";
console.log("Navigate to homePage");
let previousColor;
function pomegranatePage() {
fill(42, 25, 54, 220);
background(42, 25, 54, 220);
// Smooth color transition
let circleColor = map(pulse, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
let targetColor = color(circleColor, 100, 150); // This creates a color value
if (!previousColor) {
previousColor = targetColor; // Initialize previousColor if it's not defined
let lerpedColor = lerpColor(previousColor, targetColor, 0.1); // Smooth the transition
// Update the previousColor for the next frame
previousColor = lerpedColor;
// Display background and circle
// Position the 'back_home' button in the left bottom corner
let backHomeX = 50; // Left margin
let backHomeY = height - back_home.height * 0.5 - 50; // Bottom margin
image(back_home, backHomeX, backHomeY, back_home.width * 0.5, back_home.height * 0.5);
ellipse(width / 2 + 400, height / 2 + 100, 400, 400);
// Display the heartbeat value
let roundedPulse = round(pulse / 10); // Convert the pulse to a decimal and round it
text(roundedPulse, width / 2 + 500, height / 2 + 400);
// Display the pomegranate page image
pomegranate_page.resize(1200, 0);
image(pomegranate_page, width / 2 + 100, height / 2 + 47);
function lavashPage() {
fill(42, 25, 54);
background(42, 25, 54);
// Position the 'back_home' button in the left bottom corner
let backHomeX = 50; // Left margin
let backHomeY = height - back_home.height * 0.5 - 50; // Bottom margin
image(back_home, backHomeX, backHomeY, back_home.width * 0.5, back_home.height * 0.5);
// tonir_back.resize(0, width-700);
// tonir_front.resize(0, width-700);
// lavash_baking.resize(0, width-600);
// Update the target position based on the light sensor value
if (ldr <= 50) {
// Check if the light value is less than the threshold
targetPositionY = height / 2 + 800; // Inside the tonir
} else {
targetPositionY = height / 2 + 100; // Original position outside the tonir
// Smoothly interpolate the bakingPositionY toward targetPositionY
bakingPositionY += (targetPositionY - bakingPositionY) * 0.1;
// Render the elements
image(tonir_back, width / 2, height / 2 + 100, tonir_back.width*0.6, tonir_back.width*0.6);
image(lavash_baking, width / 2, bakingPositionY, lavash_baking.width*0.6, lavash_baking.height*0.6);
image(tonir_front, width / 2, height / 2 + 100, tonir_front.width*0.6, tonir_front.width*0.6);
function araratPage() {
fill(42, 25, 54);
background(42, 25, 54);
image(ararat_page, width / 2, height / 2,ararat_page.width*0.6, ararat_page.height*0.6);
// Position the 'back_home' button in the left bottom corner
let backHomeX = 50; // Left margin
let backHomeY = height - back_home.height * 0.5 - 50; // Bottom margin
image(back_home, backHomeX, backHomeY, back_home.width * 0.5, back_home.height * 0.5);
let clouds = [cloud1, cloud2, cloud3, cloud4, cloud5, cloud6];
for (let i = 0; i < clouds.length; i++) {
let cloud = clouds[i];
let pos = cloudPositions[i];
if (humidity > humidityThreshold) {
pos.x += (pos.targetX - pos.x) * 0.01;
pos.y += (pos.targetY - pos.y) * 0.01;
} else if (pos.x > cloudPositions[i].x && pos.Y > cloudPositions[i].y){
pos.x -= (pos.targetX - pos.x) * 0.01;
pos.y -= (pos.targetY - pos.y) * 0.01;
image(cloud, pos.x, pos.y);
// Arduino Serial Communication
// function readSerial() {
// let data = serial.readLine().trim(); // Read data from Arduino
// if (data) {
// let value = parseInt(data, 10); // Convert the data to an integer
// if (value > 2000) {
// // Reset cloud positions
// for (let pos of cloudPositions) {
// pos.targetX = width / 2;
// pos.targetY = height / 2;
// }
// }
// }
// }
function rugPage() {
// Set the background color
fill(42, 25, 54);
background(42, 25, 54, 220);
// Initialize camera and pixelation logic if not already initialized
if (!initialized) {
initialized = true;
// Render pixelated video (if applicable)
// Draw the large background rectangles (ensure rug_desc is above these)
fill(42, 25, 54, 255);
rect(width / 2 - 600, height / 2, 800, 1400);
rect(width / 2 + 600, height / 2, 800, 1400);
rect(width / 2, height / 2 - 400, 1500, 450);
rect(width / 2, height / 2 + 400, 1500, 450);
// Draw the empty rug image (resize it if necessary)
empty_rug.resize(500, 0); // Ensure the empty rug image is resized
image(empty_rug, width / 2, height / 2);
// Draw the description image (rug_desc)
// Adjust size and position to ensure it fits well on screen
image(rug_desc, width / 2 - 300, height / 2, rug_desc.width * 0.6, rug_desc.height * 0.6);
// Draw the back home button (ensure it's at the correct position)
let backHomeX = 50; // Left margin
let backHomeY = height - back_home.height * 0.5 - 50; // Bottom margin
image(back_home, backHomeX, backHomeY, back_home.width * 0.5, back_home.height * 0.5);
function pico_setup() {
// Set up the canvas and video capture
canvas = createCanvas(1500, 900);
ctx = canvas.drawingContext;
capture = createCapture(VIDEO, () => {
capture.size(1500, 900);
mic = new p5.AudioIn();
function pico_setup() {
canvas = createCanvas(1500, 900);
ctx = canvas.drawingContext;
capture = createCapture(VIDEO, () => {
capture.size(1500, 900);
mic = new p5.AudioIn();
function drawCameraPixelation() {
if (capture.loadedmetadata) {
// Flip the canvas horizontally (mirror effect); // Save the current drawing context
ctx.scale(-1, 1); // Flip the context horizontally
ctx.translate(-width, 0); // Move the context to the correct position
// Draw the video image on the canvas (it will be mirrored due to scale)
ctx.drawImage(capture.elt, 0, 0, width, height); // Draw the video on the canvas
// Get the pixel data from the canvas
let imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
let rgba =;
// Pixelation logic
const blockSize = 10; // Size of the pixelation blocks
for (let y = 0; y < height; y += blockSize) {
for (let x = 0; x < width; x += blockSize) {
let redSum = 0,
greenSum = 0,
blueSum = 0,
count = 0;
// Calculate the average color of the block
for (let yy = y; yy < y + blockSize && yy < height; yy++) {
for (let xx = x; xx < x + blockSize && xx < width; xx++) {
let index = (yy * width + xx) * 4;
redSum += rgba[index];
greenSum += rgba[index + 1];
blueSum += rgba[index + 2];
// Average color
let avgRed = redSum / count;
let avgGreen = greenSum / count;
let avgBlue = blueSum / count;
let intensity = (avgRed + avgGreen + avgBlue) / 3;
// Determine block color based on intensity
let blockColor;
if (intensity < 64) {
// Black shades
blockColor = `rgb(${intensity * 0.5}, ${intensity * 0.5}, ${
intensity * 0.5
} else if (intensity < 128) {
// Beige (#ddd2a3)
blockColor = `rgb(221, 210, 163)`;
} else if (intensity < 192) {
// Red shades
blockColor = `rgb(${intensity * 1.2}, 0, 0)`;
} else {
// Blue shades
blockColor = `rgb(0, 0, ${intensity * 1.2})`;
// Draw the pixelated block
ctx.fillStyle = blockColor;
ctx.fillRect(x, y, blockSize, blockSize);
ctx.restore(); // Restore the drawing context to its original state
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
// ensuring there is actual data, then storing it in a variable
let fromArduino = split(data, ",");
if (fromArduino.length == 3) {
ldr = fromArduino[0];
humidity = fromArduino[1];
pulse = fromArduino[2];
print(ldr + ',' + humidity + ',' + pulse)