function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight, WEBGL);
fab = createFab();
let connectButton = createButton("connect");
connectButton.position(20, 20);
connectButton.mousePressed(function () {
fab.connectPrinter(); // choose the serial port to connect to
let startButton = createButton("start");
startButton.position(100, 20);
startButton.mousePressed(function () {
fab.print(); // start streaming commands to printer
let stopButton = createButton("stop");
stopButton.position(160, 20);
stopButton.mousePressed(function () {
fab.stopPrint(); // stop streaming the commands to printer
let exportButton = createButton("export gcode");
exportButton.position(220, 20);
exportButton.mousePressed(function () {
fab.exportGcode(); // export gcode to a file.
function fabDraw() {
// setup!
fab.setAbsolutePosition(); // set the coordinate system mode
fab.setERelative(); // it's easier to work with the extruder axis in relative positioning
fab.autoHome(); // establish a (0,0,0)
fab.setTemps(200, 60); // (bedTemp, nozzleTemp). hot!
fab.introLine(); // clean the nozzle
fab.moveRetract(100, 100, 0.2); // moveRetract will move the nozzle without extruding filament
// it's good for getting to your start location!
// first steps: extruding filament!
fab.moveExtrude(150, 100, 0.2); // a default speed of 25 mm/s is used,
// along with a reasonable amount of filament
fab.moveExtrude(150, 150, 0.2, 10); // sloow
fab.moveExtrude(100, 150, 0.2, 25); // 'normal'
fab.moveExtrude(100, 100, 0.2, 80); // fast!
fab.moveExtrude(100, 100, 1, 0.5, 5); // we can also explicitly set the amount of filament to extrude
fab.presentPart(); // pull the nozzle away, and retract a bit of filament to stop oozing!
function draw() {
orbitControl(2, 2, 0.1);