// Fibonacci Clock MicroSim
// with options to display the time and the key
let canvasWidth = 600;
let drawingHeight = 375;
let controlsHeight = 50;
let keyHeight = 120; // Increased height for additional key explanation
let canvasHeight = drawingHeight + controlsHeight;
// Define the Fibonacci squares with their values and positions
const fibSquares = [
{ value: 1, x: 150, y: 0, width: 75, height: 75 }, // First 1-square
{ value: 1, x: 150, y: 75, width: 75, height: 75 }, // Second 1-square
{ value: 2, x: 0, y: 0, width: 150, height: 150 }, // 2-square
{ value: 3, x: 0, y: 150, width: 225, height: 225 }, // 3-square
{ value: 5, x: 225, y: 0, width: 375, height: 375 } // 5-square
// Color definitions
const OFF_COLOR = "#333333"; // Dark gray for "off" squares
const HOUR_COLOR = "#FF4136"; // Red for hours
const MINUTE_COLOR = "#2ECC40"; // Green for minutes
const BOTH_COLOR = "#0074D9"; // Blue for both hours and minutes
const TEXT_COLOR = "#FFFFFF"; // White text
// UI elements
let showTimeCheckbox;
let showKeyCheckbox;
function setup() {
createCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
frameRate(1); // Update once per second
// Create checkboxes in controls area
showTimeCheckbox = createCheckbox('Show Time', false);
showTimeCheckbox.position(10, drawingHeight + 15);
showKeyCheckbox = createCheckbox('Show Key', false);
showKeyCheckbox.position(140, drawingHeight + 15);
// Add event listener for the showKey checkbox
function updateCanvasSize() {
if (showKeyCheckbox.checked()) {
resizeCanvas(canvasWidth, drawingHeight + controlsHeight + keyHeight);
} else {
resizeCanvas(canvasWidth, drawingHeight + controlsHeight);
function draw() {
// Get current time
const now = new Date();
let hours = now.getHours() % 12; // Convert to 12-hour format
if (hours === 0) hours = 12; // Handle 12 AM/PM case
let minutes = now.getMinutes();
let seconds = now.getSeconds();
// Round minutes to nearest 5 (Fibonacci clocks typically display in 5-minute increments)
let displayMinutes = Math.round(minutes / 5) * 5;
if (displayMinutes == 60) displayMinutes = 0;
// Draw divider between drawing area and controls area
line(0, drawingHeight, canvasWidth, drawingHeight);
// Calculate which squares to light for hours (0-12)
const hourSquares = calculateSquares(hours);
// Calculate which squares to light for minutes (0-60, in steps of 5)
const minuteSquares = calculateSquares(displayMinutes / 5);
// Draw each Fibonacci square
fibSquares.forEach((square, index) => {
// Determine the color of the square
let fillColor = OFF_COLOR; // Default off
const isUsedForHour = hourSquares.includes(index);
const isUsedForMinute = minuteSquares.includes(index);
if (isUsedForHour && isUsedForMinute) {
fillColor = BOTH_COLOR; // Blue: both hours and minutes
} else if (isUsedForHour) {
fillColor = HOUR_COLOR; // Red: hours only
} else if (isUsedForMinute) {
fillColor = MINUTE_COLOR; // Green: minutes only
// Draw the square
drawSquare(square.x, square.y, square.width, square.value, fillColor);
// Draw the controls area background
rect(0, drawingHeight, canvasWidth, controlsHeight + (showKeyCheckbox.checked() ? keyHeight : 0));
// Display digital time in controls area if checkbox is checked
if (showTimeCheckbox.checked()) {
// Format time with leading zeros
const timeString = `${hours}:${minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`;
text(timeString, canvasWidth/2, drawingHeight + controlsHeight/2);
// Display key if checkbox is checked
if (showKeyCheckbox.checked()) {
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
// Draw color key boxes and text
// Hours - Red
rect(20, drawingHeight + controlsHeight + 10, 20, 20);
// Minutes - Green
rect(20, drawingHeight + controlsHeight + 40, 20, 20);
// Both - Blue
rect(350, drawingHeight + controlsHeight + 10, 20, 20);
// Off - Dark gray
rect(350, drawingHeight + controlsHeight + 40, 20, 20);
// Key text
textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
text("Red: Hours", 50, drawingHeight + controlsHeight + 20);
text("Green: Minutes (in 5 minute increments)", 50, drawingHeight + controlsHeight + 50);
text("Blue: Both hours and minutes", 380, drawingHeight + controlsHeight + 20);
text("Dark gray: Inactive", 380, drawingHeight + controlsHeight + 50);
// Additional explanation text
text("Hours: sum the red and blue values", 50, drawingHeight + controlsHeight + 80);
text("Minutes: sum the green and blue values and multiply by 5", 50, drawingHeight + controlsHeight + 100);
// Reset text alignment for next elements
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
// Calculate which squares to use to represent a number
function calculateSquares(num) {
const activeSquares = [];
let remaining = num;
// Start from the largest square and work backwards
for (let i = fibSquares.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (fibSquares[i].value <= remaining) {
remaining -= fibSquares[i].value;
return activeSquares;
function drawSquare(x, y, size, value, fillColor) {
// Draw square
rect(x, y, size, size);
// Draw fibonacci number in center
// Scale text size based on square size
let fontSize = value === 1 ? 24 : 36;
// Position text in center of square
text(value, x + size/2, y + size/2);