// read a list of cities from a JSON file
let cityData;
let numCities;
let hm = 30; // header margin
function preload() {
// Must be in the same directory as the sketch
cities = loadJSON('us-cities.json');
function setup() {
createCanvas(320, 440);
// we have to get the keys from the object to find the length
numCities = Object.keys(cities).length;
print('Number Cities:' + numCities)
noLoop(); // No need to loop since we're just logging data
function draw() {
text('Rank Name Population Longitude Latitude', 10, 20);
for (let i=0; i < numCities; i++) {
text(cities[i].Rank, 10, (i+1)*20+hm);
text(cities[i].Name, 30, (i+1)*20+hm);
text(cities[i].Population, 130, (i+1)*20+hm);
text(cities[i].Longitude, 200, (i+1)*20+hm);
text(cities[i].Latitude, 260, (i+1)*20+hm);