let canvasWidth = 600;
let canvasHeight = 200;
let dutyCycleSlider;
let fillCheckbox; // Checkbox to toggle fill
let dutyCycle = 0.5; // Initialize to 50%
let cycles = 6;
let waveHeight = canvasHeight / 3;
let leftSliderMargin = 155; // at 16 point font
function setup() {
const canvas = createCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
// uncomment if you are placing in an HTML page
// canvas.parent('canvas-container');
dutyCycleSlider = createSlider(0, 1, 0.5, 0.01); // Range from 0 to 1, default value 0.5, step size 0.01
dutyCycleSlider.position(leftSliderMargin, canvasHeight - 55); // Position slider
dutyCycleSlider.size(canvasWidth - leftSliderMargin - 20); // Set width of slider
// Create and position the "Fill" checkbox
fillCheckbox = createCheckbox('', true);
fillCheckbox.position(17, canvasHeight - 35);
function draw() {
// Update duty cycle
dutyCycle = dutyCycleSlider.value();
// Set stroke for waveform
strokeWeight(2); // make the line be double wide
// Check if the "Fill" checkbox is checked
if (fillCheckbox.checked()) {
fill('limegreen'); // Enable fill if checkbox is checked
} else {
noFill(); // Disable fill if checkbox is not checked
// Generate PWM waveform
let yOffset = height / 3; // Set the Y-offset for the waveform
for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
// Map x to time period of waveform
let t = map(x, 0, width, 0, TWO_PI * cycles);
// Calculate value of waveform at this point in time
// Draw high if in duty cycle, low otherwise
let y = (sin(t) > 2 * dutyCycle - 1) ? (2 * height / 3) : (height / 3);
// Add vertex to waveform
vertex(x, y);
if (fillCheckbox.checked()) {
vertex(width, yOffset+waveHeight); // Close the shape at the bottom right corner
vertex(0, yOffset+waveHeight); // Close the shape at the bottom left corner
} else {
// just the line
// Display duty cycle
// Display duty cycle as percentage
text("Duty Cycle: " + nf(dutyCycle * 100, 0, 0) + "%", 20, height - 40);
text("Fill Area Under Signal", 40, height-20)