let fps = 24;
let download = false;
let poseFrames = 0; //!edit line 24 if you want to hardcode a stop point
let data = {};
let frame = 0;
let hue = 0;
function preload() {
data = loadJSON('combined.json');
function setup() {
frameRate(5) // This needs to be slow enough that Chrome can keep up, 5 or less is a good idea!
} else {
createCanvas(852, 480);
//example of pose coordinates
poseFrames = Object.keys(data).length;
function draw() {
//drawPose((frameCount-1) % poseFrames)
drawSkeleton25B((frameCount-1) % poseFrames)
// filter(BLUR, 2);
if(frameCount <= poseFrames && download){
save(`step${nf((frameCount-1), 4)}`);
function drawPose(frame) {
let hue2 = (hue +120) % 360;
if(data[frame][1].length > 0){
let d = data[frame][1][0]['pose_keypoints_2d']
for(p = 0; p < d.length; p+=3){
//for(p = 12; p < 15; p+=3){
if(round(d[p]) + round(d[p+1]) != 0 ){
circle(round(d[p]), round(d[p+1]), 10);
hue = (hue + 4) % 360;
function drawSkeleton(frame) {
if(data[frame][1].length > 0){
let d = data[frame][1][0]['pose_keypoints_2d']
//see for key:
nose = createVector(round(d[0]), round(d[1])); //0
noseExists = (nose.x + nose.y != 0) ? true : false;
neck = createVector(round(d[3]), round(d[4])); //1
neckExists = (neck.x + neck.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightShoulder = createVector(round(d[6]), round(d[7])); //2
rightShoulderExists = (rightShoulder.x + rightShoulder.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightElbow = createVector(round(d[9]), round(d[10])); //3
rightElbowExists = (rightElbow.x + rightElbow.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightWrist = createVector(round(d[12]), round(d[13])); //4
rightWristExists = (rightWrist.x + rightWrist.y != 0)
leftShoulder = createVector(round(d[15]), round(d[16])); //5
leftShoulderExists = (leftShoulder.x + leftShoulder.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftElbow = createVector(round(d[18]), round(d[19])); //6
leftElbowExists = (leftElbow.x + leftElbow.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftWrist = createVector(round(d[21]), round(d[22])); //7
leftWristExists = (leftWrist.x + leftWrist.y != 0) ? true : false;
midHip = createVector(round(d[24]), round(d[25])); //8
midHipExists = (midHip.x + midHip.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightHip = createVector(round(d[27]), round(d[28])); //9
rightHipExists = (rightHip.x + rightHip.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightKnee = createVector(round(d[30]), round(d[31])); //10
rightKneeExists = (rightKnee.x + rightKnee.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightAnkle = createVector(round(d[33]), round(d[34])); //11
rightAnkleExists = (rightAnkle.x + rightAnkle.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftHip = createVector(round(d[36]), round(d[37])); //12
leftHipExists = (leftHip.x + leftHip.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftKnee = createVector(round(d[39]), round(d[40])); //13
leftKneeExists = (leftKnee.x + leftKnee.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftAnkle = createVector(round(d[42]), round(d[43])); //14
leftAnkleExists = (leftAnkle.x + leftAnkle.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightEye = createVector(round(d[45]), round(d[46])); //15
rightEyeExists = (rightEye.x + rightEye.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftEye = createVector(round(d[48]), round(d[49])); //16
leftEyeExists = (leftEye.x + leftEye.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightEar = createVector(round(d[51]), round(d[52])); //17
rightEarExists = (rightEar.x + rightEar.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftEar = createVector(round(d[54]), round(d[55])); //18
leftEarExists = (leftEar.x + leftEar.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftBigToe = createVector(round(d[57]), round(d[58])); //19
leftBigToeExists = (leftBigToe.x + leftBigToe.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftSmallToe = createVector(round(d[60]), round(d[61])); //20
leftSmallToeExists = (leftSmallToe.x + leftSmallToe.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftHeel = createVector(round(d[63]), round(d[64])); //21
leftHeelExists = (leftHeel.x + leftHeel.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightBigToe = createVector(round(d[66]), round(d[67])); //22
rightBigToeExists = (rightBigToe.x + rightBigToe.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightSmallToe = createVector(round(d[69]), round(d[70])); //23
rightSmallToeExists = (rightSmallToe.x + rightSmallToe.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightHeel = createVector(round(d[72]), round(d[73])); //24
rightHeelExists = (rightHeel.x + rightHeel.y != 0) ? true : false;
//if(noseExists) {circle(nose.x, nose.y, 5);}
//if(neckExists) {circle(neck.x, neck.y, 5);}
//if(rightShoulderExists) {circle(rightShoulder.x, rightShoulder.y, 5);}
/*if(rightElbowExists) {circle(rightElbow.x, rightElbow.y, 5);}*/
/*if(rightWristExists) {circle(rightWrist.x, rightWrist.y, 5);}*/
/*if(leftShoulderExists) {circle(leftShoulder.x, leftShoulder.y, 5);}*/
/*if(leftElbowExists) {circle(leftElbow.x, leftElbow.y, 5);}*/
/*if(leftWristExists) {circle(leftWrist.x, leftWrist.y, 5);}*/
/*if(midHipExists) {circle(midHip.x, midHip.y, 5);}*/
/*if(rightHipExists) {circle(rightHip.x, rightHip.y, 5);}*/
/*if(rightKneeExists) {circle(rightKnee.x, rightKnee.y, 5);}*/
/*if(rightAnkleExists) {circle(rightAnkle.x, rightAnkle.y, 5);}*/
/*if(leftHipExists) {circle(leftHip.x, leftHip.y, 5);}*/
/*if(leftKneeExists) {circle(leftKnee.x, leftKnee.y, 5);}*/
/*if(leftAnkleExists) {circle(leftAnkle.x, leftAnkle.y, 5);}*/
/*if(rightEyeExists) {circle(rightEye.x, rightEye.y, 5);}*/
/*if(leftEyeExists) {circle(leftEye.x, leftEye.y, 5);}*/
/*if(rightEarExists) {circle(rightEar.x, rightEar.y, 5);}*/
/*if(leftEarExists) {circle(leftEar.x, leftEar.y, 5);}*/
//if(leftBigToeExists) {circle(leftBigToe.x, leftBigToe.y, 5);}
//if(leftSmallToeExists) {circle(leftSmallToe.x, leftSmallToe.y, 5);}
//if(leftHeelExists) {circle(leftHeel.x, leftHeel.y, 5);}
//if(rightBigToeExists) {circle(rightBigToe.x, rightBigToe.y, 5);}
//if(rightSmallToeExists) {circle(rightSmallToe.x, rightSmallToe.y, 5);}
//if(rightHeelExists) {circle(rightHeel.x, rightHeel.y, 5);}
// stroke(255);
// strokeWeight(3);
//if(noseExists && neckExists){ line(nose.x, nose.y, neck.x, neck.y); }
// if(neckExists && rightShoulderExists){ line(neck.x, neck.y, rightShoulder.x, rightShoulder.y); }
// if(rightShoulderExists && rightElbowExists){ line(rightShoulder.x, rightShoulder.y, rightElbow.x, rightElbow.y); }
// if(rightElbowExists && rightWristExists){ line(rightElbow.x, rightElbow.y, rightWrist.x, rightWrist.y); }
function drawSkeleton25B(frame) {
if(data[frame][1].length > 0){
let d = data[frame][1][0]['pose_keypoints_2d']
//see for key:
//0,1,2 return empty vectors for 25B
rightEye = createVector(round(d[9]), round(d[10])); //?3
rightEyeExists = (rightEye.x + rightEye.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftEye = createVector(round(d[12]), round(d[13])); //?4
leftEyeExists = (leftEye.x + leftEye.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightShoulder = createVector(round(d[15]), round(d[16])); //?5
rightShoulderExists = (rightShoulder.x + rightShoulder.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftShoulder = createVector(round(d[18]), round(d[19])); //?6
leftShoulderExists = (leftShoulder.x + leftShoulder.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightElbow = createVector(round(d[21]), round(d[22])); //?7
rightElbowExists = (rightElbow.x + rightElbow.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftElbow = createVector(round(d[24]), round(d[25])); //?8
leftElbowExists = (leftElbow.x + leftElbow.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightWrist = createVector(round(d[27]), round(d[28])); //?9
rightWristExists = (rightWrist.x + rightWrist.y != 0)
leftWrist = createVector(round(d[30]), round(d[31])); //?10
leftWristExists = (leftWrist.x + leftWrist.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightHip = createVector(round(d[33]), round(d[34])); //?11
rightHipExists = (rightHip.x + rightHip.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftHip = createVector(round(d[36]), round(d[37])); //?12
leftHipExists = (leftHip.x + leftHip.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightKnee = createVector(round(d[39]), round(d[40])); //?13
rightKneeExists = (rightKnee.x + rightKnee.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftKnee = createVector(round(d[42]), round(d[43])); //?14
leftKneeExists = (leftKnee.x + leftKnee.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightAnkle = createVector(round(d[45]), round(d[46])); //?15
rightAnkleExists = (rightAnkle.x + rightAnkle.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftAnkle = createVector(round(d[48]), round(d[49])); //?16
leftAnkleExists = (leftAnkle.x + leftAnkle.y != 0) ? true : false;
bottomHead = createVector(round(d[51]), round(d[52])); //?17
bottomHeadExists = (bottomHead.x + bottomHead.y != 0) ? true : false;
topHead = createVector(round(d[54]), round(d[55])); //?18
topHeadExists = (topHead.x + topHead.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightBigToe = createVector(round(d[57]), round(d[58])); //?19
rightBigToeExists = (rightBigToe.x + rightBigToe.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightSmallToe = createVector(round(d[60]), round(d[61])); //?20
rightSmallToeExists = (rightSmallToe.x + rightSmallToe.y != 0) ? true : false;
rightHeel = createVector(round(d[63]), round(d[64])); //?21
rightHeelExists = (rightHeel.x + rightHeel.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftBigToe = createVector(round(d[66]), round(d[67])); //?22
leftBigToeExists = (leftBigToe.x + leftBigToe.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftSmallToe = createVector(round(d[69]), round(d[70])); //?23
leftSmallToeExists = (leftSmallToe.x + leftSmallToe.y != 0) ? true : false;
leftHeel = createVector(round(d[72]), round(d[73])); //?24
leftHeelExists = (leftHeel.x + leftHeel.y != 0) ? true : false;
//if(topHeadExists) {circle(topHead.x, topHead.y, 5);}
// if(bottomHeadExists) {circle(bottomHead.x, bottomHead.y, 5);}
// if(rightShoulderExists) {circle(rightShoulder.x, rightShoulder.y, 5);}
// if(rightElbowExists) {circle(rightElbow.x, rightElbow.y, 5);}
// if(rightWristExists) {circle(rightWrist.x, rightWrist.y, 5);}
// if(leftShoulderExists) {circle(leftShoulder.x, leftShoulder.y, 5);}
// if(leftElbowExists) {circle(leftElbow.x, leftElbow.y, 5);}
// if(leftWristExists) {circle(leftWrist.x, leftWrist.y, 5);}
// if(rightHipExists) {circle(rightHip.x, rightHip.y, 5);}
// if(rightKneeExists) {circle(rightKnee.x, rightKnee.y, 5);}
// if(rightAnkleExists) {circle(rightAnkle.x, rightAnkle.y, 5);}
// if(leftHipExists) {circle(leftHip.x, leftHip.y, 5);}
// if(leftKneeExists) {circle(leftKnee.x, leftKnee.y, 5);}
// if(leftAnkleExists) {circle(leftAnkle.x, leftAnkle.y, 5);}
// if(rightEyeExists) {circle(rightEye.x, rightEye.y, 5);}
// if(leftEyeExists) {circle(leftEye.x, leftEye.y, 5);}
// if(leftBigToeExists) {circle(leftBigToe.x, leftBigToe.y, 5);}
// if(leftSmallToeExists) {circle(leftSmallToe.x, leftSmallToe.y, 5);}
// if(leftHeelExists) {circle(leftHeel.x, leftHeel.y, 5);}
// if(rightBigToeExists) {circle(rightBigToe.x, rightBigToe.y, 5);}
// if(rightSmallToeExists) {circle(rightSmallToe.x, rightSmallToe.y, 5);}
// if(rightHeelExists) {circle(rightHeel.x, rightHeel.y, 5);}
if(topHeadExists && bottomHeadExists) { line(topHead.x, topHead.y, bottomHead.x, bottomHead.y) }
if(rightEyeExists && leftEyeExists) { line(rightEye.x, rightEye.y, leftEye.x, leftEye.y) }
if(rightShoulderExists && leftShoulderExists) { line(rightShoulder.x, rightShoulder.y, leftShoulder.x, leftShoulder.y) }
if(rightShoulderExists && rightElbowExists){ line(rightShoulder.x, rightShoulder.y, rightElbow.x, rightElbow.y); }
if(rightElbowExists && rightWristExists){ line(rightElbow.x, rightElbow.y, rightWrist.x, rightWrist.y); }
if(leftShoulderExists && leftElbowExists){ line(leftShoulder.x, leftShoulder.y, leftElbow.x, leftElbow.y); }
if(leftElbowExists && leftWristExists){ line(leftElbow.x, leftElbow.y, leftWrist.x, leftWrist.y); }
if(leftShoulderExists && leftHipExists){ line(leftShoulder.x, leftShoulder.y, leftHip.x, leftHip.y); }
if(rightShoulderExists && rightHipExists){ line(rightShoulder.x, rightShoulder.y, rightHip.x, rightHip.y); }
if(leftHipExists && rightHipExists){ line(leftHip.x, leftHip.y, rightHip.x, rightHip.y); }
if(leftHipExists && leftKneeExists){ line(leftHip.x, leftHip.y, leftKnee.x, leftKnee.y); }
if(leftKneeExists && leftAnkleExists){ line(leftKnee.x, leftKnee.y, leftAnkle.x, leftAnkle.y); }
if(rightHipExists && rightKneeExists){ line(rightHip.x, rightHip.y, rightKnee.x, rightKnee.y); }
if(rightKneeExists && rightAnkleExists){ line(rightKnee.x, rightKnee.y, rightAnkle.x, rightAnkle.y); }
if(leftBigToeExists && leftSmallToeExists){ line(leftBigToe.x, leftBigToe.y, leftSmallToe.x, leftSmallToe.y); }
if(leftBigToeExists && leftHeelExists){ line(leftBigToe.x, leftBigToe.y, leftHeel.x, leftHeel.y); }
if(leftSmallToeExists && leftHeelExists){ line(leftSmallToe.x, leftSmallToe.y, leftHeel.x, leftHeel.y); }
if(leftBigToeExists && leftAnkleExists){ line(leftBigToe.x, leftBigToe.y, leftAnkle.x, leftAnkle.y); }
if(leftSmallToeExists && leftAnkleExists){ line(leftSmallToe.x, leftSmallToe.y, leftAnkle.x, leftAnkle.y); }
if(leftAnkleExists && leftHeelExists){ line(leftAnkle.x, leftAnkle.y, leftHeel.x, leftHeel.y); }
if(rightBigToeExists && rightSmallToeExists){ line(rightBigToe.x, rightBigToe.y, rightSmallToe.x, rightSmallToe.y); }
if(rightBigToeExists && rightHeelExists){ line(rightBigToe.x, rightBigToe.y, rightHeel.x, rightHeel.y); }
if(rightSmallToeExists && rightHeelExists){ line(rightSmallToe.x, rightSmallToe.y, rightHeel.x, rightHeel.y); }
if(rightBigToeExists && rightAnkleExists){ line(rightBigToe.x, rightBigToe.y, rightAnkle.x, rightAnkle.y); }
if(rightSmallToeExists && rightAnkleExists){ line(rightSmallToe.x, rightSmallToe.y, rightAnkle.x, rightAnkle.y); }
if(rightAnkleExists && rightHeelExists){ line(rightAnkle.x, rightAnkle.y, rightHeel.x, rightHeel.y); }