// Banded Clock by Golan Levin
// Design By Numbers version, March 1999
// Processing version, February 2007
// p5.js version, September 2015
// noprotect
var prevX = 0;
var prevY = 0;
var clickX = 0;
var clickY = 0;
var NCOLORS = 256;
var colorArray = [];
var S, M, H;
var Scolors = [];
var Mcolors = [];
var Hcolors = [];
var ys0, ys1;
var ym0, ym1;
var yh0, yh1;
var Soffset = 0;
var Hoffset = 0;
var Moffset = 0;
var Svel = 0;
var Hvel = 0;
var Mvel = 0;
var damp = 0.94;
var mil, sec, minut, hou;
var milError = 0;
var canvasWidth;
var canvasHeight;
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 200);
canvasWidth = width;
canvasHeight = height;
for (var i = 0; i < NCOLORS; i++) {
colorArray[i] = color(i, i, i);
ys0 = 0;
ys1 = canvasHeight / 3;
ym0 = ys1 + 1;
ym1 = canvasHeight * 2 / 3;
yh0 = ym1 + 1;
yh1 = canvasHeight;
function draw() {
function updateClock() {
mil = (millis() - milError) % 1000;
sec = second();
minut = minute();
hou = hour();
S = (sec * 1000.0 + mil) / 1000.0;
M = (minut * 60.0 + S) / 60.0;
H = (hou * 60.0 + M) / 60.0;
Svel += 0.001*(noise(millis()/3500.0)-0.5);
Mvel += 0.001*(noise(millis()/4700.0)-0.5);
Hvel += 0.001*(noise(millis()/6100.0)-0.5);
Soffset += Svel;
Moffset += Mvel;
Hoffset += Hvel;
Svel *= damp;
Mvel *= damp;
Hvel *= damp;
var p;
var ps, pm, ph;
for (var i = 0; i < canvasWidth; i++) {
p = i / canvasWidth;
ps = p * S + Soffset;
pm = p * M + Moffset;
ph = p * H + Hoffset;
Scolors[i] = wave(GMOD(ps, 1.0));
Mcolors[i] = wave(GMOD(pm, 1.0));
Hcolors[i] = wave(GMOD(ph, 1.0));
function drawClock() {
for (var x = 0; x < canvasWidth; x++) {
line(x, ys0, x, ys1);
line(x, ym0, x, ym1);
line(x, yh0, x, yh1);
function drawClock() {
for (var x = 0; x < canvasWidth; x++) {
line(x, ys0, x, ys1);
line(x, ym0, x, ym1);
line(x, yh0, x, yh1);
// Utilities
function findMillisError() {
var sec2 = second();
if (sec2 > sec) {
milError = millis() % 1000;
function GMOD(A, B) {
return (A - (floor(A / B) * B));
function wave(a) {
// inexpensive ramp function,
// but not as nice as true sine wave (below)
var val = 0;
var cscale = 2.0 * 255.0;
if (a < 0.5) {
val = round(a * cscale);
} else {
val = round((1.0 - a) * cscale);
return val;
function sinWave(a) {
// expensive trigonometric function, but nicer looking
var sina = (1.0 + sin(TWO_PI * a)) * 255.0 / 2.0;
var val = round(sina);
return val;
// Interaction methods
function mousePressed() {
prevX = mouseX;
prevY = mouseY;
clickX = mouseX;
clickY = mouseY;
function mouseDragged() {
// Allow bands to be shifted around, for "fun"
var accel = (prevX - mouseX) * 0.004;
if ((clickY >= ys0) && (clickY < ys1)) {
Svel += accel;
} else if ((clickY >= ym0) && (clickY < ym1)) {
Mvel += accel;
} else if ((clickY >= yh0) && (clickY < yh1)) {
Hvel += accel;
prevX = mouseX;
prevY = mouseY;