// This is a rudimentary p5.js 'port' of Paul Haeberli's
// legendary and monumentally influential program "Dynadraw",
// which is described at:
// Originally created in June 1989 by Paul Haeberli (@GraficaObscura)
// Ported to Processing January 2004 by Golan Levin (@golan)
// Ported to p5.js September 2021 by Golan Levin.
// Paul wrote:
Here's a really fun and useful hack.
The program Dynadraw implements a dynamic drawing technique that applies
a simple filter to mouse positions. Here the brush is modeled as a physical
object with mass, velocity and friction. The mouse pulls on the brush with
a synthetic rubber band. By changing the amount of friction and mass, various
kinds of strokes can be made. This kind of dynamic filtering makes it easy
to create smooth, consistent calligraphic strokes.
var px, py; // current position of spring
var vx, vy; // current velocity
var ppx, ppy; // our previous position
var k = 0.06; // bounciness, stiffness of spring
var damping = 0.88; // friction
var ductus = 0.5; // this constant relates stroke width to speed
var max_th = 20.0; // maximum stroke thickness
var mass = 1; // mass of simulated pen
// slider params
var sliderh = 25;
var max_K_val = 0.2;
var min_K_val = 0.01;
var max_D_val = 0.999;
var min_D_val = 0.250;
var editing_K = false;
var editing_D = false;
function setup(){
createCanvas(600, 512);
ppy = py = height/2;
ppx = px = width/2;
vx = vy = 0;
function draw(){
ppx = px; // Update the previous positions so lines
ppy = py; // can be drawn next time through the loop.
function updateTrace(){
var dy = py - mouseY; // Compute displacement from the cursor
var dx = px - mouseX;
var fx = -k * dx; // Hooke's law, Force = - k * displacement
var fy = -k * dy;
var ay = fy / mass; // Acceleration, computed from F = ma
var ax = fx / mass;
vx = vx + ax; // Integrate once to get the next
vy = vy + ay; // velocity from the acceleration
vx = vx * damping; // Apply damping, which is a force
vy = vy * damping; // negatively proportional to velocity
px = px + vx; // Integrate a second time to get the
py = py + vy; // next position from the velocity
function drawTrace(){
if (mousePressed){
var vh = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy); // Compute the (Pythagorean) velocity,
var th = max_th - min(vh*ductus, max_th); // which we use (scaled, clamped and
th = max(1.0, th); // inverted) in computing...
strokeWeight(th*1.0); // ... the stroke weight
line (ppx, ppy, px, py);
if (th > 1.0){ // Draw a little ball at the joint
ellipse (px, py, th*1.0, th*1.0);
function mousePressed() {
var tol = 40;
var K_x = width*(k - min_K_val)/(max_K_val - min_K_val);
var D_x = width*(damping - min_D_val)/(max_D_val - min_D_val);
if ((abs(mouseX - K_x) < tol) && (mouseY > 0) && (mouseY < sliderh)){
editing_K = true;
editing_D = false;
} else if ((abs(mouseX - D_x) < tol) && (mouseY > sliderh) && (mouseY < sliderh*2)){
editing_D = true;
editing_K = false;
} else {
editing_K = false;
editing_D = false;
background (255);
function mouseReleased(){
editing_K = false;
editing_D = false;
function updateSliders(){
if (editing_K){
var new_K = mouseX/width * (max_K_val - min_K_val) + min_K_val;
new_K = max(min_K_val, min(max_K_val, new_K));
k = new_K;
} else if (editing_D){
var new_D = mouseX/width * (max_D_val - min_D_val) + min_D_val;
new_D = max(min_D_val, min(max_D_val, new_D));
damping = new_D;
function drawSliders(){
rect(0, 0, width-1, sliderh*2);
line(0,sliderh, width-1,sliderh);
var K_x = width*(k - min_K_val)/(max_K_val - min_K_val);
var D_x = width*(damping - min_D_val)/(max_D_val - min_D_val);
line (K_x, 0, K_x, sliderh);
line (D_x, sliderh, D_x, sliderh*2);
text("STIFFNESS", K_x-5, sliderh-8);
text("DAMPING", D_x-5, sliderh*2-8);
text((""+k), K_x+5, nf(sliderh,1,3)-8);
text((""+ nf(damping,1,3)), D_x+5, sliderh*2-8);
function drawCredit(){
rect(-1,height-sliderh,width+1, sliderh);
text("Dynadraw / Paul Haeberli, 1989, port by Golan Levin", 5, height-7);
// Notes about this port of Haeberli's Dynadraw.
// This was an extremely quick port that I executed from memory. I didn't actually
// look at Paul's code online; rather, I just ported the main concept. There are
// lots of ways that this port could have been improved (such as the implementation of
// Paul's original chiseled drawing nib). I wanted to keep the code simple, but
// feel free to fork and make improvements as necessary.