let numCircles = 5;
let colors = [];
let baseAngle = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
for (let i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) {
let redShade = map(i, 0, numCircles - 1, 40, 40); // Vary red component to add purple tint
let blueShade = map(i, 0, numCircles - 100, 200, 255); // Vary blue component
let whiteShade = map(i, 0, numCircles - 1, 240, 255); // Vary white component
let c = color(redShade, 0, blueShade, whiteShade); // Create color with varying shades
function draw() {
background(0); // Set background to black
let maxDiameter = width * 0.75; // Maximum size of the largest circle
for (let i = numCircles - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let angle = baseAngle + i * 0.2; // Adding delay based on circle index
let diameter = maxDiameter * 0.5 * (1 + 0.5 + sin(angle) * 0.25); // Ensuring minimum size
// Calculate transparency based on diameter
let transparency = map(diameter, 0, maxDiameter, 0, 100);
// Set fill color with adjusted transparency and color from colors array
fill(red(colors[i]), green(colors[i]), blue(colors[i]), transparency);
// Draw circle at the center of the canvas
ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, diameter);
maxDiameter *= 0.8; // Decrease the maximum diameter for the next circle
baseAngle += 0.01; // Increment baseAngle for animation effect