// Declare a variable for the x or horizontal position of the circle
let x;
// Declare a variable for the y or vertical position of the circle
let y;
// Declare a variable to describe the relationship between the width and height of the canvas.
let w2h;
// Declare a variable for how fast the circle will travel horizontally.
let xspeed;
// Declare and initialize a variable for how fast the circle will travel vertically.
let yspeed = 1;
function setup() {
createCanvas(800, 400);
// Calculate the relationship between the width and height of the canvas...width = ? * height
w2h = width/height; // 800/400 = 2
// Initialize x to be in the middle
x = width/2;
y = height/2;
// Calculate the xspeed relative to the yspeed and the aspect ratio of the canvas
xspeed = yspeed * w2h; // 1 * 2
function draw() {
// Draw the background
// Use x and y
ellipse(x, y, 50, 50);
// Update x and y
// Print out the value of x