// p5.Image object
let cat;
// p5.Element object
let catImg;
// p5.Image object
let catImage;
// Why do we need preload?
function preload() {
cat = loadImage('cat.jpg');
catImg = createImg('cat.jpg', 'cat in a box');
// Show the <img> HTML element on the page
catImage = createImage(480, 270);
function setup() {
// Load in the pixels
// Show the pixels array go from 0 to Uint after load
// 2 of them have a pixels array, but they are empty!
console.log("loadImage", cat, cat.pixels.length);
console.log("createImg", catImg);
console.log("createImage", catImage, catImage.pixels.length);
// Is 518400 expected? Explain rgba pixels array
// Use the image object to size the canvas
createCanvas(catImg.width, catImg.height);
// Loop through pixels array
for(let i = 0; i < cat.pixels.length; i++) {
// Take the pixel from cat and give it catImage
catImage.pixels[i] = cat.pixels[i];
// Do we need to do the same for cat?
// How come the image hasn't updated?
image(catImage, 0, 0);
//image(cat, 0, 0);