var noun = ["it’s 5 o’clock and the sky is dark", "they say only god knows what you’ve done", "she told me now that you always run", "an hour gone, another borrowed", "long shadows form the boundries of lost faith"]
var pickedNoun;
function setup() {
createCanvas(1000, 600);
r = random(30, 390)
s = random(100, 350)
t = random(50, 200)
u = random(50, 200)
function draw() {
background(84, 95, 138);
stroke(232, 224, 165);
fill(s, 224, t)
square(100, 220, 5, 20);
square(200, 180, 5, 20);
square(330, 290, 5, 20);
square(80, 290, 5, 20);
square(300, 220, 5, 20);
square(700, 220, 5, 20);
square(800, 180, 5, 20);
square(670, 290, 5, 20);
square(930, 290, 5, 20);
square(900, 220, 5, 20);
fill (42, r, 87, u);
rect(0, 400, 1001, 300);
x = map(minute(), 0, 49, 255, 0);
fill(210, x, 0);
arc(800, 300, 100, 100, 0, TWO_PI, CHORD);
arc(200, 300, 100, 100, 0, TWO_PI, CHORD);
textFont('Amatic SC');
text("Secrets kept by the holy people", 50, 450);
text("Married the church and adored the steeple", 50, 470);
text("force your gaze toward the horizon", 500, 470);
text("for the hymn we've never sung", 500, 490);
text("for the burning wind and the setting sun", 500, 510);
text("where everything resides that cannot be forgiven", 500, 530);
fill(230, 197, 195)
text("where the sea and the sun meet, everything lost dissolves", 250, 390);
if (frameCount % 70 == true){
pickedNoun = random(noun)
function mousePressed() {
r = random(30, 90)
s = random(200, 350)
t = random(150, 200)
u = random(1, 100)
function mouseDragged() {