let rectangles = []; //storing all rectangles created
let whiteBack = false;
let upDown = false;
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
rectangles.push(new rectangle());
//pushing each new rect object to array
function draw() {
if (whiteBack){
background(255, 10); //for when rects are BW, make background white
else { background(0, 10); }
//the 10 changes the alpha transparency of the background
//in each frame giving it trail effect
for (let rectangle of rectangles){
//iterating through each obj of the list
//drawing each rectangle
class rectangle {
constructor() {
//properties of each rectangle
this.x = 0; //moving horizontally from the left
this.y = random(height);
this.size = random(25, 50);
this.speedX = random(0, 2);
this.color = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
move() {
if (upDown) { //switching to falling from the top
this.y += this.speedY;
if (this.y < 0 || this.y > height) {
this.speedY *= -this.speedY; //'collision' w the wall
//upDown = false;
} else {
//using the code from lecture to get the rectangles to
//move back the oppsoite way if we touch either wall
this.x += this.speedX;
if (this.x < 0 || this.x > width) {
this.speedX *= -this.speedX;
display() {
/*if (upDown){
this.x = random(width);
this.y = 0;
this.speedY = random(0, 2);
} */
let rectHeight = (this.size) * 2;
// making them somewhat uniform (dont want squares)
rect(this.x, this.y, this.size, rectHeight);
if (mouseIsPressed){ //freeze screen when hold mouse
this.speedX = 0;
function mouseReleased() {
// get all rect moving again
for (let rect of rectangles) {
rect.speedX = random(0, 2);
function doubleClicked(){
//why does it change direction for bw but not back to color?
whiteBack = true;
for (let rect of rectangles) {
rect.color = random(255);
rect.speedX *= -rect.speedX;
} //color -> BW change direction (after first time?)
//bw -> no change
function keyPressed() {
whiteBack = true;
if (key === ' ') {
for (let rect of rectangles) {
rect.color = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
// rect.speedX *= -rect.speedX;
//moving the keys will reset the direction to one edge of the frame
if (keyCode === UP_ARROW){
upDown = true; //changing the y speed to bounce back
for (let rect of rectangles) {
rect.x = random(width);
rect.y = 0; //resetting all the rectangles so that they fall
//from the top
rect.speedY = random(0, 2);
if (keyCode === DOWN_ARROW){
upDown = true; //same as prev except it starts at max height
//of screen
for (let rect of rectangles) {
rect.x = random(width);
rect.y = height;
rect.speedY = -(random(0, 2)); //negative so that it goes up
if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW){
for (let rect of rectangles) {
rect.x = 0; //moving horizontally from the left
rect.y = random(height);
rect.speedX = random(0, 2);
upDown = false; //to make sure we use x speed parameters
//not y
if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW){
//starts max width of screen
for (let rect of rectangles) {
rect.x = width;
rect.y = random(height);
rect.speedX = -(random(0, 2)); //moving horizontally to the left
upDown = false;