* Single file implementation of variable-Q sliding DFT (VQ-sDFT)
* The frequency bands data is formatted like:
* {lo: lowerBound,
* ctr: center,
* hi: higherBound}
* where lo and hi are used for calculating the necessary bandwidth for variable-Q/constant-Q transform spectrum analysis and ctr for center frequency. This is generated using functions like generateFreqBands()
* Note: This algorithm is derived from the paper "Application of Improved Sliding DFT Algorithm for Non-Integer k" by Carl Q. Howard (
class VQsDFT {
constructor(freqBands, window, timeRes, bandwidth, bufferSize, sampleRate) {
this.calcCoeffs(freqBands, window, timeRes, bandwidth, bufferSize, sampleRate);
this.spectrumData = [];
calcCoeffs(freqBands, window = [1, 0.5], timeRes = 600, bandwidth = 1, bufferSize = 44100, sampleRate = 44100) {
this._coeffs = => {
const fiddles = [],
twiddles = [],
resonCoeffs = [],
coeffs1 = [],
coeffs2 = [],
coeffs3 = [],
coeffs4 = [],
coeffs5 = [],
gains = [],
period = Math.trunc(Math.min(bufferSize, sampleRate / (bandwidth * Math.abs(x.hi - x.lo) + 1/(timeRes / 1000)))); // N must be an integer, but K doesn't have to be
// this below is needed since we have to apply a frequency-domain window function
for (let i = -window.length + 1; i < window.length; i++) {
const amplitude = window[Math.abs(i)] * (-(Math.abs(i) % 2) * 2 + 1),
k = x.ctr * period / sampleRate + i,
fid = -2 * Math.PI * k,
twid = 2 * Math.PI * k / period,
reson = 2 * Math.cos(2*Math.PI*k/period);
x: Math.cos(fid),
y: Math.sin(fid)
x: Math.cos(twid),
y: Math.sin(twid)
coeffs1.push({x: 0, y: 0});
coeffs2.push({x: 0, y: 0});
coeffs3.push({x: 0, y: 0});
coeffs4.push({x: 0, y: 0});
coeffs5.push({x: 0, y: 0});
return {
period: period,
twiddles: twiddles,
fiddles: fiddles,
resonCoeffs: resonCoeffs,
coeffs1: coeffs1,
coeffs2: coeffs2,
coeffs3: coeffs3,
coeffs4: coeffs4,
coeffs5: coeffs5,
gains: gains
this._buffer = new Array(bufferSize+1).fill(0);
this._bufferIdx = this._buffer.length-1; // this is required for circular buffer
analyze(samples) {
this.spectrumData = new Array(this._coeffs.length).fill(0);
for (const sample of samples) {
// Admittedly slow linear buffer
// Circular buffer
this._bufferIdx = ((this._bufferIdx + 1) % this._buffer.length + this._buffer.length) % this._buffer.length;
this._buffer[this._bufferIdx] = sample;
for (let i = 0; i < this._coeffs.length; i++) {
const coeff = this._coeffs[i],
kernelLength = coeff.coeffs1.length,
/*oldest = this._buffer.length-coeff.period-1,
latest = this._buffer.length-1,*/
oldest = ((this._bufferIdx - coeff.period) % this._buffer.length + this._buffer.length) % this._buffer.length,
latest = this._bufferIdx,
sum = {
x: 0,
y: 0
for (let j = 0; j < kernelLength; j++) {
const fiddle = coeff.fiddles[j],
twiddle = coeff.twiddles[j],
// Comb stage
comb = {
x: this._buffer[latest] * fiddle.x - this._buffer[oldest],
y: this._buffer[latest] * fiddle.y
// Second stage
coeff.coeffs1[j] = {
x: comb.x * twiddle.x - comb.y * twiddle.y - coeff.coeffs2[j].x,
y: comb.x * twiddle.y + comb.y * twiddle.x - coeff.coeffs2[j].y
coeff.coeffs2[j] = {
x: comb.x,
y: comb.y
// Real resonator
coeff.coeffs3[j] = {
x: coeff.coeffs1[j].x + coeff.resonCoeffs[j] * coeff.coeffs4[j].x - coeff.coeffs5[j].x,
y: coeff.coeffs1[j].y + coeff.resonCoeffs[j] * coeff.coeffs4[j].y - coeff.coeffs5[j].y
coeff.coeffs5[j] = {
x: coeff.coeffs4[j].x,
y: coeff.coeffs4[j].y
coeff.coeffs4[j] = {
x: coeff.coeffs3[j].x,
y: coeff.coeffs3[j].y,
sum.x += coeff.coeffs3[j].x * coeff.gains[j] / coeff.period;
sum.y += coeff.coeffs3[j].y * coeff.gains[j] / coeff.period;
this.spectrumData[i] = Math.max(this.spectrumData[i], sum.x ** 2 + sum.y ** 2);
this.spectrumData = => Math.sqrt(x));