var click1;
var click2;
var click3;
var click4;
let pressedA = false;
let pressedB = false;
function setupButtons() {
//Create, style and resize clickables.
//Label A
click1 = new Clickable();
click1.cornerRadius = 10;
click1.locate(660, 60);
click1.resize(80, 80);
//This function is ran when the clickable is NOT hovered.
click1.onOutside = function() {
this.color = "#fff444";
this.text = "A";
this.textColor = "#000000";
click1.onHover = function() {
// console.log("The cursor is over me!");
this.color = "#f33666";
//This function is ran when the clickable is pressed.
click1.onPress = function() {
//record start
this.color = "#f33666";
//This funcion is ran when the cursor was pressed and then
//rleased inside the clickable. If it was pressed inside and
//then released outside this won't work.
click1.onRelease = function() {
//stop recording
//Label B
click2 = new Clickable();
click2.cornerRadius = 10;
click2.locate(660, 160);
click2.resize(80, 80);
click2.onOutside = function() {
this.color = "#fff444";
this.text = "B";
click2.onHover = function() {
// console.log("The cursor is over me!");
this.color = "#f33666";
click2.onPress = function() {
//do something on click
this.color = "#f33666";
click2.onRelease = function() {
//stop recording
click3 = new Clickable();
click3.cornerRadius = 10;
click3.locate(660, 260);
click3.resize(80, 80);
click3.onOutside = function() {
this.color = "#33f444";
this.text = "TRAIN";
click3.onPress = function() {
//do something on click
this.color = "#f33666";
classifier.train(function(lossValue) {
if (lossValue) {
loss = lossValue;
select('#loss').html('Loss: ' + loss);
} else {
select('#loss').html('Done Training! Final Loss: ' + loss);
click3.onRelease = function() {
//stop recording
//Predict BUTTON
click4 = new Clickable();
click4.cornerRadius = 10;
click4.locate(660, 360);
click4.resize(80, 80);
click4.onOutside = function() {
this.color = "#33f444";
this.text = "PREDICT";
click4.onPress = function() {
//do something on click
this.color = "#f33666";
click4.onRelease = function() {
//stop recording
//future task make this a class.
function checkA() {
pressedA = true;
function uncheckA() {
pressedA = false;
function checkB() {
pressedB = true;
function uncheckB() {
pressedB = false;
function showOutputs(){
text('Amount of A samples: ' + imagesOfA, 80, 20);
rect(200, 10, imagesOfA, 25,5);
text('Amount of B samples: ' + imagesOfB, 80, 60);
rect(200, 45, imagesOfB, 25,5);